Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because of money issue but....

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Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because of money issue but....

... because of dealers.

Ok, I live in Slovenia. For those, who don't know where this beautiful, green country is, it's between Austria and Italy and it's an EU members state, currently presiding the EU.
There's no dealership in my country, so I emailed the dealerships in Vienna - Austria and Verona - Italy.
The dealership in Vienna was quick to respond, but there's one problem. The dealer in Vienna wants nearly 10.000 EUR (15.000+ US$) for the scooter, even though there's a Europe wide promotion going on with a price tag of 7.765 EUR or less.

Example1: http://www.eco-motor.it/index.php
Example2: http://www.rgvectrixdealership.co.uk/why.html

I mentioned the links to the dealer in Vienna and since then he stopped replying to my emails...

I also emailed the dealer in Verona - Italy. Vienna and Verona are the closest dealers for me. They are both 350km away, but for the things I like and fall in love with I'm prepared to make a trip. Well, the dealer in Verona hasn't even replied once. So I called him yesterday on his phone. He spoke english well, but when we got to some number crunching, he told me to SMS him my email and he will send me the data. That hasn't happened.

Luckily, I have a contact via MSN in Torino - Italy. I fly electric RC helicopters and the guy in Torino does as well and that's how we got to know each other - via RC forum. He lives 10 minutes walk from the Torino dealer shop and he went to check it out on my request. The shop is Vectrix exclusive and he says it's a very nice shop indeed. They even have a nice webpage set up: http://www.eco-motor.it/index.php
The webpage also mentions a promotion 'till the end of July, which is consistent with what I've read on this forum.
The unfortunate thing about Torino is, that it is 650km away :-( but my girlfriend and me were planning a trip through northern Italy for holidays next week anyway (Venice, Gardaland :-) ) and we decided that we would extend it to Torino even though it's an extra 300km trip in one direction. My Torino contact also offered us to sleep at his place :-) and to show us the town. I'm probably gonna go to Torino next week and stop in Verona, which is on the way, but boy, I lost my enthusiasm because of such treatment.

I'm even ready to rent a Renault Master van to go to pick up the scooter.

No wonder the Vectrix doesn't sell well with dealers treating customers like that.

If anyone is interested about me flying electric RC helicopters, here are some nice videos:

Sorry for the rant, but I really get turned off for a thing I was (maybe still am) prepared to spend 8.000 EUR for.

P.S.: If I buy the scooter and find out it's the best thing since the sliced bread ;-), I'm gonna open a dealership myself.

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I forgot to mention, that I have a 15 years experience with motorcycles, starting with Tomos APN6S moped (when I was 14), Cagiva 125ccm classic motorcycle (16 years old) and Yamaha R6 (later).

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Good news everyone! The Verona dealer called me and I will go to Verona next week to test ride the bike :-) Yippiee!

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in August 2007 I purchased my Vectrix in Bologna at

ViaLibera S.r.l.
Via Zanardi, 522
+39 0515870067
francesca [at] gevodafone.com

and hauled it 400 km to Klagenfurt/Austria where I live. Since then I've driven electrically over 6000 km in all kind of weather without any trouble whatsoever. Ms Francesca Perrone has been very dedicated, speaks English quite well, and did two outstanding routine check-ups on my bike so far. I can but highly recommend her, though I'm not sure about the current pice level.


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You'll fall in love as soon as you sit on one.
They really are fabulous machines to ride.

But I agree Vectrix is a quite engimatic company.


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Thanx for replies :-)

I'm going to Verona on Thursday to check the bike out. I think I'll fall in love too and I will soon be back with a van to pick it up. The dealer from Verona I spoke with also said, that at the end of this year they will be opening a repair shop in Trieste for Vectrix :-)

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Trust me, save yourself the time and money and drive the van the first time!

I made that mistake, except my voyage was around 1100 KM.

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I would do that, but I'm combining this trip as a 3 days holiday trip to Verona, Gardaland, Padova, Venice with my girlfriend and renting a van costs 70EUR/day.

I also found out, that my country has an Eco fund set up and they credit you with a fixed interest rate of 3.9%, which is less than current EU inflation (6%). If I take this credit for 10 years payback, I calculated, that the inflation would eat up 1/3 of the original price :-) What also makes me happy is the fact, that the monthly payment is aprox. 60EUR, which is almost as much as I pay for the monthly gas for my Renault Clio for the trips to work and back. So the credit would be paying itself :-) And in case if the inflation drops below 3.9% I can always make an immediate payback of all the credit, because I have the money.

