Polishing this Site

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wheelie's picture
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Polishing this Site

..must first say that these forums provide invaluable information to all who use them - it is great to be able to communicate with like minded people all around the world...

...I do use other forums on other websites, and I would realy like to see this site blossom into the kind of site it has the potential to become.

The layout, graphics, and user interface needs a polish - it is at the moment, a bit clunky, and can be difficult to navigate... Forum threads need to be easier to read by making them a bit more presentable... A little bit of creativity could go a long way.

You have the foundation of a good site.... it could be a great site.

Poppa Wheelie.

reikiman's picture
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Re: Polishing this Site

I'm sure many agree ... A couple points ...

One is that the site has been run on an all-volunteer basis in peoples' spare time. As the site owner there are some things that only I can do, such as make software upgrades. For most of the life of this forum I've had a day job and could only squeeze in spare moments here and there to keep the software updated and do improvements. Doing an excellent job of polishing etc may require a larger commitment than someone could do in their spare time after work hours. Fortunately (or not) I was laid off of my job recently and one version of my future is to take make my websites a full time living to have more ability to make a bigger impact on various issues. At the moment however income from my websites is maybe 1/10th of a living income.

Another is that the site software needs to be updated to Drupal 6, this will fix some of the issues. In particular it will give access to an 'advanced forum' module which is supposed to make the forum features more forum-like. Not sure what that means but it may be what you're asking for.

You're begging a question here -- so I'll ask it -- what would make this a 'great' site? (besides 'polish'?)

About polish: Do you have specific ideas of polishing improvements to make?

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Re: Polishing this Site

;) :?
well i think this forum is just fine . as an old fart I beleive in the KISS principle !! If you make it more complicated I'll have to go back to school just to partisipate !!! the only thing I would do is make the print bigger? Keep up the good work David !! LaTeR

thank GOD I wake up above ground !!!!

jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: Polishing this Site

David - sorry to hear about the job! Hopefully you got some sort of wonderful buyout and thus you can afford to focus your time on the EV intersts :-)

I used to agree that more polish would be nice. However, I've come to like the site - after all "content is king".

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: Polishing this Site

the only thing I would do is make the print bigger?

What browser do you use? On Firefox (and on Microsoft IE7 (the copycats!)) just press CTRL and + and voila! The text gets bigger - repeated presses makes it continue to grow. Depending on how well the site is implemented will affect whether or not the flow of the pages get's disrupted. To make it smaller press CTRL and -

The first lesson is free ;-)

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
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Re: Polishing this Site

What is a Browser ??

thank GOD I wake up above ground !!!!

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site

Sometimes I cant remember which threads I was posting on. Is there a feature that allows me to show my last posts so I can find them easily?

e-doggies's picture
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Re: Polishing this Site

Click on your username in any of your posts and it will bring-up your profile. Click on "Track" to see a list of all your posts. You can also start by scrolling down and clicking on "My Account" on the right side of the screen. Again, you would click on "Track".

Mik's picture
Last seen: 8 years 12 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site

Click on your username in any of your posts and it will bring-up your profile. Click on "Track" to see a list of all your posts. You can also start by scrolling down and clicking on "My Account" on the right side of the screen. Again, you would click on "Track".

But that only shows all the threads one ever posted in in order of the latest post posted by anyone.

A thread which one has posted in a year ago wold come up on top if someone else just posted something in it recently. That can make it tricky when you are looking for a thread you posted in a few weeks ago!


A feature which I would like would be something that alerts you when a not so interesting thread (for yourself, anyway) has gone off topic and has become interesting. It happens a lot.

Sometimes it would be nice to have a very brief summary of the thread, but who would have the time to do it?

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reikiman's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Re: Polishing this Site

A feature which I would like would be something that alerts you when a not so interesting thread (for yourself, anyway) has gone off topic and has become interesting. It happens a lot.

Oh so you want the site to read everybody's mind and detect what's "interesting" or not? Uh...?

paul scooter
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Re: Polishing this Site

I been reading this site for years now and remember you from the old Zappy yahoo group and other goups. I'm so sorry to hear you been laid off. I think you do a great job on this site and hope it will work into a successful full time job.
P.S. You been using the same picture for years now, how about a new one. lol.


Mik's picture
Last seen: 8 years 12 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site
A feature which I would like would be something that alerts you when a not so interesting thread (for yourself, anyway) has gone off topic and has become interesting. It happens a lot.

Oh so you want the site to read everybody's mind and detect what's "interesting" or not? Uh...?

That would not work, because most of us are wearing aluminium foil hats!

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Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

If one could edit their posts forever, or for a much longer time,
it would allow me to clean up my posts, add pictures, make corrections,
and improve wording.

Thus, the quality of my topics would improve.

Off-topic posts clutter things up, but are harder to deal with.

Keep up the good work, Gary

Cheers, Gary
XM-5000Li, wired for cell voltage measuring and logging.

