I've been searching for a reasonably priced controller for the Brushless Etek and all I can find is the Sevcon Millepak 3 phase brushless controller for almost $500! Is this the only controller out there that will work with the brushless Etek? Can you say monopoly? Haha
I know that Alltrax doesn't make any brushless controllers, but what about Curtis, Navitas, or Kelly? Thanks
Would this kelly controller work?
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There are reports elsewhere that the Kelly generates a trapezoidal voltage profile and that the Mars brushless DC motor (AKA the Mars PMSM model ME0201013001) needs a sinusoidal waveform. The result is that the Kelly controller supposedly generates more noise with the ME0201013001 than the Sevcon. I don't know, but maybe someone can contact John Fiorenza at Mars and find out. However, I do know that Mars sells two Sevcon controllers (cannot tell what the Sevcon part numbers are) for $300 and $350 respectively. You will need to contact Mars for more info (www.marselectricllc.com).
The Kelly was initially touted because it has regenerative braking. The latest info I see on the Sevcon Millipak (see http://www.sevcon.com/pages/millipak4Q.html) is that it also has regenerative braking. I do not know the details, but I am planning to find out later as I ramp up on my own project.
FWIW, the Mars PMSM is also sold by Thunderstruck EV (http://www.thunderstruck-ev.com/marskit.htm) as well as Electric Motorsport (http://www.electricmotorsport.com/store/ems_ev_parts_motors_pmac.php) and Team Delta (http://www.teamdelta.com/products/prod5c.htm) with a slightly different shaft (model ME0201013401). I'm sure it is sold other places as well. The Mars Brushless was evidently designed by John Fiorenza, who is now at Mars, and is made by Jintan Kermo (http://www.jintankm.com/), whose logo is amusingly like the Briggs and Stratton logo (where the Etek started in the US). I don't know what Lynch's logo looks like... ;-)