Any one knows of a US manufacturer/supplier of brushless dc motors that are
rated at max 10-20KW
high torque in the range of about 40N.m peak torque (more is better).
Rpm range 0-5000 (and more if possible).
Weight is also a constraint, hopefully less than 15Kg(30lb).
Wisconsin based, and known for the "brushless Etek" (ME0201013001) and now the Etek-R and Etek-RT (ME0708 and ME0709, respectively) ;).
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I am looking at the motors but I would prefer something in the higher range of the power, i.e., 15-20KW. Moreover, if there are motors that can run at higher than 48 volts (up to 72 or 90 if possible) that would be perfect.
Nothing comes to mind that's brushless, let alone anything in the States. There just doesn't seem to be much of a market, unfortunately, since such motors are ideally suited to large EVs and not much else. :/
What do you need these for, anyway?
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