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Last seen: 11 months 2 days ago
Joined: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 15:49
Points: 500

Like a lot of Vectrix owners, I am reluctant to sink a lot of monies into a 6 year old scooter just to ride it a very short distance. Lithium packs are expensive and Gold Peak NiMH cells are hard to come by. So out of three VX-1 scooters I hope to make one good pack of batteries for my best scooter. I believe 6 modules of 8 cells and 6 modules of 9 cells so that is 48 cells plus 54 cells equal 102 cells of 1.2 volt each equal 123 to 125 volt pack voltage. My question is that- how little can I get away with just to make motorcycle just Run? I would like to keep one stock with all stock charger controller and batteries. One with just Positive and Negative of 125 volts worth of any kind of battery pack whether it be Pb or Lithium or even model airplane NiMH cells. No charger and I will figure out charging via an Anderson connector of new proper charger for appropriate pack. The third scooter will be parts of which it already really is. Out of the third scooter I have a two pack of 9 cells which have maybe a good 20 to 25 AH 10 hour rating in old pack. Now that is impressive for a NiMH pack of 6 years old. It has about 11.25 volts and I use it rarely with of course no load on it till I use it and never dies like other two VX-1 scooters. They always have a computer bring it down in a 3 week period.Will the bike start up with 120 to 130 volt pack and sort of go or does it have to be programmed to do its thing? How would a separate charge going into "new" pack affect batteries? Reason I ask is the Vectrix charger is tied to computer therefore put in 30 AH plus 20 minutes at 3 1/4 , 4 amperes to equalize. I do have lots of Pb batteries of the EVX12200 CSB brand to waste on it if I need a Pb sled again. Also lots of 120 and 132 and 144 volt Pb chargers for Gel Cell packs.
So before I strip bike down to frame I would like to know what I can leave out making the light weight VX-1 I can make then add batteries whether it be one mile range like RC battery pack or real Lithium or Pb packs. I figure remove charger and stock batteries is all I can do for computer is needed to run bike?

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