A forum to collect information that can be used to support applications for new recharging stations.
To convince your boss, your company, your country to support your efforts in getting Electric Vehicles running and keeping them running.
Mr. Mik
A forum to collect information that can be used to support applications for new recharging stations.
To convince your boss, your company, your country to support your efforts in getting Electric Vehicles running and keeping them running.
Mr. Mik
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I work for a large government organization which has the expressed goal of improving the populations health.
There is a suitable power point at my workplace right where I need it, at the designated bike parking spot. It works. My Vectrix' power plug can be screwed into it in a water-proof way.
A recent Executive Meeting has decided against my application to use this power point, probably due to concerns it would "create a precedent".
I am appealing against this decision and might get invited to the next Executive Meeting for a short presentation to support the case.
I would like to quote scientific evidence or other quotes from highly respected sources like universities, celebrities and similar folk.
My argument will probably be along these lines:
A) Not only should the committee not worry about creating a precedent, it should instead actively encourage the use of electric vehicles.
B) The overall cost to the community are greatly reduced by using electric vehicles.
C) Electric Vehicles reduce pollution, health problems, greenhouse emissions, and burning of fossil fuels.
D) It is the declared intention of many governments to achieve the reductions (C) by a variety of means.
E) Spending a few dollars for electricity might cause large savings due to prevention of disease and environmental damage.
Any suggestions?
I'd like to send a polished email to the meeting attendants before the meeting, hand out a double sided A4 sheet of information and speak freely for a few minutes to them.
Graphs depicting scientific evidence supporting the above claims would be most useful to get the message across in a flash.
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
In my experience, to be most effective in any argument you need to know how to persuade your audience. Hence, you need to know the audience well. It might be all fine and good to praise electric vehicles, and their benefits, but they might not care. And this might not carry any weight to help persuade.
Government organizations are usually strictly opposed to discrimination. You could base your argument on the fact that your method of transportation requires that you recharge at work. For them to not provide that opportunity could be considered discrimination and unfair to you, because it would not permit you to travel to work. It is as if you need a wheelchair and the building is not suitable for one. Or if you need light indoors to work, and the company doesn't allow you to use a light bulb because this would set precedent (even though you can't possibly bring the energy for the light with you, and you need light to see being human).
I know this is kind of far out, but this could set the opening stage. They will be hit off guard because you've gone straight from the defensive to the offensive, and they will be more inclined to just give you the outlet (which is really a petty thing)![](http://ilbcnu.org/icon/smile_001.gif)
Than you can cover how cheap the electricity that you need is, and how little energy you use. Your desktop computer (if you have one at work) will likely use more energy over the course of one day than charging the vectrix. And let them know that you'd gladly reimburse them 200% of the energy cost, even though you don't for your desktop computer, or for running the lights that you use. And not that it would matter anyway to you, because you can mention that this is only a few dollars per month anyway that they are so strained to incur.
Next, you could briefly cover how BEVs don't emit any pollutants that cause smog. This is chiefly why the CARB mandate was enacted in California in the early 1990s---to help with their smog problems. Do some research on smog and the health effects.
Than finally, you can end on a positive note that if the company provides you an outlet, they will be helping to facilitate positive environmental change. You might even consider contacting your local news paper in regards to how they chose to proceed. Mention how this could be very good green opportunity or very bad for their PR, and you could get the message out that the company is taking a positive stance by providing a motorcycle EV charging space. Your closing statement should be something on the lines of "the ball is in your court, it's your move", so they can feel like they are in control and making the decision, and it's their actions that will result in whatever consequences may follow.
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri
Thanks Andi, good advice.
I don't want to use any "big guns" like discrimination or the press etc, at least not initially.
Here is a draft document I wrote, it might get changed to some extent before handing it in.
Unfortunately the formatting (font sizes, colors, hyper links etc) gets lost to some extent by putting it on V.
February 22nd, 2008
Business Case requesting permission to use an existing power point for recharging of a Vectrix Maxi Electric Scooter.
I respectfully request that the XXXXX Meeting reconsider my application to get permission to recharge my Vectrix Electric Scooter whilst it is parked at my workplace at XXXX.
I did not expect that my previous (verbal) request for permission to recharge would be taken straight to the XXX Meeting without prior formulation of a business case.
The XXX might therefore not have been in possession of all relevant facts in regards to the application.
I would like to show that granting me permission to recharge the Vectrix would be in the best interest of XXXX XXXX as well as in the best interest of the Queensland population.
