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brother electron
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Electrinium is to electricity like magnets are to magnetism,
im talking about the ultimate energy source known to man and possibly to extra extraterrestrials it is unlike any other free energy device in that it is as simple as a magnet and when built properly is almost undistructible. This tech is made out of the sludge inside any kind of battery that builds up as a by product of the discharging process in a traditional electro chemical reaction. With a chemical battery there are 2 types of metals the plates and the electrolyte, because of the difference of the metals one has a higher potential making the positive and negative terminals, the electrolyte simply acts as the medium for the metal molecules to pass. When you connect the terminals
tiny metal molecules pass from one plate to the other, when they meet they produce a compound molecule of both types of metal fusing together basically a battery cell on the molecule scale, as this happens it sends a charge around the ciruit and back to the same molecule and now that it has taken up that space on the plate and this keeps happening until the entire surface of the plate is covered wich means the battery is flat. When you recharge your battery your basically cleaning that plate and the compound molecules that were made fall to the bottom of the battery this process takes parts of one plate and after so many charge and discharge cycles the plate runs out of molecules it can give up and this basically means time to buy a new battery.
But wait a second didnt we just fuse two metals with a potential difference together, forming a battery that doesnt need an electrolyte and doesnt need to be recharged and just needs to be arranged in series? You beeter beleive it. You need to take that sludge out and line up the molecules in series built into a hard material such as silicon, metal or glass and the end product is called electrinium, it trully is to electricity what magnet are for magnetism.
This is the most advanced free energy device one could hope for litarally and is what all electric vehicle users wish for.

some site with links and stuff

some site with links and stuff

some site with links and stuff

some site with links and stuff

some site with links and stuff

some site with links and stuff

some site with links and stuff

davew's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

First, check out wikipedia for a clear description of how batteries really work. There is too much misinformation here to clear up point by point.

Second, the explanation makes no sense on its face. Chemical batteries free up electrons as a result of a chemical reaction. Anything that has "fused" has done its bit. As a source of energy this substance is about as useful as a brick.

Third, this idea has been kicking around for 28 years. Either the device is impossible to build or it is at least as difficult to make as a fusion reactor. It won't be worth talking about until someone actually makes one.

"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"

jdh2550_1's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

Here's what Google throws up on Electrinium: http://www.google.com/search?q=Electrinium

Interestingly I couldn't easily (i.e. in 30 seconds) find a good debunking article. Normally when I've searched on various other "too good to be true" techs there's been a debunking link on the first page.

Still, I really do doubt that the tech works as stated and is really being suppressed by evildoers...

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

LinkOfHyrule's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

I got as far as "the electrolyte simply acts as the medium for the metal molecules to pass". I figured the rest wasn't worth reading.


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chas_stevenson's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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Re: Electrinium

I will pay $1000.oo for a 36-volt battery that never needs to be charged and can put out 50-amps continuous. Any other takers?

Chas S.

brother electron
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

"First, check out wikipedia for a clear description of how batteries really work. There is too much misinformation here to clear up point by point."

I understand this sounds rediculous to someone with a school or university limited point of view, just because something is written in a book and is taught as fact around the world does not mean its true, scientists 100 years ago used to believe that alot of our modern equipment and technologies were simply impossible and that they had discovered everything that was worth discovering,if it wasnt for rouge scientists and inventors we wouldnt even have our electric vehicles.

"Second, the explanation makes no sense on its face. Chemical batteries free up electrons as a result of a chemical reaction. Anything that has "fused" has done its bit. As a source of energy this substance is about as useful as a brick."

Is that so? where did you get your info from a book? yep thats what i thought, once again science thats taught in schools and universities is not conclusive understand that it can be manipulated and has been for the benefit of the corrupt eletists that hide behind the political arena, these elitists have 99% of the the worlds wealth and the mass population owns 1% percent its true those who have the gold make the rules.

"Third, this idea has been kicking around for 28 years. Either the device is impossible to build or it is at least as difficult to make as a fusion reactor. It won't be worth talking about until someone actually makes one."

The mass population of earth never hear about the death of alot of inventors that are murdered when they produce working free energy devices. Some have been made and people have been silenced. http://pesn.com/2007/12/05/9500463_self-powered_battery_inventor_dead/

at the bottom of your posts it says "we must be the change we wish to see in the world" i suggest you stick to that advice.

Step into the light my brothers and sisters and be free.
"Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity." Nikola Tesla

brother electron
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: Saturday, March 15, 2008 - 03:28
Points: 24
Re: Electrinium

Here's what Google throws up on Electrinium: http://www.google.com/search?q=Electrinium

"Interestingly I couldn't easily (i.e. in 30 seconds) find a good debunking article. Normally when I've searched on various other "too good to be true" techs there's been a debunking link on the first page."

