I didnt know I had an online file area,or where it is, or whats in it. I most likely can not find it
cuz its rght in front of me. Oh , and I have a realy good camera that takes ultra high resilution pics
and that might be the cause a deleated file. I realy dont know,but if you could cure my ignorance
I would sure be in your debpt.
It would appear you have found the on line file area. When you are posting to the thread the image link below then comment window takes you to your on line file area. I see you have added the missing file back.
It appears you removed a file from your on line file area. EV_Projects_001.jpg does not display.
Grandpa Chas S.
I didnt know I had an online file area,or where it is, or whats in it. I most likely can not find it
cuz its rght in front of me. Oh , and I have a realy good camera that takes ultra high resilution pics
and that might be the cause a deleated file. I realy dont know,but if you could cure my ignorance
I would sure be in your debpt.
It would appear you have found the on line file area. When you are posting to the thread the image link below then comment window takes you to your on line file area. I see you have added the missing file back.
Grandpa Chas S.