How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

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HCT's picture
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How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

Would like very much to know how many owner of Oxygen Lepton scooter are they ? and if any use Evercel nickel-zinc pack ? what is the mileage on them ? any problemes ?.
Want to welcome a new user with a lepton with somekind of probleme .
I have 2 Leptons , both with Nickel-zinc by Evercel MB40-7 packs
Will post this for general view , believe that the more people in the loop , better is the chance of getting questions answered ,I have not any problem with my two scooters , do not have any experience with fixing them .
I have over 1,600 combined miles 80% on mine and rest on my wife's.

AL_Rox's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

Mine is to arrive tomorrow. I'd like to be part of your group. Any tips for a 1st time owner would be greatly appreciated by me & my family.

scootermama's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I just purchased mine about two weeks ago. I've only driven it a few times as I'm waiting for a cover and a good lock so I can commute between the local subway and home.

It's great so far!!


AL_Rox's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

Congrats Scooter Mama!

HCT's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

Congratulation on your purchase , the Lepton is a excellent scooter ,not a speed devil but very strong and dependeable .Did you get it new ? from who ? price ? What is the distance you expect to travel each day ?. what batteries do you have in it ?


scootermama's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I purchased it new from GreenMotors in Berkeley, CA. I paid $2600. The owner says he could've asked for more and gotten it. I bought the second to the last one they had. I will use it to commute between my home to the local BART station. I like it because it can do the hills and I live on top of a hill. I could ride my bike down but coming back up was the killer. The distance is less than a mile probably only 1/2 mile each way. The batteries are the stock, I didn't have anything changed and I don't think the dealer changed anything either. I'm a real newbie with electrical things so I'm hoping people on this forum can help me with little things that I don't understand.


queensland's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I just got one from Thunderstruck Motors. It spent 2 weeks in transit and arrived by marine barge just yesterday (I'm in a small town in SE Alaska). It was pouring rain so about all I could do was haul it up on the front porch and plug it in. It is a 2000 and has about 95 test miles on it. Paid $2000 and quite a bit in freight. I'll be changing out the SLA batteries for LiFeP04 in the next month or so. This is my first scooter of any type so I am a complete newbie. I've used 3 and 4 wheel ATVs mostly. I'll be commuting 16 miles to work and back when the weather allows.

"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I talked to the good folks at Electric Motors in Oakland, Calif, some time ago. Todd told me they sell the Oxygen for hills like in San Francisco. Good choice for your area and for the commute you have.

Robert Dudley
E-Scoot Tech

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Source for Oxygen accessories?

Can anyone point me to an online source for a right side mirror? I need one, preferably a matching one.


HCT's picture
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Re: Source for Oxygen accessories?

I believe that the new Oxygen scooter still use the same model mirror .

Take at look at this site



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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I got a right side mirror from Thunderstruck Motors when I ordered my Lepton. You could check to see if they have a spare.

"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

HCT's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

Hello Queensland

How long have you had your lepton ? what batteries did you get ? and what mileage do you have it ?
would you recommend it ?
Just trying to get a feel on general inpression on this scooter , happen to own 2 and been investing a lot of time
and money developping a BMS for the 48 volt pack .


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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

Hello folks,

Just joined, as I have now bought a two-year-old Oxygen Cargo (OK, not a Lepton, but I didn't want to create a new thread).

I haven't been out on it yet, but I'll be using it to go a mile to work and back and then bombing around locally, rather than watching the fuel gauge on my Peugeot 406 show its dislike for round-town driving.

I'm in the UK, on the south coast, and I'd be very interested to hear from fellow-owners. I'm wondering how many Cargos there are around in the UK. This is all new to me, but I saw the scooter on Ebay and got it for what I thought was a very good price.


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Lepton error (and operator error) messages

I've ridden my Lepton locally and encountered what seemed to be conflicting Error messages on the LED display at the end of a ride. Great, I thought...the last thing I need is to damage my brand new electric ride way out here in the Alaska bush! I called the CA dealer who was quite surprised to hear of a Lepton problem. But, the scooter seemed to be running fine. I thought you might be interested in case you notice something similar.

A lot of local roads are soft surface dirt and I have to push the scooter around on wet grass and dirt to reach my porch AC outlet for charging. I tried turning on the ignition and using some throttle to help move the scooter around, but kept getting the Error 2 message (undervoltage). If the ground is too soft and I don't give enough throttle soon enough, I get this error code, flashing dash display and a beeping alarm. I guess it's protecting the motor from a load. If I start it and push off to ride normally everything is fine. When this first happened I got a bit worried and shut everything off.