I'll tell you why this stuff is that good that they dont even want to draw attention to it, its kind of like how in cartoons like simpsons, familly guy and futurama they make fun of Albert Einstein and a few others but wont mention Nikola Tesla so no one gets interested in his work because yes he had discovered a source of free energy before he was killed, when he died some part of the government went to his apartment at the hotel Newyorker and confiscated all of his work saying that he was an illegal imagrant even though he lived there for more than 50 years and was a citizen.

"Still, I really do doubt that the tech works as stated and is really being suppressed by evildoers..."

It works and the reason you doubt it is because every free energy sources has been suppressed by evil people that value wealth and power over human life, the planet and every thing in between.

Step into the light my brothers and sisters and be free.
"Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity." Nikola Tesla

LinkOfHyrule's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

Dude. Seriously.

By this logic, I could go out right now, buy $100 worth of alkaline batteries (that's about 100A @ 150V), stab a nail through them (or squash them in a vice), and run everything in my house off of it.

Did you even read what was in that link Chas put up?

"I will pay $1000.oo for a 36-volt battery that never needs to be charged and can put out 50-amps continuous. Any other takers?"

I would pay that for a 12V pack without a second thought.

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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

Dear brother electron, I don't mind discussing "outside the box" ideas, and sometimes, working on a better vaso-dilator to reduce blood pressure can accidentally create a VERY profitable blood flow in other areas (Viagra).

However, any discussion about "electrinium" may not have a practical application soon enough to interest the type of people that frequent this particular forum.

Some types of research may require an unobtainable piece of equipment like a particle accelerator. However, based on your post, it seems as though, IF there is any potential to this line of research, it could be verified or debunked at a modest cost using common tools and materials in your garage.

If you wish to continue researching electrinium you may find a very active dialogue at:


They had all the information I needed to build a hydrogen generator, and there are also many other "unconventional" discussions. Best of luck, and have fun.

brother electron
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: Saturday, March 15, 2008 - 03:28
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Re: Electrinium

"Dear brother electron, I don't mind discussing "outside the box" ideas, and sometimes, working on a better vaso-dilator to reduce blood pressure can accidentally create a VERY profitable blood flow in other areas (Viagra)."

"However, any discussion about "electrinium" may not have a practical application soon enough to interest the type of people that frequent this particular forum."

Sorry I dont believe that just because most of the people on this or any other forum arent up to speed with whats really going on that I shouldnt be allowed to post about it, im sick of hearing about lead acid batteries and all other chemical batteries with ridiculous prices and ridiculous range. If we ingore such technologies they will remain suppressed forever, its time for a clean world with no more poverty and environmental destruction.

"Some types of research may require an unobtainable piece of equipment like a particle accelerator. However, based on your post, it seems as though, IF there is any potential to this line of research, it could be verified or debunked at a modest cost using common tools and materials in your garage."

Thats why i like it it's the perfect free energy design, connect the terminals to your speedcontroller and thats it no spinning magnets, no electronic parts, no mechanical parts. Electrinium really is to electricity like magnets are to magnetism its that simple, tricky to make though.

If you wish to continue researching electrinium you may find a very active dialogue at:


They had all the information I needed to build a hydrogen generator, and there are also many other "unconventional" discussions. Best of luck, and have fun.

Cheers for the link.

Step into the light my brothers and sisters and be free.
"Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity." Nikola Tesla

PJD's picture
Last seen: 5 months 5 days ago
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Re: Electrinium

davew wrote:

Either the device is impossible to build or it is at least as difficult to make as a fusion reactor.

I wouldn't denigrate Fusion so!

The only thing that is limiting fusion development is funding for the full-scale test reactors. The US, shortsighted and aversive of any public expenditure outside of making war, may be refusing to seriously pursue fusion, but in Europe, research and development is underway.

ITER will be first net-producer of fusion energy, using the TOKOMAK design. It is starting construction in France this year.


Some preliminary plans are also underway for for DEMO, which will use the lessons learned from ITER to build the first demonstration fusion electric generating plant by mid century.


PJD's picture
Last seen: 5 months 5 days ago
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Re: Electrinium

Electrinium is to electricity like magnets are to magnetism

This statement was, in itself, enough for me avoid wasting my time reading any further. The person wrote this statement knew nothing about electricity and magnetism.

This is one of the more wacky "perpetual motion" schemes I've read.

The misconception behind this statement is that a magnet is producing some sort of energy, via it's magnetic field. It is not, any more than a book resting a table (in a gravitational field) is producing energy. It only produces energy if it is dropped off the table, and even then, no net energy, since it took as much plus at least a little more energy to lift it onto the table at some point in the past.

In the same way, a permanent magnet only produces energy if it is put in motion in the vicinity of a conductor (a coil) as in an electric generator, but the magnetism isn't the source of the energy, the mechanical energy moving the magnet is.

