Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

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laurierocs's picture
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Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Hi, I'm a newbie and am really glad I found this forum!

I've been thinking about purchasing this bike. Right now my friend is allowing me to "Trial-ride" a Baron Lazer 49cc moped she has for sale for one week. This thing has horrible acceleration. Up a hill, it went 5 mph. From a dead stop, trying to cross an intersection, has HORRIBLE acceleration. It's brand new and there's an oil leak. The guy that put it together said this was normal at first until it seals itself. Does this make sense? Worst of all...I haven't been able to locate a dealer that has parts. The good news about that bike is it's only $765.

Ok, enough about that. I really like the xb-600 and I was wondering if you all think it would have better acceleration? I know a lot of you have done the modifications and was also wondering how the bike has held up. My husband isn't too cranked up about buying a bike and then having to modify it. But most of all he's worried it can't handle the extra voltage and would fry the motor.

Zerogas, I'm really hoping you see this....I would really like to know how your bike is doing!

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!! sells 150cc four stroke for $979 -performance- Add another grant on gas ,oil ,octane buster ,carb cleaner, etc plus the thinker .My xb 600 has been running the mod for 2 1/2 months and holding on ,often carrying two adults.My Expresso S 500 watts motor & runing same 60v modification runs much cooler - maintenance free. After initial cost is like !!!free wheels for a yearGranted fifty bucks for the extra batt.In regards to acceleration and climbing the xb-600 was so sluggish that my smaller year old Expresso would leave it on the dust.

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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

I have an XB-600 and like it. It is slow without mods. I get a GPS top speed of 19mph on flat land which will get you passed by bicyclists. I have not done any mods (tried the shunt mod but I must have damaged the controller so I won't try again) but I think this would be a great bike if it could go 25-30mph for its price. Take-off from a standstill is horrible so I give it a good push before applying the throttle.
If you are only interested in short distance rides and don't want the hassles of maintaining a gas scooter than I would highly recommend the xb-600 or even a more powerful model.
Be careful about Chinese gas scooters. I was seriously considering a 150-250cc Chinese scooter but they seem to have some serious quality and longevity issues. The power difference from electric to gas is amazing though. I got a 150cc up to 50mph and it could top 65mpg.
I just bought a used Ecruiser220 which has a 60v pack and 2000w motor. It tops out at 35mph on its speedo and I will confirm with my gps soon. It feels about 100lbs heavier but it takes off much quicker than my xb-600. If you are looking for in-town safe sppeds I would recommend a bigger e-scooter that can go at least 35mph. I also test drove a 2008 Zapino and that was very quick off the line and it went up to 40mph in short time. The price was just too much for me as a nice Japanese gas scooter can be had for less.

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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

I have the xb600 and really like it. It's not fast...and not meant to be. It's equivalent to sort of what it is...electric bicycle. But you never have to use pedals! Never had them on mine from day one. It's comfortable, dependable, quiet, smooth and looks great and mine does (accurate) 20-22mph on flats and 10-15 up reasonable hills. I'm very satisfied with it. It isn't a fast accelerator, without the mods...but fast enough for me. My opinion is also this....if you want fast then buy the faster models...mopeds, not ebikes. If you are riding around lots of traffic...probably want something faster. I simply like riding the neighborhood streets with my xb600...around the campus...down to the local convenience store, etc.



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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Oh...also goto the x-treme website and look at the video of the choosing xb600. There's a video on that page. Also, you might search on the forum. Seems I recall someone listing several "videos" of folks riding the xb600...or search "YouTube" since I think they were all YouTube videos.



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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Up to 49cc chinese scooters usually have the oil pump activated by the rear wheel- if it is not rolling it won't get oil flowing .From then on the pump is activated by the engine and tend to have less problems .

hyperob's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Hi Laurirocs,

I have a modded XB-600 and I like it a lot. I did a half Zerogas half MilleyM style conversiona and it worked out great. At 60volts with a shunt mod it goes about 28mph on average. I weigh about 200lbs so I figure that is pretty good. It goes up hills around 22mph.