The Lepton has a progressive indicator light display during the charge cycle but apparently there are several variations on this that the generic owner's manual doesn't mention. When I first start the charge there is a blinking light on the dash. The blink rate speeds up as the cycle progresses and is supposed to show a steady light once the battery reaches 80%. The light is supposed to shut off once the cycle is finished. Mine doesn't seem to do this. That steady light only shows for a moment. If I don't unplug the charger soon enough the whole dash display starts flashing and beeping and I get an Error 2 LED message (overvoltage). I can't hear or see the display from indoors. So, I'll plan to set a timer to remind myself to check it.

I am very relieved to figure this out. A local mechanic/electrician and I were stumped, couldn't find anything obviously wrong, and figured this out by trial and error (ah, operator error). ICE scoots are fairly new here compared to ATVs. But those who just glance at the Lepton do a double take when they realize it just snuck up on them quietly. Our gas has always been expensive so the price wasn't my main reason for going electric. I just love thumbing my nose at Big Oil muscle in Alaskan politics!

"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

queensland's picture
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Re: Lepton error messages (correction)

A small correction...I listed a Lepton's overvoltage LED message as an Error 2. It should have read Error 1.

"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I got an Oxygen Lepton a few months ago from Electric Motorsports. It has been awesome. I commute to work on it about 4 days a week and currently have about 850 miles on it. No complaints... and it will climb. The hill going to my house is 1/4 mile long and, at the steepest, an 18% grade. It makes it up with no major issues... although it slows down. Still... all-in-all, I am happy.


HCT's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?


Interested in knowing which batteries do you have in your lepton ,manufacturer , model , a/h also what range are you getting ,how far down do you discharge the pack ?Thank you for any response


HCT's picture
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Re: Lepton error (and operator error) messages


Have a couple Lepton myself and have never experienced any problem with the charging or display . what batteries did you get and what is your range ?

My two lepton scooter have Nickel-Zinc 48 volt 30A/H , put close to 2,000 miles no problem what so ever .
Most of batteries damage is done in the charging mode .It should done when the batteries have cool down , not right after a extended discharge .

The recommended charging by all batteries manufacturer is at ambient of 25 C or as close as possible .
This hold true regardless of chemistries.
If I can be of any assistance let me know


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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I am new to this forum but not new to the Oxygen Lepton (Evercel). I purchased a Lepton directly from Oxygen in 2002. Unbelievably, I never got the bike to work correctly. Here is my story:

After the bike arrived new in packaging from NY, I opened it up and took it for a spin. I didn't ride it around very far for the first few months - maybe 3 or 4 miles on one run, max. And I would always charge it back to 100% after riding. One day about three months after I purchased the bike, I rode about 5 miles and noticed the power dropped significantly at about the 5 mile mark (all riding is on relatively flat ground and I am 200 lbs). From there, it kind of hobbled for another 2 miles and would just die. I immediately called Oxygen and they assumed it was a faulty battery pack. The battery pack in the original bike consisted of two Evercel nickel-zinc batteries rated at 30AH, 24V, however, the new battery packs from Evercel were rated at 40AH. After receiving the new higher amp-hour batteries, I immediately swapped them out and charged them until the charger shut off. I took the bike for a ride and strangely enough… it began to lose power at the same 5-mile mark. Now, very frustrated, I called Oxygen… but received no call back. I also sent several emails but never got a returned email. I thought that it was highly unlikely that I could have received two battery packs. Needless to say, I continued to use the bike on and off for about a year going on very short 2-3 mile trips (grocery store, gym, etc). Until the battery began to kick out @ <2 miles. Then the bike was useless. I put it in storage for 3 years or so and now I’m trying to bring it back to life.

I picked up a 4 Interstate batteries (sealed lead acid), each rated at 33AH, 12V. They fit in very nicely in the old Evercel cavity… with possibly enough space for a fifth battery (60V setup???). I wired them for 48V. Before wiring them up, I checked the voltage on each of the four batteries. Three checked in at 12.1V, and the fourth battery checked in at 11.2V. Despite the big difference, I went ahead and installed the four batteries. I wasn’t sure how important it was that the batteries all be equalized on the first run. After installing, I plugged in the bike and the charger kicked in. The charger quickly (after about 3 minutes) brought the voltage up to 52.1V and then mysteriously shut off. The battery voltage then floated down to about 48V (open circuit). I took the bike for a spin... and the bike died AGAIN at 5 miles. Three completely different battery packs and they all fail to provide decent power after the 5 mile mark. Keep in mind that the red battery light was on even after the battery just finished charging. And the autonomy reading on the display was “0”. It still managed to get 5 miles on “0”, however.

