Doulton's blog

no battery pack needing a battery pack

Good morning everyone,

Had the opportunity to dismantle the the bike a few days ago and found out that there was no battery pack in the Vectrix Scooter. That would explain the no charging problem, anyway moving on. My question would be does anyone have a battery pack for sale that I can purchase to replace in this bike complete assembly please let me know and how much it wold cost?

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Vectrix scooter

hello good day not really knowing where i should start with this but just bought a Vectrix scooter off of the auction 2 months back. When I got the bike home plugged it up to the wall outlet but I got no power to the bike to initialize charging. The bike look as if the previous owner had the bike apart and put back together various screws missing everywhere and looks as if it was fallen to the side. I really don't know where to start troubleshooting the symptoms any advice and is there a service manual wiring i can get my hands on to see?

Any advice would be appreciative.

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