Quazar Scooter

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Quazar Scooter

Anybody have a Quazar scooter.

I might buy a used broken one and fix it.

Probably needs a new battery and new fuse,
maybe more work too, not sure yet.


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Re: Quazar Scooter

I got the Quazar scooter working.
Bought a new controller for $50
Total cost so far $100

It works fine, but batteries only last about 10 minutes,
so now I am looking for new 36 volt batt source.

Thinking about LiOn batt packs from either Milwaukee or Dewalt.

Here are some pics I took.


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Re: Quazar Scooter

I've been riding this both with seat, and without seat.
I like without seat, as it feels more like skateboarding to me.

It's got nice shocks and tires.

Now I just need to add power and battery life.

More pics

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Re: Quazar Scooter


Looks like the old X-Treme X-400:

<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...

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Re: Quazar Scooter

Whoa, it DOES look really similar. :^O

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Re: Quazar Scooter

Does anyone know if you can overvolt the Extreme 400 / Quazar ?

I'll post a pic of the 36 volt controller and ask in the controller section.

The scooter has 350 volt motor, and 36 volt controller.


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Re: Quazar Scooter

EVERYTHING can be overvolted if you know how. }:)

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Re: Quazar Scooter

Yeah, I guess I should have been more specific.

I meant with the existing controller.

I am learning a lot from this forum.

Thanks for everyones input and help.

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Re: Quazar Scooter

Just for interest.

I weighed the Quazar scooter,
it weighs 65 lbs which includes the seat and batteries.

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Re: Quazar Scooter

No idea, but most 24V/36V controllers can handle an extra battery. Plus brushed controllers are cheap and plentiful in the event it doesn't.

I like the Yi-Yun ones from Keywin (e-crazyman on eBay), myself. Cheap and have proven to be pretty reliable. The 36V 30A ones handle 48V without modification, though this was with the old controllers and I don't know if it holds true with the new ones. I suspect it does, though.

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Re: Quazar Scooter

I've had a quazar for a couple of years.. i upped it to 48v, put a disc brake on the rear, & put in all 12ah batteries. I made a holder for the 4th battery, & put it between a rack. I also mounted the controller on the fender under the seat.

It definitely increased the power & top speed.. The range also.. The frame is really cheap. A weld broke on the front where fork meets the frame. I don't have any aluminum welding access, so i bolted a bracket, & re-inforced it with an airline clamp.

I can easily ride in the hills around here.. with about a 7 mile working range.. full speed most of the time. I keep the batteries charged with a soniel 12v charger (a bit of a pain to charge each one), & will go for months without riding it, then ride it several times a week. I put a rack on it, with a bike bag & can carry quite a bit of stuff. I'm 160#, & it has handled my weight, except for the front weld.

I am under the impression this is a lashout clone.. i also like the belt drive.. quiet, easy to adjust. I got mine on ebay for about $150 shipped, so not a lot invested.

I think if i beefed up the frame weld, it would be fine. The motor does get hot when riding full speed very long, especially in the summer.

scotty, Sedona, Az
xm-3000 60v, 38ah silicones, since 7/08
quazar 48v, 12x12ah, since '05
5- vector 2/6/10 bank chargers

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Re: Quazar Scooter

So do you remember if your controller is the same as mine ?

I plan to overvolt to 48 volts too.

Just a bit cautious, as I just replaced the old controller,
which the guy had blown by connecting 120 volts to the charging port.

Thanks for all your comments on the Q.

I am planning to put in some Lithium Ion batts.

I weight 165 lbs, so we are very close.

I put a bike speedo on it yesterday and it only did 8-10mph on level ground,
but my batts are very old and need replacing.

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Re: Quazar Scooter

overvolted, i can get it up to 15-20. it can easily run little 5-6 mile errands. When i ride it to work, i bring a 12v charger (a soniel) & try to charge each cell a little, just to extend the battery life a bit.

LiOn batts would be great with this scoot. Mine feels a little heavy with the 4 12/12's. It came stock with 12/7's, i think.

I've noticed the controller getting a little hot, but not nearly as hot as the motor after a 2-3 mile ride. You can leave your hand on the controller, but not on the motor.

I had some early trouble with bearings.. had to tweak the axle & spacers a bit, & buy some new bearings. But it runs good, now. I just keep the air up in the tires, keep the batteries charged, & go!

scotty, Sedona, Az
xm-3000 60v, 38ah silicones, since 7/08
quazar 48v, 12x12ah, since '05
5- vector 2/6/10 bank chargers

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Re: Quazar Scooter

I put in the 2 18 volt Dewalt packs,
for total of 36 volts, 2.2 Ah.

The scooter accelerates a lot better, and has better speed.
I can climb some small hills with it.
It is a blast to ride, and only 1 hour recharge time.

However the batts dont last much more than 6 or 7 minutes.
So if you have a long ride, then youll need more Ah.
For me the scooter is just for fun to zip around the block a few times.

I am thirsting for a bigger LiFePo4 pack now.

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Re: Quazar Scooter

How many amps does this thing draw? Can't be much more than ten if you're discharging through the DeWalt BMS. Might want to get some lithium from Ping after the Olympics. A 10Ah pack could last well over an hour.

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Re: Quazar Scooter

Yeah, I am thinking of a ping LiFePo4 pack after the olympics.

Or I might try for some Dewalt 36 volt packs,
as I also need to get some Dewalt tools for a building project I am working on.

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Re: Quazar Scooter

I know I'm digging up an old thread but I have a question. My friend has the same scooter with power that lasts a short time. After new batteries and a new charger it still has the same problem. We think the motor is siezing after it gets warm. Should we disassemble the motor to check it or does anyone have suggestions? If it should be replaced are there up grades to these belt drive motors?

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Re: Quazar Scooter

Precisely what is the behavior that it lasts a short time? If you do the throttle does the motor make any kind of response? How warm is "warm"?

Usually I think of power giving out as the battery being unable to hold a charge. But you say "new batteries" so that can't be it.

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Re: Quazar Scooter

I am also interested in any info on modding and making the Quazar scooter faster. I already got a "big Kuhuana" battery which is a single unit 36V unit. I think the AH went up from 7ah, to 10ah.

You can get most of the parts for this scooter from Todays High Tech sccoter pts. I however am interested in overvolting, etc. Right now the scooter will go approx 17mph on my GPS and has a range of about 8 miles. Would sure be nice to have some Lion batteries with a little higher voltage output.

Quazar scooters (2)
Help me make them faster!

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Re: Quazar Scooter

My scooter moves ok with out me sitting on it. But when i sit on it, it won`t move . If i pick up the rear wheel it go ok. has anybody had this problem, and if so whats wrong with my scooter. ( BLK97GOLF )

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Re: Quazar Scooter

Anyone know where I can get a charger for a Quazar scooter?

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Re: Quazar Scooter

You can get them off ebay.

I think it's a 36 volt charger for the Quazar.

There's a few scooter supply stores which sell on ebay.

Do a search on 36 volt scooter

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Re: Quazar Scooter

Did you ever get this issue resolved? Mine is doing the same thing. It won't run with a load on it, like me sitting on it. But it runs fine if I lift up the back tire. I was told to get the stock batteries load tested but I haven't been able to find a place that can do it.


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Re: Quazar Scooter

Did you ever get this issue resolved? Mine is doing the same thing. It won't run with a load on it, like me sitting on it. But it runs fine if I lift up the back tire. I was told to get the stock batteries load tested but I haven't been able to find a place that can do it.


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Re: Quazar Scooter

Where did you get a replacement controller? If not the original, how did you wire it up?

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