I did! Was pretty cool. Too bad Vectrix didn't bring their superbike.
Was seriously angry when I found out you have to be 18 to ride even the little scooters! They wouldn't even let me try out the bike with the NuVinci CVT (which was really cool, BTW, I got to try a little dynamo thing with it). C'mon! 16 is perfectly reasonable to try out a bike!
Was otherwise pretty neat, though. They had cars, scooters, a weird chariot-lookin' thing, a Segway...
I even saw a go-kart and electric ATV there! And - they actually brought the Killacycle!
I saw two home-built bikes sitting around. I can't really remember what one looked like, but the other one had an Etek and what looked like Thundersky batteries on a rusty frame. That anyone here's?
Sorry I don't have a digital camera. I do know Deaf got plenty of pics though. Post 'em here, Craig :)!
Test rode the Vectrix at the show. Cool ride with good torque and speed and it has reverse and regenerative braking. Would make a good around town errand bike or commuter, although I would not take it on the freeways with a top speed of 62 mph. Range could be improved a bit, when they offer a lithium battery pack. Still a bit pricey compared to gas scooters in my opinion. Here are a few pictures from the show...
This is Deafscooter ( Craig )
I Went there and meet my few Friend who know me also KillaCycle person said big hello to Deafscooter
and many peoples said Big Hello to Craig!!! ... I took Many Picture on EVS 23 , also they let me TestDrive
Most EV Vehicle, Vectrix, Ellsworth Bike , Scooter, eBox , GEM e4, Bikeboard, Modec ,ZENN, ATV, Cycle 2
Deafscooter went to EVS 23 in early morning until Closed time ...Very Good Day
This Prove many Picture taken & i have some Secure more than 300 Plus Picture
Craig Uyeda
Ha, ha! You got a pic of me in the background of one of those!
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EVtransPortal had six people at EVS23, but since I'm webmaster for the EVtransPortal.com website I had to stay in Chicago and man the traffic on the website. I'm interested in knowing more about what people liked at EVS23. You can send me your impressions here or email me at info [at] evtransportal.com While you're at it visit the website, we have over 850 electric vehicle related website links on http://EVtransPortal.com
Wow Craig. I'm just a little jealous.
So, which vehicle did you like the best? And what is that silver mini van kinda thing with the sliding door?
What's that trippy looking three-wheeled blue thing? Looks pretty cool. I didn't see it there...
If you mean that big boxy truck, I think it was a delivery van, or something along those lines.
The author of this post isn't responsible for any injury, disability or dismemberment, death, financial loss, illness, addiction, hereditary disease, or any other undesirable consequence or general misfortune resulting from use of the "information" contai
The trippy 3 wheeled blue thing is one of these ..... http://www.go-t-rex.com/
=> So, which vehicle did you like the best?
Craig like best is=> Blue Trex, eBox, Vectrix
Craig Uyeda
o_O That T-rex is coool...I want one...
The author of this post isn't responsible for any injury, disability or dismemberment, death, financial loss, illness, addiction, hereditary disease, or any other undesirable consequence or general misfortune resulting from use of the "information" contai
Deafscooter Found someone remove my Picutre of EVS 23 All Gone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know ArcticFox did hacker this one
Let ArcticFox keep threated to craig
if someone bother i will quit my business project
I got more than 2000 email to my personal messager
and i got more than 300 on Ugly AIM / yahoo chats
my bank are damaged my account in credit was fraud
my money gone all now im have no money now .....
im got no happy now right now
Craig Uyeda
Calm down Craig, it looks like it's just a bug in the system. Some of your original pictures are back:
Aww... you and Mike make a cute couple! ;-)
LMFAO!!!!! *wipes tears* Damn that's funny!
<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...
your a piece of work articfox....
I think your idea of payback is a bit of over kill, did you learn your hacking skill in ITTech, or did you take home schooling?
I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand