` :?
Is it that time again? Well unless I get my E Scoot back rolling, I'll be on a real bike this year.
I'd like to be back running and pass out some V is for Voltage Community cards. Umm , sounds like a favor is about to be asked.
Peace Out,
Now that we have clarified our beliefs, your invited to join us as we begin building on them to define our Community Mission Statement
I have to get my bike up and running too!!! Maybe we should help each other with our projects, I have a large barn to work in and all the tools we would need.
I would like to get an Electric Vehicle, But when we Travel we go 300 + miles, and we most times enjoy camping with our Travel Camper that we plug into local power source. As well my vehicle doubles and a work vehicle. I would like to see more advances in Electric Vehicles for Trucks, I need the pulling power.
Decker ô¿ô http://www.ytb.com/decker7
Thank you, they do have Electric Vehicles, that are trucks, not bad payload too. Looks like the ZAPTruck XL has the highest payload @ 770 lbs. Still top speed is 25 MPH, Range is only 30 miles. Now if they can use that Technology to increase mpg in standard payload trucks, maybe we can get something out there that will pull 5000 lbs or more and top speed around 65 mph, with Range in the few 100 miles I could see one in my driveway. All the 1/2 ton trucks now have much higher payloads, use some of that payload to make room for the batteries and chargers. Then we could have a crossover Truck that would have the range and towing most travelers need or want. O yea I would make it a four seat truck so everyone in family could ride.
Decker ô¿ô http://www.ytb.com/decker7 http://www.allcomputerneeds.com
The St. Louis Earth Day?s Autumn Green Festival is a collaboration among St. Louis Earth Day, the City of Maplewood and Schlafly Bottleworks. The Autumn Green Festival will celebrate the Fall harvest, as well as highlight Green Living. In addition, St. Louis Earth Day will showcase its Recycling On the Go program, which is the region?s first event-based recycling program.
1. Vendor registration is open to non-profit organizations and for-profit companies
that have a product or service to sell or promote.
2. Vendors requiring electricity will be placed nearest to electrical sources.
3. Festival held rain or shine. VENDOR FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
4. Vendor slot consists of an UNCOVERED 10 x 10 space:
a. Tents are not included in vendor fee
b. You must provide your own table and chair.
c. Vendor must provide own table covering:
d. All booth tables MUST be covered.
5. All vendor activities must be confined to allotted space:
a. Contiguous slots are available.
6. Each vendor is responsible for his/her booth and all items in it.
7. Booths must be ready to open by 11 AM and remain open until 5 PM.
a. Vendors must be loaded out by 7 PM.
8. Food items and beverages CAN NOT be sold or given away.
9. Vendor recycling is expected and containers will be provided.
Well we have about 3 weeks to secure the V Non-Profit documentation , other wise it's $100 plus.
If we decline the invitation, we need to let Kim know by Wednesday, October 9, 2007 at the latest.
Moonlight Ramble
Chas S.
My Bicycle Pages
` :?
Is it that time again? Well unless I get my E Scoot back rolling, I'll be on a real bike this year.
I'd like to be back running and pass out some V is for Voltage Community cards. Umm , sounds like a favor is about to be asked.
Peace Out,
Now that we have clarified our beliefs, your invited to join us as we begin building on them to define our Community Mission Statement
Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">
I have to get my bike up and running too!!! Maybe we should help each other with our projects, I have a large barn to work in and all the tools we would need.
Chas S.
My Bicycle Pages
I have been riding my bike everynight with my son, it's only a mountain bike, Green Trek 800, w/ top speed down hill around 25 mph.
Decker ô¿ô
Decker ô¿ô
I would like to get an Electric Vehicle, But when we Travel we go 300 + miles, and we most times enjoy camping with our Travel Camper that we plug into local power source. As well my vehicle doubles and a work vehicle. I would like to see more advances in Electric Vehicles for Trucks, I need the pulling power.
Decker ô¿ô
Decker ô¿ô

Welcome to our V is for Voltage Community, we're glad your here.
Have you seen the Tricked out XEBRA PK?
Moderator Team Captain
Moderators are dedicated volunteer V Team members who help keep your V Forums running smoothly and provide Forum Support.
Moderator Team Captain
Moderators are members of our very dedicated community volunteer <a href="http://visforvoltage.net/page/106-our-community-volunteers">V Team</a> who help keep our <a href="http://visforvoltage.net/page/251-poli
Thank you, they do have Electric Vehicles, that are trucks, not bad payload too. Looks like the ZAPTruck XL has the highest payload @ 770 lbs. Still top speed is 25 MPH, Range is only 30 miles. Now if they can use that Technology to increase mpg in standard payload trucks, maybe we can get something out there that will pull 5000 lbs or more and top speed around 65 mph, with Range in the few 100 miles I could see one in my driveway. All the 1/2 ton trucks now have much higher payloads, use some of that payload to make room for the batteries and chargers. Then we could have a crossover Truck that would have the range and towing most travelers need or want. O yea I would make it a four seat truck so everyone in family could ride.
Decker ô¿ô
Decker ô¿ô
whazzup STL,
Well I finally made it here, thanx for the link G. Where do I start?
Welcome stlescooter to the STL neighborhood of the V is for Voltage Community. What type of PEV are you thinking bout getting?
Welcome to tha STL V, glad to see our little group is growing. I think the next event is some time in the middle of October, hope to see you there.
"Justifiably Proud"
"Justifiably Proud"
Saturday, October 13, 2007 11 AM to 5 PM
The St. Louis Earth Day?s Autumn Green Festival is a collaboration among St. Louis Earth Day, the City of Maplewood and Schlafly Bottleworks. The Autumn Green Festival will celebrate the Fall harvest, as well as highlight Green Living. In addition, St. Louis Earth Day will showcase its Recycling On the Go program, which is the region?s first event-based recycling program.
1. Vendor registration is open to non-profit organizations and for-profit companies
that have a product or service to sell or promote.
2. Vendors requiring electricity will be placed nearest to electrical sources.
3. Festival held rain or shine. VENDOR FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
4. Vendor slot consists of an UNCOVERED 10 x 10 space:
a. Tents are not included in vendor fee
b. You must provide your own table and chair.
c. Vendor must provide own table covering:
d. All booth tables MUST be covered.
5. All vendor activities must be confined to allotted space:
a. Contiguous slots are available.
6. Each vendor is responsible for his/her booth and all items in it.
7. Booths must be ready to open by 11 AM and remain open until 5 PM.
a. Vendors must be loaded out by 7 PM.
8. Food items and beverages CAN NOT be sold or given away.
9. Vendor recycling is expected and containers will be provided.
10. Smoking is not permitted in vendor booths.
Non-Profit Organizations/Agencies = $50
For-Profit/Commercial = $100
Electricity = $25
Best Regards,

George J. Jones, Jr.
Domain Registrant & Co-Owner
georgejjonesjr [at] visforvoltage.org
Best Regards,
George J. Jones, Jr.
Domain Registrant
Well we have about 3 weeks to secure the V Non-Profit documentation , other wise it's $100 plus.
If we decline the invitation, we need to let Kim know by Wednesday, October 9, 2007 at the latest.
Community Development Specialist