Compared to the stock version it has much faster acceleration and hill climbing ability. I drive it everyday to work and have not had any problems with the bike since discovering that the 30amp fuse was not properly installed and melted the plastic casing it was in while going up a very steep hill. After replacing the fuse box the bike has been a joy to ride. As Zerogas pointed out all the systems on the bike are rated for higher voltage than what comes stock. So far it appears to be true. The engine doesn't get warm and there is no problem with the DC/DC converter or the controller. After that there isn't much more to the bike electrically speaking so over the long term it shouldn't be a problem but of course you never know. That is the chance you take when you mod something.

After adding another 20AH battery and a charger and a spare controller for the shunt mod and all the other little things you need for the bike, it comes closer to a $1100 investment. For that price I would say its a good value. Just like any bike it will require maintenance and parts to be replaced so you do have to enjoy that part of the ownership experience to really get the satisfaction out of this kind of ride.

Good luck finding a bike thats right for you.

laurierocs's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Thanks to all that have replied! I really like this bike and really want to purchase it! But the mods... My husband is afraid to try them in fear of messing up the bike. He's not an electrical engineer or rocket scientist like most of you! LOL!!! It's too bad I can't have this thing shipped to one of you and pay you guys to do the mods! It would probably be cheaper than the alternative, the Tomos moped. They want $1400+200 shipping. Geez....


hyperob's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Hi Laurie,

I am not a rocket scientist or an electrical engineer. I had never owned a scooter before this one. I too researched a lot and found that the XB-600 is a good value because they sell quite a few of them and you can easily get parts for them (a very important piece of the puzzle).

The mods are pretty easy to do. The total time taken to do everything was about 4 to 5 hours and cost about $225 dollars to do.

I completely understand the desire to not have to do anything to the bike and have it perform to expectation but I found the stock version to be lacking in terms of top end speed and especially hill climbing which I would say is unsatisfactory in the stock version. You can't really ruin the bike by doing the mods. You can certainly ruin components but the costliest thing on the bike is the brushless motor which as of yet no one has burned out....not even Zerogas :)

If you do decide to get one you don't have to ship the bike to anyone to do some of the mods. The most important mod is the "shunt" mod. That can be done to a spare controller which is not brain surgery to replace in the bike. Its just pluging in wires.

I am sure if you decide to join the XB-600 community there will be help available to you.

Good Luck

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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Hi Laurie,
I thought I would add mt 2 cents here.
I don't have the XB-600, but a version of the XB-508 that I bought here in Canada.
In terms of top speed, they are limited here to 32 kmh (about 20 mph)but I have confirmed mine by GPS at
35 kph (21.6 mph). I am 6'2 275 lbs so I figure it is doing well. Mine has 4 22ah cells and I have gone
about 37 km (23 miles) all together during a day without recharging and it still had juice left in it.
The acceleration was disappointing until I did the shunt mod. Now it pulls very well, but you do have to
be careful because excessive use of heavy acceleration will dramatically shorten your range capability.
The brakes are adequate, could be better, should be better, but they are acceptable.
Overall I am very happy with my purchase. I have over 300km's (180 miles) on it now, use it everyday to drive
to work rain or shine. Of course, like most on these forums, I am always looking at ways of improving things on it,
but could have lived with it the way it was.
Hope that helps some.


zerogas's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

My xb 600 is still hauling just fine. My advice is to go with the xb 3000 if you can afford it. It will save you from doing mods. If I had seen it first I would have ordered it instead. The reason I started modding my xb 600 was to try to match the performance of the xm 3000 for 1/2 the cost, but I'm slowly creeping towards it! LOL, that being said, after 4 or so months for hard riding at 60v, I've yet to even blow a fuse. It works great. If you're still set on the xb 600 and mods, I can do the mod for you if you ship the controller to me. As for the extra battery, it's very easy to add another battery and you or your husband could do that part of the mod in way less than an hour. I have to say though, if you don't think 30mph is enough to suit your needs, buy the xm3000. I hope this helps.

Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up.

laurierocs's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Thanks Zerogas for the offer! Way too cool! My husband and I are still discussing buying a scooter in general. He's worried about my safety. But I'm pushing for the XB-600.

