Where to buy Altairnano Lithium-titanate battery cells?

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Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: Thursday, July 10, 2008 - 19:14
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Where to buy Altairnano Lithium-titanate battery cells?


If Altairnano is now in production, contracted with the Navy for battery backups for our submarines, along with a full 2MW system in testing with the power grid....

Where can I get 10-11v/11ah flat cells they manufacture?

And, how much do they cost?

Then, I can have my 55v/22ah battery needed for my soon to be Crystalyte 5303.

Seriously. With all the buzz, one would think you could get ahold of some of their smaller cells, without having to break into their plant and hock them. Just short of breaking into some Silicon Valley company, and stripping a Phoenix fleet truck, there's literally no way to get them. What's the deal?

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