So, simple calculation: 6400EUR(price without VAT), 10 years, 3.9% fixed rate = 64,49 EUR/month * 120 months = 7738,8 EUR
Inflation: 6400 EUR, 10 years, 6% inflation = 11461 EUR.

Today's 6400EUR will cost 11461 EUR in 10 years time, whereas I will only pay 7738 EUR = 67%

But for this Eco credit to approve, they told me I need some papers, like Certificate of Conformity, I don't know what the english word for, getting an invoice before the purchase (prepurchase invoice?) is and since I'm buying it in another EU country, they need some certificate of the Verona dealership.

Also, my country offers a tax relief for Eco friendly vehicles. I didn't know, that my country is already set up so Eco friendly :-)

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Hi AndY1
I'm from Trieste
probably we live near and also I'm disperate serching for a Vectrix Maxiscooter.
Last week I have called the dealer on Verona and his secretary takes my phone number and told me that He will called me.....but nothing!
Then two days ago I have recalled ad finally speak with a Dealer.
Before buy the Vectrix I would test for some weeks to test the performance on my typical daily route across the near hills.
But the dealer Vectrix don't give me this option...is not possible...this is the answer!
Then after the conversation about prices and special offering, I hve mailed the dealer of verona giving some references about Motoshops, Caravan shops and mechanics in Trieste to be surveyed for the possible opening of a Vectrix point in Trieste.
The answer till today is .....no answer......
I hope that the opening of a Vectrix center in Trieste is true!!

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Hi Danyl!

I've just returned from Verona (350km away from here) and I've test ridden the Vectrix on Wednesday. The reason you got no reply is because the Vectrix dealer is on vacation. I've spoken to his brother and he was a very nice guy to deal with. They drove me around with the bike and I had a chance to drive it myself. I've driven and owned many different motorbikes (including Yamaha R6) in the past and I liked the scooter. The only thing that concerns me is the range it can make. I need it to make at lease 60 km trip with one charge, 2 persons and not at 40km/h pace.

Maybe we can ask Wolfgang, who lives in Klagenfurt and he can show us his bike a bit further and give us a first hand experience. My town in Slovenia is on your way to Klagenfurt ;-) /hint

I think they're very serious about opening something up in Trieste later this year. I would be glad too, because that would shorten my trip for possible repairs and stuff a lot.

About driving it for a week... ;-) it would certainly be nice, but you can't really expect it. You never get a car for a week's test drive.

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I don't know first-hand about a two person load. However, from my experience the single most influence on range is wind resistance which is proportional to the square of speed. So two persons shouldn't make a big difference, provided there aren't excessive starts and stops.

My indicated range plus distance driven never drops below 60 km. So I'd say with reasonable constant speed of 70...80 km/h 60 km should be doable. To be honest I feel most confident with up to 50 km round-trip excursions.

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I need it to make at lease 60 km trip with one charge, 2 persons and not at 40km/h pace.

You can forget that unless you only drive around on the flat parts (like around Ljubljana) and avoid all the hills and mountains.
Or you need a Vectrix that performs significantly better than both the ones I have have (had).
A few days ago I pushed it (literally) for about a kilometer when I was trying out the increased range due to delayed charging before riding.

I got 60km out of it, going up to 80km/h but mainly 60-70km/h.

The last 10km were deliberately at about 40km/h, the last 5km involuntarily at very low speeds when going uphill.

I took the gentlest route from 100m above sea level (ASL) to seal level and back; a few rolling hills on the way.

All with about 106kg pay load, 187cm rider height, during weekend traffic, which means a bit less stop and go than usually. At least half the route has no traffic lights anyway.

The way around the problem is to change the color of the recharging cable. I've gone from a safe orange to an nice mouse-grey.....
That cable has a lower "resistance value", I imagine.

Mr. Mik

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Wow, you know your geography very well :-) Have you been here before?

The route I need to travel with two persons is from Domzale to Bled (aprox. 50 km):

My Route

I can also avoid highways and drive on the side roads. I took the trip on the side roads today with my gf in our Clio and it was a nice, empty road, with speeds up to max. 70km/h, but with three or four 50m steep parts of the road which they all end with steep decline where I could recycle power. There are almost no traffic lights along the way.

I can recharge the bike in Bled.

Is it doable?

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Wind drag increases with speed even more (^3):

Note that the power needed to push an object through a fluid increases as the cube of the velocity.

Drag (physics)

But, because you travel the distance in 1/2 time, you have to divide that with 2.

