Accuracy of comments

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Accuracy of comments

I am new to this forum and joined to get a sense of what is happening in the electric vehicle community. In addition to having built a number of electric vehicles, I teach engineering students at a university in the northwest US.

Most of the comments in this forum offer advice that is simply wrong. I've seen bad advice concerning batteries, truth tables that were inaccurate and statements that violate the rules of digital logic and common sense. I want to use some of these comments in my classes to show my students that simply because someone on a forum makes a post, it is not necessarily correct.

Does it ruffle anyone's feathers if I take some of these postings and use them in my classes to illustrate what is wrong with using forums as a substitute for factual information?


Mik's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Fine by me!

It would be nice if you could also reply to the posts and correct whatever is wrong in them.

Mr. Mik

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Re: Accuracy of comments


There is nothing wrong with these forums.

If your students do not already realize that the information contained within these forums (or any other forum) is from any Joe that wishes to post here and may not be correct 100% of the time, then they need to be sent to the school of common sense.

This place is not Wikipedia (which can also be wrong and is always being corrected and updated), this is a community of like minded folks trying to help other like minded folks.

In fact I think you should probably ask your students how accurate they think information is from, newspapers, books, magazines, radio, TV...

Why am I even stating the obvious? Deron.

reikiman's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Hi, good point and something that's been on my mind lately.

As Deron said .. it's not the smartest thing to expect 100% accuracy here. In fact the mission of this site is for the lot of us to be learning from each other. Life should have taught you that we all have different levels of experience, knowledge, wisdom, viewpoints, etc .. and that not all of us are highly accurate.

But.. that said ... there is an effect where someone makes decisions based on what they read here.

We're talking about taking vehicles on the road .. and if someone takes bad advice on the road their bike can blow up in traffic and they end up dead. Okay, that's an extreme example but it's within the realm of possibility.

The thing I've been pondering recently is the effect on dealers, and there have been some dealers contact me over the last month or so about this. What if an incorrect opinion is posted about a dealer? What if that incorrect opinion becomes a highly ranked page in search engine results pages? What if based on that incorrect opinion a dealers sales are affected improperly? It has been multiple dealers who've asked me about this recently.

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Re: Accuracy of comments

This is probably one reason why you would get laughed out of a court of law. Free information, is just that, it's not being paid for like you would getting it from a professional. "Judge I'm want damages for the information I got off the net on how to make my bicycle go seventy five MPH, it started smoking after forty and burst into flames when I hit seventy". "That ten year old kid who gave me the information cost me a bundle".

If you come to the internet and buy some information, or you buy something based on that information, you should expect good information and the people selling you the information could be taken to court if they burned you.

Coming to the internet expecting something to be free and accurate, well...


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Re: Accuracy of comments

I think most people would welcome better discussions with increased accuracy; I know I would. Reasoned and respectful debates that bring more data to the table are (IMHO) essential to making a site like this useful.

Please share!

puppetplanet's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

I'm new and my recent post openly states the fact that I'm new and don't know what I'm doing. If your spending so much time reading something that you know to be inaccurate, then why wouldn't you post your opinion stating the fact instead of just taking the information to your students to ... (let me be lose about my interpretation of your post).... basically poke fun & laugh at something someone is suggesting??

If you feel someone's post isn't accurate, then why wouldn't you state your opinion and back it up with facts so that those who don't know what the heck they are doing can learn by doing it the right way?

Just my two cents. =)

puppetplanet's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

PS: you can start with checking the accurancy of suggetions made to the dilemma I've described in my post if you like. *grin*

pchilds's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Krilson said

Most of the comments in this forum offer advice that is simply wrong.

I have to call BS on this statement. Is there inaccurate information this forum, yes. But, to say the majority is wrong, is just plain wrong. I would estimate that at least 70% of the information on this forum is correct. A good portion of the inaccurate information is coming from the EV manufacturers/importers that lie to try and sell thier products. If you ignore the self serving dealers and the manufacturers specifications, that will filter out much, of the inaccurate information.

If you truly believe your statement above and are the expert that you claim to be. It should easy for you to post corrections to all of this wrong advice contained on this site. Krilson, Put up or shut up.

Edited to add, if you want to poke fun at the EV community, I think you should get your material elsewhere.


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Re: Accuracy of comments

Now I had to jump in here and throw my two cents also :)

Okay, you are a teacher right?

Most of the comments in this forum offer advice that is simply wrong.

Question: Have you ever felt that you have ever given your students bad advice?
I mean there must have been several students where they would come back to you and said, " I don't understand, or can you better explain this to me?"

My point is; we are all teachers and students on this forum. Everyone has some kind of valuable information about electric vehicles to contribute to this site, so this is a place to get advice. I had no idea what Electric Vehicles were until someone showed me one day and my jaw just dropped. I know more about ICE's because my family owns an independent auto repair shop.

You're only human when you make mistakes, no one is perfect

reikiman's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

I think most people would welcome better discussions with increased accuracy; I know I would. Reasoned and respectful debates that bring more data to the table are (IMHO) essential to making a site like this useful.

Please share!

Yeah..!! To the original poster if you have wisdom and knowledge and a desire to share, then please do so.