The XS3000 is a nice bike, but more $ than I wanted to spend. More importantly, the XB-600 has pedals so it would be considered a "Moped" here in Nebraska. Which means no licensing, no insurance and no motorcycle license. For simplicity, it's my best choice. And of course, helping the environment doesn't hurt either.

Really, thanks everyone for your feedback. I'll keep you posted as to our decision.


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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

I think you'll be quite happy with it. One note as well here. I prefer the "ebike" line of scoots from xtreme because even though the others are faster those of us with the xb600s and such haven't had really any of the problems the bigger rides have had. I know most folks have gotten the problems fixed one way or another. But we haven't had that "history" with our 600s and at least everyone that has reported here seems to have had no real problems. I know from asking "Mountain Chen" (a Chinese manufacturer/supplier of the bigger scoots who posts here) that these "ebike" scoots are made in a particular region of China and they must have been making them for several years and have most of the problems worked out on them to make them very reliable. Someone recently posted some video on here from a trip to China and I saw lots of similar looking "ebikes" running around in that video. So again, I just think these are more reliable. However, I'm not knocking the bigger rides. I think they are for the most part well worth the money. I just think they may be a bit more prone to problems than our "ebikes."

If you take the plunge let us all know what you think about it and so forth!



laurierocs's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Ok, it's settled...if I get a moped/ebike, it will be the X-treme XB-600. Where do all of you think is the best online store to purchase it? I would like to get it somewhere when it's shipped to me, it's not in pieces. I don't want to give my husband one more headache!


Last seen: 9 years 4 weeks ago
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!'s going to be drop shipped from X-treme Scooters in Benton IA...regardless of who you buy "through." So that point is mute. Now, as far as getting good service with your order the goto guy here on that model is ArticFox, He's a forum member and provides excellent customer service. That's who I bought mine through and will again if I make another purchase!



zerogas's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Definitely . Arcticfox is a super guy!

Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up.

AztecFemBone's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

I third that motion. :)

laurierocs's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Just there a way to lock this bike? Also, where do you all park it? At the bike rack or a parking stall? Has anyone actually ever used the pedals?

laurierocs's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Oh, and what does everyone think of the XB-700Li and the XB-490? Do either of these bikes have more power than the 600?

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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

I would really like to know what the capacity of the mythical 700Li might be. Actually, any specs would be welcome.

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

Thanks AF! What's the size of the battery? Amp Hr

win32forth's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!


It wasn't on the specs page, but judging by the other specs for speed, range etc. It would have to be in the 25-27 amp Hr range.


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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

It wasn't on the specs page, but judging by the other specs for speed, range etc. It would have to be in the 25-27 amp Hr range.

You are thinking lead and not lithium.

To get that range from a lithium battery pack, the pack is probably somewhere in the 15Ah - 20Ah range. Most likely 15.

win32forth's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

i know that Lithium batteries last longer than lead batteries, but why would the amp hour rating be different for a given watt motor and a given range?

Would it be because a 20AH lead batter is really only 20 Amps for the first part of the hour, and a Lithium batter is 15 amps for the while hour?

reikiman's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

i know that Lithium batteries last longer than lead batteries, but why would the amp hour rating be different for a given watt motor and a given range?

Would it be because a 20AH lead batter is really only 20 Amps for the first part of the hour, and a Lithium batter is 15 amps for the while hour?

Not quite. Batteries are rated by the numbers of hours they provide a given set of amps (amp-hour) but the actual rate depends on the rate of use. Lead acid batteries are usually rated at a 20 hour rate, meaning that the battery will give out n amp-hours over 20 hours. But for vehicle use the actual usage is at a much higher rate. Lead acid batteries tend to give out fewer amp-hours when used at higher rates.

Lithium batteries seem to be more predictable about what they deliver.

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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

and they are lighter !

So they are easier to carry!

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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

I have an XB-600. I've upgraded it with the 60v and the shunt mod. I'm not a engineer, welder, scientist, genuis, or anything else one might assume you need to be to do these mods. I simply took my time with the instructions, read through each step a few times and honestly, the instructions are very clear and very complete.