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o


I think the trip might be doable, but it depends on circumstances.

There might be times when it does not work too well, for example with a headwind, or very hot or cold weather.

Most importantly, no-one knows yet how long the battery capacity will remain at 100% - you might find that you can't make that trip any longer in a year.

The Ni-MH battery will also age quicker if you discharge it deeply all the time.

A test drive would be best to work it out, but make sure you do it with the passenger and everything else you will regularly carry with you.

As long as the last few kilometers are flat you can crawl a lot further, but any hill at the end of a long trip is a serious problem.
This is how I know the geography so well, by the way...
Mr. Mik

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

You're a resourcefull chap :-)

Weather here is New Zealand like so no worries here. I hope it does that 50+km trip.

I would do the first test drive with my girlfriend driving behind me in a car. I wouldn't want to get stranded with the girlfriend on the bike and without any power left ;-) Not good for my health.

Mik's picture
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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

I would do the first test drive with my girlfriend driving behind me in a car. I wouldn't want to get stranded with the girlfriend on the bike and without any power left ;-) Not good for my health.

But then you still need to get the empty Vectrix to a power point.
It is next to impossible to get it onto a trailer or into a van by yourself if the battery is totally empty or if it is not running for whatever reason.

Mr. Mik

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Wow, you know your geography very well :-) Have you been here before?

The route I need to travel with two persons is from Domzale to Bled (aprox. 50 km):

My Route

I can also avoid highways and drive on the side roads. I took the trip on the side roads today with my gf in our Clio and it was a nice, empty road, with speeds up to max. 70km/h, but with three or four 50m steep parts of the road which they all end with steep decline where I could recycle power. There are almost no traffic lights along the way.

I can recharge the bike in Bled.

Is it doable?

Hi AndY1
Generally I'm going to Liubliana about 3-4 times in a Year because I have my dentist!
I was at Domzale 2 week ago, going to Arboretum and this week-end I was with my family at Olimjia therme and Aqualuna park. It is a wonderful place!!!

About Vectrix I'm happy that you have tested it and it seems you are quite satisfied!
For your range, there is another people from Roma (his nik in this Forum is "duca") that have your same Km range made of quite uphill and downhill plus highway and he have to charge the scooter on working place. His employer allows him to charge every day the scooter without any money charge. It is good to sponsorize a green initiative!! If you have the same "benefit" the Vectrix is for you and you'll be free from oil!!!
About me I think that I buy the Vectrix without hesitation in september or next year in spring from Bologna shop. They was very kind with me and gives a good price. However I still wait for the opening of a Vectrix shop in Trieste because it give be more tranquillity!

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

You're a resourcefull chap :-)

Weather here is New Zealand like so no worries here. I hope it does that 50+km trip.

I would do the first test drive with my girlfriend driving behind me in a car. I wouldn't want to get stranded with the girlfriend on the bike and without any power left ;-) Not good for my health.

the dealer of Verona told me that the Oil (Bencin)shop has the capability to connect the Vectrix for as time you want to charge it. Than while you take a coffee, your Vectrix is charging how is necessary to arrive at home. 1/2 hour of charge give you about 20Km range. You pay 1 Euro (accordling with the Owner of Oil shop) and you can arrive to destination without pain!!

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o
I would do the first test drive with my girlfriend driving behind me in a car. I wouldn't want to get stranded with the girlfriend on the bike and without any power left ;-) Not good for my health.

But then you still need to get the empty Vectrix to a power point.
It is next to impossible to get it onto a trailer or into a van by yourself if the battery is totally empty or if it is not running for whatever reason.

Mr. Mik

My mother lives near Bled (beautiful little town called Ribno) and I would charge it there ;-) I just need to make that 52km distance with my girlfriend in the back seat :-)

We go there once or twice a month to visit my mother, have lunch :-) and walk around.

No problem with the transport. I'll have assistance on the road insurance.

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For the trip to work and back there's no problem, 'cos I only have 11km in one direction on a flat terrain, average speed is 70km/h.

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

Hello, looking at the maps it seems quite hilly.
Excuse me for getting personal, but how much do you and your GF weight togheter?
50 to 55km with pilot only seem to be at reach of any decent Vectrix at reasonable open street pace, but you should consider that everything which contributes to improve range does it very slightly, almost unpercieveably, on the contrary almost everything which goes against range, will do so with much more noticeability. This is to say that uphills or with headwinds you eill consume much more than you will recuperate by regen-braking downhill or with tailwinds.
Frankly speaking and after a very quick look at the map, your planned trip seems to me to be at the very far stretched limit of a Vectrix, and with two people... I'd be rather skeptical...