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

Strange, I can edit today's post and one from the 21st, but not one from the 22nd.
What is going on with this ability to edit my posts?
Thanks, Gary

Cheers, Gary
XM-5000Li, wired for cell voltage measuring and logging.

reikiman's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

Policy is to not allow edits to the top post in a thread. For comments edits are allowed so long as there hasn't been a reply to the comment. As soon as there's a reply to the comment it cannot be edited. Some of that is administrative choice on our part, some of that is the behavior of Drupal.

Mik's picture
Last seen: 8 years 12 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

If one could edit their posts forever, or for a much longer time,
it would allow me to clean up my posts, add pictures, make corrections,
and improve wording.

Thus, the quality of my topics would improve.

Off-topic posts clutter things up, but are harder to deal with.

Keep up the good work, Gary

You can edit V-Blog entries you make, even after others have commented.

But I think it is harder for people to find the entries in a V-blog.. That's difficult for me to be sure about, though. Unfortunately the "counter" does not work any more on V. A year ago you could see how many "reads" there had been of a thread; on some other forums this feature is available, and quite interesting.

Maybe it can be turned on again now that the software and hardware has been upgraded?

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There is always a way if there is no other way!

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

The edit policy means that the first (or any) post cannot be kept up to date with the "latest" info (or a Table of Contents) or links to it.
This forces one to read through hundreds (even thousands) of posts to find the desired info.
That overhead limits the effectiveness of the forum.

Also, accidentally-placed side-by-side pictures that force the "page" width to be too wide to read the other posts' text on one line ... cannot be fixed, unless you can fix that. Like Henry42's post in the My XM-5000Li Experience topic. Thanks.

Cheers, Gary
XM-5000Li, wired for cell voltage measuring and logging.

chas_stevenson's picture
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

Maybe some of you do not know about the Recent link at the top right corner of your screen. To findout how this works click on this graphic;

Also, accidentally-placed side-by-side pictures that force the "page" width to be too wide to read the other posts' text on one line ... cannot be fixed, unless you can fix that. Like Henry42's post in the My XM-5000Li Experience topic. Thanks.

I think you must be using I.E., Mozilla is a much better browser and will compensate for the side-by-side images automatically, I.E. does not.

Hope this helps.
Grandpa Chas S.

pchilds's picture
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

I uploaded one picture and another shows up.


2011 Nissan Leaf SL

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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

I am not very convinced about the new font being used for posts. The headline font is good but the post text is difficult to read. Seems to be roman italic. A shame we moved away from the previous font.


Webmaster's picture
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

I am not very convinced about the new font being used for posts. The headline font is good but the post text is difficult to read. Seems to be roman italic. A shame we moved away from the previous font.


The theme currently used on V now has exactly the same font style declaration as before.

I find it hard to tell the difference but it does seem a bit easier to read than a couple days ago.

- David Herron, http://longtailpipe.com/

Webmaster's picture
Last seen: 18 hours 54 min ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

I uploaded one picture and another shows up.


I've since worked on image uploading... there is a button in the toolbar above edit areas, it looks like a sunset/sunrise picture, click on that and you have several options for attaching images. You can specify a direct URL, you can specify a size, and you can upload images. The image upload uses the IMCE system we'd had in the previous incarnation of V.. and you can also use the "insert image" link which also launches the IMCE system.

Both of those work correctly (now) so far as I can tell.

- David Herron, http://longtailpipe.com/

wheelie's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

...This site is getting harder to navigate...whats going on???

..also noticed posts being deleted, moved, shunted, and silenced - is this website a front for NAZI activities, or is it that the moderators/site managers also work for the American Govt. or media...

some say silence is golden.... but at what cost??

goodbye democracy.

(I will know the answer to these, and many more questions should this post be deleted)

reikiman's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

...This site is getting harder to navigate...whats going on???

The navigation is pretty much the same as it was before I upgraded it to drupal 6. Maybe you can explain what's on your mind.

..also noticed posts being deleted, moved, shunted, and silenced - is this website a front for NAZI activities, or is it that the moderators/site managers also work for the American Govt. or media...

some say silence is golden.... but at what cost??

goodbye democracy.

(I will know the answer to these, and many more questions should this post be deleted)

Do you understand what Nazism really is? Any operator of an internet forum routinely does what you are talking about. When a post is made in an incorrect forum should we leave it in the wrong place or should it be moved? If a post is made that violates policies should we leave it published? Those kind of things are routinely done by forum owners all over the Internet. Nothing new here.

wheelie's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

....derogatory term for a person who is fanatically dedicated to, or seeks to control, some activity, practice, etc.

Mik's picture
Last seen: 8 years 12 months ago
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Re: Polishing this Site - Edit Posts

You can edit V-Blog entries you make, even after others have commented.
But I think it is harder for people to find the entries in a V-blog.. That's difficult for me to be sure about, though. Unfortunately the "counter" does not work any more on V. A year ago you could see how many "reads" there had been of a thread; on some other forums this feature is available, and quite interesting.
Maybe it can be turned on again now that the software and hardware has been upgraded?

The counter is working gain, thank you!

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