bkarlstrom's blog

Selling my Vectrix VX-1

I have a 2007 VX-1 that has been sitting in my garage for much too long. The battery died a few years back and I was planning to replace it with Li-ion. But I have no time to do it so I will reluctantly part with the scooter. It should be fine for someone willing to do a battery swap or it can be used for parts. The scooter is in good condition except for the right handle which has the rubber coming off. I'm asking $700 for it. Buyer will have to arrange for the transport.

My 2007 VX-1 just died

My VX-1 decided to become lifeless. I have been away for an extended time and when coming back home I plug-in my VX1 and nothing happens. No life at all. Display does not lit up. The scooter had been charged up at least twice while I was gone (5 months). Can anyone give me clue as to where to start looking for problems? Could the charger be dead?


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