I propose that not supporting the use of electric vehicles would be against the core mission statement of XXXX XXXXX, which is to improve the health of the people of Queensland.
The evidence for this proposition is conclusive, overwhelming and incontrovertible.
I further propose that not supporting the use of electric vehicles is against the clearly stated intentions of the Queensland Government:
The costs associated with the proposed recharging are small and will be returned by myself to the community via donations to the XXXX XXXX XXXXX Fund.
The benefits in terms of reduced energy consumption, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduced air and noise pollution and reduced cost of EV ownership are very substantial.
The positive signal that XXXX XXXX would be setting is invaluable.
This could also be a prime opportunity to generate positive publicity for the XXXXX by being the first to promote EV recharging for employees at work.
XXX are currently testing a Vectrix Maxi Scooter in Brisbane with a view to introducing them as low-pollution fleet vehicles.
Initial setup costs:
There might be a small cost to have the XXX electrician "test" and affix the required compliance label to the scooters charging cable (like for all other electrical equipment which is to be plugged in at XXXX facilities).
Apart from that there is zero cost for establishment of the power point: It is already present and working. It is located at the designated motorbike parking spot at the back of XXXXX.
It has an on/off switch and is fully weather proof in combination with the sealed screw-in power plug connector of the Vectrix.
Recurrent costs for electricity:
From extensive experience with 2 Vectrix scooters, including photographic documentation, I can give you a very close estimate of the maximum possible cost to be incurred by XXXX.
I would suggest that I donate this amount to the XXXXX Foundation each year in advance, making sure that the electricity used cannot be interpreted as a “freebee” for staff.
The maximum amount of electrical energy that the Vectrix can absorb (if it is completely discharged before beginning the recharge) is 5.5kWh.
The actual amount used daily would be closer to 2kWh because it is less than ½ empty after my commute to work.
5 days/week x 48 weeks/year x 5.5kWh = 1320kWh/year as the absolute maximum possible.
4 days/week x 46 weeks x 2kWh = 368kWh/year is a much more realistic estimate (due to occasional use of my car and additional leave periods.
1320kWh x AU$0.14/kWh = AU$184.80 (maximum possible cost at current electricity prices).
368kWh x AU$0.14/kWh = AU$51.52 (likely actual electricity cost per year).
I am prepared to donate the maximum possible AU$184.80 to the XXXX XXX Foundation per year and to increase the amount if electricity prices rise.
There is an enormous volume of scientific evidence supporting the benefits of Electric Vehicles (EV’s) compared to Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicles.
I have compiled a small selection of statements from various Australian authorities for your perusal.
I am only quoting some key phrases here to keep it short. You may follow the provided links to the full text of the quoted documents.
Health benefits:
The following was published by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing in collaboration with the National Asthma Council:
Here is part of an article published in The Medical Journal of Australia:
The following is from the Environment Protection Authority Victoria:
Benefits in regards to CO2 emissions reduction and Climate destabilisation:
Benefits to myself due to reduced cost of vehicle ownership and increased flexibility:
There is no solid evidence for the below numbers, but they are based on quite educated guesses:
One can expect prolonged battery life due to “opportunistic top-up charging” compared to frequent deep cycling of the Vectrix’ NiMH battery pack:
A reduction of the useable life span of the battery from 5 years to 3 years due to daily deep discharging would increase the ownership cost by AU$800.- / year.
(I estimate the replacement cost for the battery as AU$6000.- )
($6000/5 years)-($6000/3 years)= AU$800.-/year saving.
Recharging at work will enable more frequent and flexible use of the Vectrix because the full range will be available after work, rather than just enough to get home on the shortest route.
I also need to travel to XXX or XXXX at the end or start of the working day on a frequent basis, to XXXX, for XXXX and to XXXXX.
On all these occasions I currently have to use my car because the Vectrix’ range is not sufficient to reliably cover the entire distance without a top-up charge at work.
Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter.
(Mr Mik)
There are more hyper-links in the actual document that don't get recognised on "V" for some reason.
I'll continue to go ahead with the application despite the recent break-down of my second Vectrix.
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
Great submission Mik. I cant believe these people did not jump on the opportunity for some goodwill and media opportunity that could have been brought upon them by just allowing you to do this first up.
xxxx xxxxx true to it's mission statement is doing more to look after the health of Queensland residents... ...
How hard is it to change the tide on this mass thinking and complacency really... Sorry non thinking. There surely can't be anyone that really thinks that reducing pollution is a bad thing???
Good luck.
I didn't read every word of this post so I hope I'm not repeating....