More importantly, I've been on my modded bike for over a month and I've had ZERO problems and spent ZERO dollars on ZERO gallons of gas (tho I have been stopped by more then ZERO cops, 5 to be exact). The motor never struggles (tho not opening the throttle all the way on a hill has saved me some fuses, thanks guys for yer help on that one).

I'd recommend ONLY using a 20Ah, 12V battery for the 60V mod. Otherwise the lower amp'ed battery will drain out the bigger pack really fast. I only got 7 miles outta my fully charged pack with a 7.5Ah 5th battery. I had to walk 7 miles back to my house, hahah my mistake, my pain.

One thing no one has mentioned so far is that for some reason, the XB-600 has this annoying popping sound that comes from the front fork,tire, brakes, or front something, when it's moving. I've lifted the bike and checked for the cause BUT no popping sound can be heard. I figure it only happens when there's weight on the bike against the street. I even heard the same popping in zerogas's 72V 35MPH YouTube video. Same popping. Check it out at time index 1:49 thru 1:53 AND 2:05 to 2:08 (much louder).

It's annoying cuz people mistake my ELECTRIC GREEN PLANET SAVING BIKE for a nefarious gas beast if they hear the popping as i drive by. ick.

NEway, my 2 sense.

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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

...I have been stopped by more then ZERO cops, 5 to be exact).


May I ask what reasons did the cops used for stopping you and how did the situations turned out?

My main concern about the mods on the XB-600 is the increased speed will illegalize this e-bike by breaking the 20 mph limit.


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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

One pulled me over to find out why i was riding a 'gas scooter' in the bike lane.

The next one stopped me cuz I was seemingly 'confusing drivers as to which lane I should be in'.

Another one stopped me cuz I wasn't wearing my helmet and I had to explain to him that while I was riding my 'bicycle' and an adult, I didn't have to wear a helmet. He checked to see if I had a record anyway cuz he wanted to save face and give me a ticket somehow. I don't have a record so he swallowed his pride. (score one for regular folk!)

The next one wanted to talk about electric scooters. Bored I guess.

And the last one wanted to check out why i didn't have a license plate and registration. I can't blame them for being kinda ignorant about the current surge (pun intended) in electric bikes on the road. Hahaha, It's a hassle and they've frequently made me late for work ...

NEway, that's that.

NOTE: I didn't get a ticket, citation or even a warning from any of the cops. Hahaha, just a "have a good day, sir.' LoL I love my bike!


zerogas's picture
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Re: Calling all X-treme XB-600 owners!!!!

I have an XB-600. I've upgraded it with the 60v and the shunt mod. I'm not a engineer, welder, scientist, genuis, or anything else one might assume you need to be to do these mods. I simply took my time with the instructions, read through each step a few times and honestly, the instructions are very clear and very complete.

More importantly, I've been on my modded bike for over a month and I've had ZERO problems and spent ZERO dollars on ZERO gallons of gas (tho I have been stopped by more then ZERO cops, 5 to be exact). The motor never struggles (tho not opening the throttle all the way on a hill has saved me some fuses, thanks guys for yer help on that one).

I'd recommend ONLY using a 20Ah, 12V battery for the 60V mod. Otherwise the lower amp'ed battery will drain out the bigger pack really fast. I only got 7 miles outta my fully charged pack with a 7.5Ah 5th battery. I had to walk 7 miles back to my house, hahah my mistake, my pain.

One thing no one has mentioned so far is that for some reason, the XB-600 has this annoying popping sound that comes from the front fork,tire, brakes, or front something, when it's moving. I've lifted the bike and checked for the cause BUT no popping sound can be heard. I figure it only happens when there's weight on the bike against the street. I even heard the same popping in zerogas's 72V 35MPH YouTube video. Same popping. Check it out at time index 1:49 thru 1:53 AND 2:05 to 2:08 (much louder).

It's annoying cuz people mistake my ELECTRIC GREEN PLANET SAVING BIKE for a nefarious gas beast if they hear the popping as i drive by. ick.

NEway, my 2 sense.

I think that "popping sound" is the cheap plastic front fairing. :) It's either that or the dc converter, but my fairing is cracked, so I KNOW it is popping.

Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up.


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