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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

Together we weigh 160kg.

It's actually very flat terrain. Only four 50 meters uphills followed by a downhill of the same height. ViaMichelin route has a bug. The link I provided above only has start and finish. You have to choose the 'Shortest' route in the options, to get the right route.

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

Hello, looking at the maps it seems quite hilly.

Frankly speaking and after a very quick look at the map, your planned trip seems to me to be at the very far stretched limit of a Vectrix, and with two people... I'd be rather skeptical...


Here you can see that it is really as flat as a pancake!

Mr. Mik

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

Exactly. And these are the roads:

End point is 100m above starting point.

AndY1's picture
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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

Well, I'm officially disappointed. It's been a week since I've been to Verona, where I told the dealer's brother and dealer's employee exactly what kind of documents I need from them in order to get funded by Slovenian Eco-Fund and I still haven't received anything. So I called him and he told me that, in pretty wording, nothing has been done regarding the documents. He and his brother are both on vacation and obviously the employee does nothing in the mean time. I really don't understand, how the dealer goes on 2 weeks holiday, when the price of the product he's selling has been cut and should expect customers. Instead, there's nothing being done.

By law, Eco-Fund has 1 month to approve the funding and another 5-10 days for the approved bank to issue funds.
The lowered price lasts only until the 31st of July and things won't be done in time.
I'm also going to vacation myself in August so...

There's one more quirk I'm bothered with. They want all the money paid in advance and then they make an order from Poland (where the assembly plant for the Europe is) and then I should receive the bike in 2-3 weeks and pay 170 EUR for delivery. I understand that it's 350km from Verona to here, but as I understand, Mik is 2000 miles away from the dealer and he had no problems picking the bike up without any charge. If understand correctly, the same is being done in the USA and probably in the UK.
Is that normal? When I bought Yamaha R6, I only paid 10% when the dealer ordered the bike and paid the rest of the money when I picked the bike up.

Well, the dealer's brother told me he would phone me in the morning, but I don't expect much. He already told me on the phone, that it would take at least another 2-3 days to get certain document. That makes it 'till next week at the earliest and the the mail will take a week to get here and by then the date on the calendar will show 15th of July. No time for Eco-Fund to approve, bank to issue.

I feel like begging for a bike I want to pay for and feel like he's doing ME a favor.


I think I'll pass the Vectrix this year and wait for next spring. Who knows, maybe LiFePo version will be out by then ;-)

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

Well, the guy didn't call me. They're obviously not serious. No Vectrix for me this year. Maybe next.

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

I want one so bad. My ebike is nice enough but no speed and a lil light,
Im here in windsor ontario canada and i believe the nearest dealer is in alberta..man i wish canada would get more green...government is nothing but stalling... im still gonna check out the new xm-3500 it is cheaper but its made in china and from my lil ebike..well if its the same quality then people are not gonna like it..not saying my ebike is junk just you can tell the standards are much lower in china...

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

Good news everyone. I have just received, via email, the documents I need from the Verona dealer. I will print them in the morning and submit them at the Eco fund. I may still get the bike this year after all :-)

It should take aprox 14. days for Eco Fund to approve (they work slowly, I know) plus 5 days for the Bank to transfer the money. So, there should be plenty of time 'till the 31st of July.
Then, Vectrix Verona can order the bike. That takes about 3-4 weeks, I was told, but I don't worry, 'cos I will be on my yearly holiday last three weeks of August. When I get back, the bike should be waiting for me :-)

Then the process of paying taxes to my country, certification, insurance and registration should get done very quickly.

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

The Eco-Fund has approved the application for the Vectrix :-)

Now I only need to arrange things with the bank and the bike is ordered.

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Re: Wanting to buy a Vectrix scooter, but I can't. Not because o

The Eco-Fund has approved the application for the Vectrix :-)

Now I only need to arrange things with the bank and the bike is ordered.

All of the hard work will be worth it. I started my process of obtaining my Vectrix in May. It was the middle of the recall process so Vectrix was not really responding to my local dealer with any info. Lots of emails, lots of waiting. Losing the great summer weather where I live. Finally my waiting was over last Monday. I have had 3 days with my Vectrix and it has been GREAT !!! I forgot all about the waiting.

Stay focused on getting through the process. The Vectrix is 100% worth the effort and the wait. This is the best electric transportation on the market today.


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