I had reported this a couple of weeks ago .
appart from the fact it is vectrix based and fitted with a lithium pack thre is absolutly no interest .
in case of one fall, one stay attached to the bike ....
on a bike one is ejected which is far better according to the whole motorbike community opinion .
the previous pertol version of this piece of ... has had absoltly no success .
a bike is a bike, it is dangerous and we alla have to avoid crashes instead of encapsuling in a seat .
jean mi
Yeah! Why isn't she wearing a helmet?
I also own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiev
I had reported this a couple of weeks ago .
appart from the fact it is vectrix based and fitted with a lithium pack thre is absolutly no interest .
in case of one fall, one stay attached to the bike ....
on a bike one is ejected which is far better according to the whole motorbike community opinion .
the previous pertol version of this piece of ... has had absoltly no success .
a bike is a bike, it is dangerous and we alla have to avoid crashes instead of encapsuling in a seat .
jean mi