
kevin smith's picture

this is not gimmick ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how to make your vectrix go futher range. without changing a thing to the scooter
and better still . and overall make yourself healthier ( better energy ) just like the vectrix and genuarrliy feel better and i can save you money as well .

well are you a little over weight like me just like me ??
i was watching paul macenna he is like a hipnotist only better well its simpel i wont bor you but
i have just got up and tryed what he said well made my breakfast but only thinking his way not my way pile in on just incase!!!!!!!
well no put the porrage in the boal well thats what i always eat but it will work with other cerial aswell .!!
yeh just under half fill my boal with oats and water in microwave for 2 1/2 mins then out stir then throw in sumrasens there like shugar only nices then odd greap then blue berry thrree or four
then a few prunes and nut of really what ever you can find give it a stir and not frogetting a cup of tea as it just wouldent be chricket would it
sit down spoon in hand this is the main part now close your eyes put small spoonfull in your mouth and chew for at least 20 times then swollow at at ar make shore your eyes are closed all the way do the same again hey guess what ???????????????????????????????????
i felt full , thats half way throw it that it chew chew chew and try my eyes closed for a while till i feel my brain tell me i am actully full upp no mer food do you no what
first time this morning fooel good i am gonna treat my self to a frech coffee just one good one a day
so know what your asking what is this guy doing posting this to this site well infact it will help you loose waight if my morning is any thing to go by make you helther and your gilfrend / wife will notice dont worry about the letovers you
can have tomor or just dont put on as much and will help if scooter run out of juce and most of all got bid me for saying this as i love my scooter DON'T BE SO RELINET ON scooter transport
do one walk in the week yep you've guessed it saved electricity thank you kev
ps. tell me if you think it works

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