Actually there IS something that "is to electricity as a magnet is to magnetism" it is called a capacitor, or in it's simplest form, a cat or piece or wool on a low-humidity day. But something had to expend energy to charge the capacitor or pet the cat.

brother electron
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Re: Electrinium
Electrinium is to electricity like magnets are to magnetism

"This statement was, in itself, enough for me avoid wasting my time reading any further. The person wrote this statement knew nothing about electricity and magnetism."

I suppose you know how every thing works because your science book clearly outlines what is possible and anything out side those boundries dont exist? Right.

"This is one of the more wacky "perpetual motion" schemes I've read."

If you actually understood my post you would realize that im clearly not talking about a perpetual motion machine. Perpetual motion is real just look at the universe it is a vast sea of energy in perfect balance and harmony, and because of this balance it can keep on going on indefinitely in perpetual motion.

"The misconception behind this statement is that a magnet is producing some sort of energy, via it's magnetic field. It is not, any more than a book resting a table (in a gravitational field) is producing energy. It only produces energy if it is dropped off the table, and even then, no net energy, since it took as much plus at least a little more energy to lift it onto the table at some point in the past."

"In the same way, a permanent magnet only produces energy if it is put in motion in the vicinity of a conductor (a coil) as in an electric generator, but the magnetism isn't the source of the energy, the mechanical energy moving the magnet is."

I was never talking about a magnet producing electrical energy by mechanical motion or any other form, if you actually read and comprehended my post I think you'd understand that. Electrinium is to electricity like magnets are to magnetism, because in a magnet the magnetic feild is permanet it doesnt require a power source. Magnets do this because iron already has a magnetic potential, all you do to turn any kind of iron into a magnet is by running negatively charged electrons through metal. linning all the molecules up creating a magnetic feild and then it stays this way. Electrinium is like iron in that the potential for a self sustaining effect is part of it nature. The molecules are not arranged in series as sludge and this effectively makes them usless, but if you arrange each molecule in series just like a microscopic battery pack and place them or even embed them onto a hard surface, you will have yourself a free energy device that's as simple as a magnet in function and could possibly last forever.

Actually there IS something that "is to electricity as a magnet is to magnetism" it is called a capacitor, or in it's simplest form, a cat or piece or wool on a low-humidity day. But something had to expend energy to charge the capacitor or pet the cat.

A capacitor is nothing like a magnet, magnets dont need to be recharged (only dodgy ones made out of soft materials) it will continue producing a magnetic field without any assistance.
A capacitor cant hold its charge it always disipates.

Step into the light my brothers and sisters and be free.
"Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity." Nikola Tesla

davew's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

I can't believe I'm responding again. Someone steal my keyboard. Please.

in a magnet the magnetic field is permanent it doesn't require a power source

Permanent magnets aren't permanent. Some fade faster than others, but all magnets wear out; especially if you get work out of them. There are even motors designed around this principal. These motors aren't useful because they only can do a tiny amount of work, but they can do it for a very long time. When measured, however, the work done is proportional to the loss of field strength in the magnets.

If you don't believe me try this experiment. Take two magnets of whatever type you like. Figure out how much weight each one can lift. Now tape them together with like poles touching (they'll want to repel each other.) Leave them in a drawer for a few months. Take them out and repeat the lifting experiment.

This, my very young friend, is science. This is how people learn things. If you don't like the science books, fine. Figure it out for yourself. Maybe you'll learn something that will be useful to the world.

"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"

brother electron
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

"I can't believe I'm responding again. Someone steal my keyboard. Please."

in a magnet the magnetic field is permanent it doesn't require a power source

"Permanent magnets aren't permanent. Some fade faster than others, but all magnets wear out; especially if you get work out of them. There are even motors designed around this principal. These motors aren't useful because they only can do a tiny amount of work, but they can do it for a very long time. When measured, however, the work done is proportional to the loss of field strength in the magnets."

My point is that because you dont have to give it an external power source it is free to the owner onced purchaced. Free energy doesnt mean perpetual motion or that it has to last forever, just free to the end user. If you didnt have to pay for fuel at the gas station it would also be free energy.

Step into the light my brothers and sisters and be free.
"Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity." Nikola Tesla

PJD's picture
Last seen: 5 months 5 days ago
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Re: Electrinium

First a few defiitions:

Energy = Work = integral of F (dot) ds = the product of a force vector in the direction a path of movement. A stationary force, no matter how strong, does no work.

Power = (integral of F(dot)dS)/dt The time rate that work is done.

The magnetic field of a magnet is not energy or power it does no work. When you push the opposite poles of a magnet together work is being done, but it is your arms that are doing the work, not the magnets. When the opposing poles of the magnet are allowed to fly apart it is just using up the potential energy stored in it from your arms. This is no different than compressing a spring then releasing it. No net energy is produced.

