I'm seeing misbehavior with the Forum Resources sidebar menu and I'd like to know if any others are seeing this problem.
The Forum Resources sidebar is meant to be a helpful map into useful stuff on the site. In this menu I enabled the 'DHTML menu' support so it would behave more nicely. This menu has a nested list of sub-menu items, with a circle next to items that don't have children, and a triangle next to ones which do. For items with sub-menu items, you click on the menu and the sub-menu items immediately open up w/o having to reload the page.
However what's happening is that the menus are sticking in an open'd state (for me).
It's supposed to remember whether you've expanded or closed the menu item, and with it sticking in an open state it's not what I'd hoped it would be.
FWIW I'm using firefox 3beta4 on Mac OSX. The same happens on my other system, firefox 2 on Linux.
I am seeing the same thing. I like this form of menu but I want it to stay closed. It might stay closed for a while the all of a sudden it has opened up without my help.
Chas S.
I was hoping people would reply saying: this is/is-not happening, and I use XX browser ..
Anyway, there is an alternate nice menu module that could be used in place of this DHTML menu module. You can see this alternate in action on www.7gen.com .. I haven't seen any misbehavior with this other module. Would y'all prefer that other module instead?
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
I like that menu, I have no problem using that module at least I would not have to close the darn thing all the time.
Chas S.
Okay .. switched .. let me know what you think.
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
I like it now what about the other menus, are they going to be switched as well?
Chas S.![menu.gif](/files/u80/menu.gif)