Adding extra battery

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Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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Adding extra battery

I have a 48v system and I would like to add a 12v battery not for voltage but for extended range. Can I do this with PowerCheqs to "recharge" my 48v pack as I drive, or is there a way to wire it in to do this.
Please excuse my newbieness at this. I thought I had read it here somewhere, but I didn't bookmark it.


Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Joined: Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 13:53
Points: 20
Re: Adding extra battery

Hello eRick!

Basic electricity 101, says that a single 12V battery MIGHT be placed in series with the existing 48V batteries, and that would make a 60V battery bank!! ... which, unless the system is DESIGNED to handle 60V system, WOULD PROBABLY CAUSE some serious problems!! [burned out controllers?, other parts?!]

The only PRACTICAL WAY to increase the MAIN BATTERY BANK RANGE (48V} would be to upgrade to a set of HIGHER AMP HR batteries!!, or (perhaps) much lighter batteries, with same amp hrs rating.

Yes, the 12v added battery MIGHT be used to run your 12V headlight and other lights; making your 48V to 12V DC to DC INVERTOR obsolete. But on my EVT-4000e such 12V lights only amount to (perhaps) 1 or 2% of the energy used, from the 48V battery bank, on typical daily runs.


Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: Friday, July 11, 2008 - 09:00
Points: 22
Re: Adding extra battery

Thanks for the reply Vincent.

I had read somewhere that someone wanted to use an extra 12v hooked up to his 48v system through PowerCheqs to feed power back to the 48v pak to give him extra distance. I really don't need more speed by going to 60v, just trying to give myself a little more range if needed. I have an 11 km commute in each direction and my Kaishan handles it no problem, even if I don't recharge at work. I, like most others here, WANT MORE.

Thanks again.


Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Joined: Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 13:53
Points: 20
Re: Adding extra battery: PowerCheqs

Did some research as to WHAT the so called "PowerCheqs" is suppose to do:

See URL link:

PowerCheqä is a bi-directional equalization device that is connected across pairs of batteries within a string. A battery string with N batteries requires N-1 PowerCheqä modules. The PowerCheqä modules interconnect batteries in a series string creating a bi-directional transfer path between neighboring batteries and enabling the entire battery string to be balanced.

This balancing action occurs during charge, discharge, and while the batteries are sitting idle. Bi-directional equalization ensures that all batteries in a string are equalized no matter where the low voltage battery is located. During the charge cycle your batteries run the risk of being overcharged due to variations in battery chemistry and internal impedance. PowerCheq works to ensure that all of your batteries are being charged at the same rate, negating the effects of over and undercharging of batteries within the string.

With PowerCheq continuously working to balance your batteries during charge, discharge, and idle periods, you can have peace of mind that your system will be there when you most need it.


Actually, well designed Lead_Acid batteries ARE SUPPOSE to reach "full charge" when they have approx. 14.3V-14.6V "bulk charge" for approx. 2 hours!!; and that includes many brands of SEALED LEAD ACID batteries!!

Will a set of 4 batteries LIFE change from 150 full cycles, to 450 full cycles?!?
IF the answer is YES, then spending the $90 for this device, MIGHT be worth it!; IF it doesn't call any other NEW set of problems!! But, whatever the AMP HRS are, of those batteries, is what one STILL GETS!!

P.S. It seems that that URL {} deals primarily with VERy SMALL battery sets, for very small scooters or bikes!!

I would like to read about REAL LIFE performance on 44-50AmpHr batteries in 30mph EV scooters!!, before I believe the ADVERTIZING HYPE of that merchandizer!!


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