I have a problem with a new crystalyte 408 hub motor. It seem it is off center and when mounted it doesn't clear the linear brake on the left side. In the picture i highlighted the problem area. Is that gap common? Anyone else here have crystalyte hub? Can this be remedy fairly easily or will this have to be taken up with the seller?
Crystalyte 408 hub off center problem
Fri, 10/26/2007 - 21:46
Crystalyte 408 hub off center problem
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I have the exact same motor and I think I had a similar problem..
check your washers.. if may not have been placed properly..
you can move the motor slightly to the left or right by placing the washers inside or outside of the bike frame.
also look down the wheel while your rotate it.. if the wheel is seems to move in and out like it has a little wobble then you may have some loose spokes and you will need to re-align your wheel by tightening some of them..
there are some good videos on youtube on how to lace and balance wheels.
and also don't forget to put your torque arms on.. I had to hammer mine flat to make them fit onto my standard bike frame.
Hmm it seem the wheel fit the dropout and the width between them perfectly. To add washer on the inside would need expanding the rear fork a bit. also when the wheel spin it is pretty center. There's no wobbling at all.
if its only rubbing lightly on the brake pad then I would probably just loosen the breaks a little..
the wheel that came attached to my 408 had a rim that was a little wider than the tires that my bike was made for. to compensate I had to loose the rear breaks a little..