88V LiPo Crystalyte

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88V LiPo Crystalyte

I was inspired by this build: (Credit to Doctorbass for his hard work)

I have in hand 88V 8Ah 20C Lipo's (24S 2P 4150 20C Lipo) 160 amps no problem

On Monday I am going to purchase: (Please intervene if I have missed details)

Phoenix Bruit 5305 Rear on a 26” wheel w/7 sprocket
Phoenix 72V 40A Speed Control
XT100 Standard Thumb Throttle
X-CTK Cruise Control

Will all those Phoenix parts just plug together leaving me with only a Battery connector to worry about?
Is there anything else I should buy to make it more plug and play? Soldering and hacking is no problem but I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

I chose the Brute (highest turn, highest torque, lowest KV) because I am going to go high voltage and I have seen others go over 40MPH with a Brute, 26” wheel, and about 85V. 40 MPH sounds scary to me. . . (see citation at top to view this system)

My bike is a $10 craigslist special. It is steel. Advice on Brakes? I heard of something by bulldog? (I am a bike retard)

I have read a lot but not everything. Words of wisdom?
I got a helmet =)

I love acceleration and I like a little speed. I think I will get that here.


Doctorbass 1996 Trek 970

Doctorbass 1996 Trek 970

Doctorbass 1996 Trek 970

Doctorbass 1996 Trek 970

Doctorbass 1996 Trek 970

Doctorbass 1996 Trek 970

Doctorbass 1996 Trek 970

Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, July 9, 2008 - 23:35
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Re: 88V LiPo Crystalyte

I will re-link this fine collection of information:

Crystalyte 5000 Series Owner Manual

Found via Google Search, ultimately coming from this forum.


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Re: 88V LiPo Crystalyte

I think you'll need a better controller if you want to dump 160 amps into that thing. A Kelly Controller may be a safer bet.

Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: 88V LiPo Crystalyte

Thanks for the feedback.
When I said 160A I was actually talking about the number of continuous amps that my pack can source, not what I will draw from them.
I really intend to run in the 30 - 40 - 50 amp range. These Taiwan packs only last if they are run well below their C rating.

I am a voltage guy. . . Firm believer that the way to make power is with voltage, not current. I fly RC (where the weight really counts) and it really highlights the drawbacks of high current: Heavy wires, lots of heat, low efficiency, the necessity for high C ratings. . . Voltage makes all that go away with only one drawback: Reliability due to the great number of cells in series.

In the RC world we have speed controllers that can run brushless motors at 50V, 30A, 1,500W, and only weigh 35 grams. An ounce if you strip it down.


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Re: 88V LiPo Crystalyte

Speking of RC, i've gotten a lot of good info on LiPo by trolling the RC pages. I'm a firm believer in LiPo; running a C-lyte Phoenix Cruiser with 2 x 25.9V 21AH LiPo packs.

Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, July 9, 2008 - 23:35
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Re: 88V LiPo Crystalyte


When it comes to information about Lipo, chargers, connectors, vendors, Chinese connections, etc. the RC community is the place to go. Much larger than the ebike crowd and in general, very involved. Tends to draw the engineer types too.

Hobby City ROCKS for low cost equipment btw. Just takes a while to learn the ropes.

With Hobby City and RCGroups I found my 200W 10S balance charger that kicks butt! My biggest problem was finding a power source for it. Ended up with a 12V 10A in parallel with a 12V 6A both in series with a 5V 20A just to get me 17V so I could utilize the full 200W.


EDIT: Forgot the link. This charger has incredible value

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