So I assume that it is either the charger, or the controller is having issues. Is there anyway I can adjust these without sending the parts to Italy?

queensland's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

My error messages turned out to be nothing. I was getting used to the various dashboard displays and also had some trouble on very soft surfaces. The scooter is running just fine. The errors were OPERATOR ERROR!

"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

Too bad you seem to be the anomaly! Have you checked with the Oxygen dealers in the US such Electric Motorsports or Thunderstruck Motors? I think they support and service Leptons as well as sell them. It would be worth an email inquiry.

"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I have been planning to put LiFePO4 batteries in my Lepton (it has SLA now and runs fine). I've been offered a tested full capacity Evercel NiZN pack but am trying to decide which would be better in my situation. First, I won't be able to ride every day due to weather, and won't be able to ride at all for 2-3 months (Alaska winter). I've heard that these batteries need regular use. My daily commute is about 8 miles one way. I've also read that they are fussy to charge correctly and don't perform as well in cool temps. It will be cool (from 45 to 60F) most days I ride, and nights typically drop to 40F or lower even in summer. The scooter has to be stored on a covered porch, so not in a heated garage. I won't have much ability to analyze any battery problems as there is NO vehicle or electrical service business in my small town. Advice anyone? Thanks!

"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

AL_Rox's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I'm selling my Oxygen Lepton as it will never be able to be licensed in Minnesota. I'm bummed....something to do with Electric Motorsports and not because of the Oxygen. If you know of someone who is interested, please let them know! I've listed on the Forum in the For Sale area.

scootermama's picture
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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I have a 2002 Oxygen Lepton scooter which I purchased from a dealer in Berkeley, CA. It's been running pretty good. However, last month or so I've begun to notice it is not holding it's charge as well as it did when I purchased it. I can't gauge too well the distance I've been getting as I'm only doing small round trips of about 5 miles or so. The issue is, when I ride home it's a long hill climb up with a better than 15% grade so I have to use the sprint mode on it. When I got it, the sprint mode got me up to my house with the battery light going on the last two blocks to my house. Now, it dies half way up the hill and I have to baby it up the rest of the way e.g., turning the ignition off, turning it and having it go up little by little. I haven't had to push it up the hill yet (I won't be able to do that). I don't know what kind of batteries they are. I looked at them, but they were all encased in white with no markings on them.

My dealer says he can can do a battery and charger test for about $125. Is that about right? Any enlightenment would help.



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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

$125.oo what a rip off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you take the batteries out and take them to an auto parts store they will do it for free in most cases.

Grandpa Chas S.

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Have to sell my Oxygen Lepton scooter

I've had my Oxygen Lepton scooter since last June and it's been really good. However, life has changed and now I need the money so I must part with it. It's a black, 2002 model with a side view mirror and rack. I have an attachable trunk that I will sell too. I only added about 50 miles at the most, just going between home, library, and the bart station. I will sell for $2600. I recently changed one of the batteries for a new one. Located in El Cerrito, CA. No delivery available, cash or bank certified check only.

Email if interested: margo.takemiya [at]


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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

I realize this post is 10 years old so I'm hoping someone may still be out there with an Oxygen Lepton...I have have had mine for about 9 years-it was out of commission for several of those but it's back running. My question, should I leave it plugged in all the time? I vaguely remember being told to do this but it beeps, indicating that the battery is charged. I also vaguely remember that when I was using it years ago it would indeed beep when it was charged but then it would stop. Am I remembering correctly?

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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

It depends on your charger. I had two Oxygen Leptons, one came with sealed lead acid batteries and a removable big black charger with LED status. That charger would turn itself off when fully charged. The second one came with Evercell Nickle-Zinc batteries and an onboard charger which would turn off the red light when charged but the cooling fan kept running. Eventually I replaced the NiZn batteries with sealed lead acid and I'm using the same onboard charger, which seems to work fine. The LCD shows 41 EST when fully charged. I have it on an outlet timer that shuts off the power to save wear on the charger cooling fan. Hope this helps. Sold my first Lepton to a buddy and both are still running strong. Great product, too early in the U.S. market.


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Re: How many Oxygen Lepton scooter owner are on this site ?

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