Saw this today:
Someone got tired of waiting for a more advanced forum for Drupal and took the bull by the horns and started doing it. There seems to be a contingent of people out there who think Drupal's forum support sucks.
The advanced forum support has not been installed on V. However some people on this site have complained about the existing forum implementation. I have two messages: 1) There is improved forum support coming 'soon', 2) if y'all can explain the desired behavior/look you'd like in the forums, then I can take those desires to the advanced forum project.
Ooh, ooh! Can we have it look like this?!:
Can we? Can we? Pleeeeease?! We'd have so many girls here! LOL!
Personally I'd chose something like this for this site:
Or the new "Exclusive" by Sherri.
I'm hoping for IPB2.3 on here, yet assuming you're not. :( (damnit, come on!)
<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="">[img]
for me the crucial criterion is usability. I have stopped to follow threads because I don't get the answers to my postings served by mail without the need to click and search.
@ArcticFox: The theme can be customized in many ways and if you really want a pink theme that can be done. And it could even be set up so you have a pink theme and the rest of us have a studly manly black and grey. Uh, okay, that's not why V currently has a black/blue/grey/white theme, those colors were chosen to provide some connection to the theme on shows some examples of alternate theme possibilities which can be installed without too much trouble. With a little more trouble someone could write a custom theme. However IPB is not in any way within my sphere of interest to support - IPB was used on and I found the usability to be horrible.
@efried: I agree the subscriptions module doesn't behave quite right. I myself pretty much ignore the subscriptions and I use the 'Recent' page to see what the current activity is. If you can say what you want then perhaps it can be implemented. Would be be enough for the Subscription text to contain the comment text? Also I found this module, .. which may be closer to the thing you said before?
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe,,, What is Reiki