But I read this comment and thought.. if everybody were to wait to open their mouths until their knowledge was perfected and 100% accurate then nobody would be saying anything.

Maybe that's why so many spiritual orders have vows of silence .. but that's a side tangent. Again the purpose of the site is for all of us to learn from each other. Some of that literally means that we speak what we know and if there is better information available someone else can offer that and we all learn.

dogman's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Of course not one of my posts has been wrong,.... to me.

Seriously though, all these posts are opinions, and as the saying goes, they are like -------- everybody has one. One post does not contain the truth, but by reading many, you can come to your own opinions. Last summer I had some discussions with another guy about the effect of heat on the then new duct tape lifepo4 batteries. The problem with one battery was a loose connection in the end and while I was cooling my battery I smoked the dickens out of a motor. Only at the end of a month and a half of posts did the real truth emerge. Along the way many good and bad ideas were discussed, and some of the stuff ended up making no difference, but at the time we were making sense. The cool thing about the forum is that eventually some truths emerge such as.

Don't overdischarge your battery.

Use fat wires, and connectors.

Protect your controller from water.

Buy your ebay battery from Li Ping

To go fast, get a crystalite 5304

Some of this was known, but each post added more opinions till they became less opinion and more like fact. And more detail gets added along the way such as..

How much is overdischarged

how fat to make the wiring

what works best to waterproof

what happend to people who bought other batteries

how fast is a 5304.

I sure know more about my equipment now. Much of what the seller claimed was pretty optomistic.

Be the pack leader.
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Mik's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Fine by me!

It would be nice if you could also reply to the posts and correct whatever is wrong in them.

Mr. Mik

I failed to check first before writing this, and then V went down for a few hours:

Krilson, you have contributed to many posts already in a knowledgeable and polite fashion, Thank you!

Please continue...

Mr. Mik

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LinkOfHyrule's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Hmm...I got no problem with posts being shown in a class, but I would like to know how "most" comments are wrong?

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jyracing's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Not your comments Link, just everybody elses :) Well, except for Reikiman's, Chas', and (your name here)'s comments.

Dont believe anything JY says about EVs. Six months ago he didn't even know how to hook up batteries in series. Thanks to that 70% correct info from MOST of the people here, JY's Etrike didn't blow up and he didn't end up dead... yet.

Some of the most inaccurate info I have ever heard was from a few of my postgrad professors. That is why they call it Piled higher and Deeper.

What if based on that incorrect opinion a dealers sales are affected improperly?

I believe that is called Libel? Unless, its actually the truth. Or, whomever has the better lawyer. Or, if it comes from the US president?

JY, The Self-degradator

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Re: Accuracy of comments

You can use any of my comments. But I think some feedback from ronin149 would be more to the point:

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Re: Accuracy of comments

I still remember my High School driving class.

One test we took had question that asked how cars engines were cooled. The teacher marked my test for that question wrong, saying engines were water cooled. I made him look pretty stupid when I pointed out that VW engines were air cooled.

Welcome to the forum PuppetPlanet, glad to have a new feisty member, I like your picture, cute. If you are ever in San Diego...


JamesS's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Lets remember why we are here:

1. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for
judicial activity and public business.
2. A public meeting place for open discussion.
3. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television
4. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often
including audience participation.
5. A court of law; a tribunal.
6. An occasion or a place for talking about a matter of public interest
7. A place to express yourself: a medium in which the public may debate an issue or express
opinions, e.g. a magazine or newspaper
8. A meeting for discussion: a meeting to discuss matters of general interest
9. conference, mass meeting, panel, tribunal.discussion, gathering.

The first principle of a free society is an untrammeled flow of words in an open forum. /Adlai Stevenson

"Move along Douglas"


Happy scooting,

LinkOfHyrule's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

I still remember my High School driving class.

One test we took had question that asked how cars engines were cooled. The teacher marked my test for that question wrong, saying engines were water cooled. I made him look pretty stupid when I pointed out that VW engines were air cooled.

Wait...Why did you have to know how engines were cooled for a driving class? :/

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Mik's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Wait...Why did you have to know how engines were cooled for a driving class? :/

Because you might open the coolant cap when steam is hissing out on a defective vehicle....and burn yourself!

Mr. Mik

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LinkOfHyrule's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Point taken.

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puppetplanet's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Because you might open the coolant cap when steam is hissing out on a defective vehicle....and burn yourself!

Mr. Mik

Yeah, I did that ONCE.... learned a couple new cuss words that day too, though I think it was a different language. Best part was when the water came spraying out. Got the scars on my legs to show for it and I wasn't even wearing shorts!

puppetplanet's picture
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Re: Accuracy of comments

Welcome to the forum PuppetPlanet, glad to have a new feisty member, I like your picture, cute. If you are ever in San Diego...


Yeah, I noticed there aren't too many chicks. Seems like a man's world. =)

My first visit to Cali was Los Angeles last October, awesome place to be. Won the trip from MyCoke Rewards (took my teenage daughter with me), stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel, saw a movie in the Elcapitan, saw the Mexico vs Guatemala soccer game, took a city bus to the Santa Monica Pier, rented a tandem bike and rode it down to Venice Beach. Best trip we ever took together.

ahem.... back to the subject post. =)

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