Now, some work was done to align the little molecular dipoles in the making of a magnet, and the magnet produced power at an absolutely tiny rate as it dissipates, but this is absolutely tiny.

What I am trying to do is explain that "electruum is to electricity as magnetism is to magnets" is meaningless mumbo jumbo, without getting into electro magnetic theory, Maxwell's Equations, etc...

And, your Tesla quote, if it is accurate is pretty preposterous too. It is a fine statement with regard to Engineering and technology.

But the purpose of science is not to have a "goal", it is simply a universally accepted method to analyze and develop predictive explanations for a phenomena.

Now, someone please take my keyboard away too...

brother electron
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

First a few defiitions:

"Energy = Work = integral of F (dot) ds = the product of a force vector in the direction a path of movement. A stationary force, no matter how strong, does no work."

Magnet motors work quite well, even though science says it's impossible.

Perendev Magnet Motor by Mike Brady

The OC MPMM - Alsetalokin's Video Brighter

"The magnetic field of a magnet is not energy or power it does no work. When you push the opposite poles of a magnet together work is being done, but it is your arms that are doing the work, not the magnets. When the opposing poles of the magnet are allowed to fly apart it is just using up the potential energy stored in it from your arms. This is no different than compressing a spring then releasing it. No net energy is produced."

But a spring cant be set up to work in a free energy device, magnets have a positive and a negative side springs dont. This is a very important difference and allows for a very simple motor design.

"Now, some work was done to align the little molecular dipoles in the making of a magnet, and the magnet produced power at an absolutely tiny rate as it dissipates, but this is absolutely tiny."

"What I am trying to do is explain that "electruum is to electricity as magnetism is to magnets" is meaningless mumbo jumbo, without getting into electro magnetic theory, Maxwell's Equations, etc..."

No its not really, its the simplest way to explain it because an electrinium battery would be just a bit of metal with terminals attatched and thats it. it will produce free electricity just how a magnet produces free magnetism.

"And, your Tesla quote, if it is accurate is pretty preposterous too. It is a fine statement with regard to Engineering and technology."

"But the purpose of science is not to have a "goal", it is simply a universally accepted method to analyze and develop predictive explanations for a phenomena."

Science has to have a goal or it will continue being perverted by the Illuminati untill we run out of air to breathe. These people are responsible for the current state of the planet not the people who are forced to buy their rubish.

Do some research about the Illuminati and you'll understand why they want the world this way.

Illuminati youtube search

Step into the light my brothers and sisters and be free.
"Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity." Nikola Tesla

LinkOfHyrule's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

Now, some work was done to align the little molecular dipoles in the making of a magnet, and the magnet produced power at an absolutely tiny rate as it dissipates, but this is absolutely tiny.

Just a note:

Interestingly, there are motors that are able to use the field of a magnet to do work. Naturally, the magnet loses its properties when used like this. Neat as that is, it takes roughly 25 times as much energy to "charge" the magnet as the magnet can produce.

And science, by definition, is a method of acquiring knowledge. I guess you could call that a goal, albeit a rather vague one.

EDIT: Also, I was bored (waiting to leave for work) and clicked on that YouTube search link. I was LMAOing at the guy talking about "not interpreting things to fit his view" and then finding signs of Satanism on a Starbucks coffee.

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ArcticFox's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

[...] then finding signs of Satanism on a Starbucks coffee.

Doesn't satan own Starbucks? I mean, just look at the prices! :)

<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...

rossasaurus's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Re: Electrinium


Wow, that earth-based fusion stuff sounds like the ticket!
I bet it'll be too cheap to meter! free for everyone :), and no messy waste either!

Oh, then there's the cost of getting the helium to drive it....from the moon.

OMG. Let's stop creating new problems and use the remote fusion available to us now.


Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: Friday, September 4, 2009 - 01:34
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Re: Electrinium

Hello Everyone!

Here's what Google throws up on Electrinium: http://www.google.com/search?q=Electrinium

Interestingly I couldn't easily (i.e. in 30 seconds) find a good debunking article. Normally when I've searched on various other "too good to be true" techs there's been a debunking link on the first page.

Still, I really do doubt that the tech works as stated and is really being suppressed by evildoers...

Good Luck!

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Re: Electrinium

Still, I really do doubt that the tech works as stated and is really being suppressed by evildoers...

Heh, Heh....Thats it, I come round tonight to steal your miracle invention! you won't be able to stop me cos I'm invisible, and I'm powered by perpetual motion! 'They', said I was MAD, MAD, me the inventor of the dial-a-matic, handy-dandy, sponge sharpener! Well I showed 'em.. I became the Grand High Master of the Order of World Conspiracy Theorists, (meetings every third Tuesday in my tree house, NO girls!If mom lets me..)

Anyway, take care I'm ready, ready I tell you, I will take your keyboard!(crazy laughter)



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