TTXGP Mosport qualifying round results

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TTXGP Mosport qualifying round results

The Internet access here at the track is horrid. I don't want to post any pictures ... Have already done so elsewhere...

TTXGP electric motorcycle racing comes to the Mosport racetrack in Canada

Qualifying round results

# No. Rider Laps Best lap Team

1 80 Michael Barnes 11 1:39.289 Lightning Motors
2 37 Thad Wolff 10 1:48.579 Team Electra
3 15 Michael Hannas 8 1:54.398 Electric Race Bikes
4 23 Jennifer Bromme 10 2:19.293 Mavizen/Werkstatt
5 16 Steven Belknap 7 2:35.565 Square Wave Racing

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