My instinct says the compnay will say "What happens if 80% of the staff starts using electrc vehicles? Will we be required to install outlets for everyone and donate all that money to charity?"
I'll be interested to see how this plays out. I wish you the best of luck, but my gut says they will say "get more batteries".
Well it turned out I was misinformed, the Executive Meeting had not discussed my request; it had just been verbally refused by one member of the Meeting.
So technically I am not appealing against a decision, just applying.
I re-wrote the business case, but somehow it did not make it onto the agenda of the last meeting.
I got some very competent help from senior staff who are experienced in writing business cases.
The suggested and implemented changes to the business case draft are small but important because they might increase the chances of it being approved.
One group of changes involved changing key sentences to a positive form.
The idea is to let the Meeting Members feel like they are making a good decision, rather than being told not to make a bad decision. They probably do not like to be told...
Compare the below "BEFORE" and "AFTER" to see what I mean:
Can anyone tell me how to link to or show a PDF file in the V forums?
It's too tedious trying to reproduce all the formatting here.
The business case has now been submitted and is on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
I have finally received a preliminary answer:
I wonder how long this will take!
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
Translation: We will do nothing because we don't care. But, because we don't want to say no, we'll put it into planning for someone to do something at some time...can you please just go away?
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri
In the team I work in that wouldn't be an accurate translation. I've seen several presentations to the management where management overall liked the proposal, but the proposal wasn't well enough conceived or had a hole or two, and they vote to "redirect" meaning that the proposer has to go back, rework the proposal a bit, perhaps bring it to another management body for consideration,etc, with the understanding that they had to come back "shortly" with an improved proposal or with the holes filled in the proposal. "Further study" doesn't have to mean a fancy way of "we're burying this".
Yeah, you're right, it sometimes or often does mean it's being buried.
I recall a news piece on National Public Radio approx 10 yrs ago.. it was about proposals to grow Hemp in Kentucky for stuff like paper or cloth production. A member of one of Central Kentucky's leading families had grown sick of growing Tobacco and the clear health badness that comes from Tobacco. He has been proposing to deprecate Kentucky's role in growing Tobacco, and to replace that with Industrial Hemp. Tobacco is very big business in Kentucky. The NPR piece discussed lots of great reasons for this, environmental and otherwise. And clearly Hemp grows very well in Kentucky, just witness all the Marijuana grown there. But the last voice heard on that piece was a very officious sounding guy from either the Government or U of Ky who harrumphed about needing to study this further. And of course that was never approved...
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
I hope I'll be right with agreeing with David's take on this.
Today I have also been given some verbal feedback along the lines of:
Well, the manager who initially refused my request is now charged with getting the power board or power point assessed.
That is not a setup, it's that managers job to do that sort of thing.
So I sent this email today:
The attached photo was this one (unfortunately in big-poster-format!):
So there is the precedent if needed....
At this stage I choose to believe that they are not trying to bury the proposal; and that if they are, then I've got a BIGGER SHOVEL!
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
And I continued to shovel away, just in case... and bigger shovels were made by others and left for me to find and use... and I was told of others with even bigger shovels and asked them to put a drop of oil in the right spot...
And today there are 6 power outlets at the motorbike parking spots of my workplace!!!
Once I can beat one of the ICE-bikes to one of them I will find out if they really work...
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
Sorry if this has been mentioned already, as I have not read the whole post, but I would think that the POSITIVE attention that this can generate for the company, showing that this company is doing its small part to help the environment and to encourage alternative fuel vehicles. Just my thought. God Bless :)
There are about 25 motorbike parking spots where I work and 6 of them now have power outlets!
I tested them today with a little device that shows if Earth and Active and Neutral are connected correctly and it lit up just like it should.
All the ICE bike riders are of course so far oblivious to the power points and it will take a bit of turning up early and education to get them to use the standard spots first.
Usually there are a few empty spots available.
A lot of pedestrians walk past that spot each day, too! Most of them would have had to walk a fair bit from far away car parks and might be interested.
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
Well, good while it lasted:
City of London Withdraws free Electric Vehicle Parking
<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...
Hi Mik!
To follow up JDELUNA's idea, I'd encourage you to see if you can get some local press coverage on the event of having those outlets installed. If you can get a reporter to do a peice on it, be sure to involve the person that was reluctant to grant your request, as well as the other executive members. That will probably benefit you to get them some public kudos.
A very good collection of useful arguments etc. can be found at the end of the "Who killed the electric car?" documentary.
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!