Sound effect generator?

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Sound effect generator?

Now in seeing some of the expressions of those pedestrians I pass by who never heard me coming and the occasional near-miss when they do step out without looking.... I was thinking it really is time to get an option on the market for the vectrix.

A Sound Effects Generator!

Imagine being able to select your sound for the day - perhaps a Loud Harley engine, F15 or even the Millenium Falcon. That will get the traffic noticing the approaching, heavy scooter.


LinkOfHyrule's picture
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Re: Sound effect generator?

Nice thing about high-rev induction motors is that they already sound like turbojets. ;)

No @ Harley

LOL @ Millennium Falcon.

I'd do something nerdy like take a signal from the motor's leads and feed them through a few filters for wiggy effects. :/

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Re: Sound effect generator?

Now in seeing some of the expressions of those pedestrians I pass by who never heard me coming and the occasional near-miss when they do step out without looking.... I was thinking it really is time to get an option on the market for the vectrix.

A Sound Effects Generator!

Imagine being able to select your sound for the day - perhaps a Loud Harley engine, F15 or even the Millenium Falcon. That will get the traffic noticing the approaching, heavy scooter.



You are not the first nor the last to mention this same idea. From other forums and the archives here are some examples of sound generators that are tied directly to the throttle. But please remember, adding speakers will drain the batteries faster and/or additional batteries to run the speakers reduces the space that may have been used to go a greater distance for the drive batteries. (I like the Vespa sound) Although the link to an unfair Hybrid test is in there, they advertise adding any sound and the video link has the steam engine noise in it.

Eventhough it is joked about adding playing cards to wheelspokes, here is a product that takes that idea and amplifies sound in a muffler shaped 'mega'phone impractical for our larger applications but I still find it amusing.

Or like in a video of Ben Nelson on Youtube, you can make one yourself.

Also this Australian.

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Re: Sound effect generator?

I tend not to have a problem to be honest, most pedestrians look before crossing, and those that dont are usually so dumb that they would not even look if a foghorn on wheels was approaching anyway.

Same as visibility - I go to some lengths to make sure I am visible as possible (reasonable standard of reflective clothing, dipped beam headlight and sidelights on at all times etc), but the seriously dumb drivers or whatever will still pull out in front of you even if you were the sun itself driving down the road.

Unfortunately there is no cure for having no common sense or awareness skills, all you can do is protect yourselves from those that to do not...

moccasin's picture
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Re: Sound effect generator?

If I felt compelled to go with a sound generator, I'm afraid I would HAVE to use the Honda Sound byte from the following camparison site (give it lots of time to load). You must have MS Power Point to hear this hilarious take on the sound of a Honda! HAHA!!

However, the Australian guy mentioned earlier has a kewl second place in my book! :-)

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Re: Sound effect generator?

I would miss the wonderful space age sound of the Vectrix if it were drowned out by a sound effect generator.

The most recent person I've nearly knocked over was a woman crossing on (her) red with an MP3 player on. She almost collected a Darwin Award, and she shouted at ME to watch where I was going! Aghast!

Of course, on a proper bike (or one with sound effects)I wouldn't have caught what she called me as I rode away! LOL.

The thing is, why does this happen at all?

On my push bike, I'm even more silent and not as visible, but no one steps out in my path. My theory:

I think the answer is that they DO see the Vectrix but don't hear a sound, so presume you are not moving and think it's fine to cross.

On a push bike, they expect no sound, so are more careful.

So it's probably all down to expectations.


retrodog's picture
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Re: Sound effect generator?

I usually make motor noises with my mouth as I'm driving through a congested parking lot. I've had people turn to look at me on occasion and when I stop making the noises, they then turn their attention to the bike and realize that it's not making any noise. They then either smile or just stand there with a confused look on their face. Either way... fine by me.

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Re: Sound effect generator?

Good work!! :D

kevin smith
kevin smith's picture
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Re: Sound effect generator?

hey listen i have just been giggling to my self as my son was visseting me a month ago and he didn't no that i was getting a vectrix scooter .as i have the new type e-max 110s scooter.
i gave him some money as me did ewll with his gcse.s at school and as i have had electric scooter 4 ages he couldn't affort a petrol scooter what a dirty word haha :)
well he needed a form of transport to get to his part time job and collage . well over in England they sting your kids hard for insurance so tax and ( mot roadworthiness test )
so any how opted for an electric scooter aprox 250watts har a road spead of no more than 15 mph or off road switch of 20 mph and has pedals on it cost £500 and think with in the week or next week if stands him at nothing as it paid for its self in transport costs ...... to and from collage is £5 a day thats aprox 3 days a week and work is same £ 5 a day he has been doing aprox 2 to 4 days aweek at work and thats been for 6 monthes sounds good to me

thats not including the road tax he is saving £15 ( .... insurance saving of £300 ) .............. ( mot £ 30 approx forgotten .. ) petol and oil saving £150 for six months

forget it ..!!!!!!!!! ave just worked it my son's scooter has well and trully paid for its self purchase price £ 500..... saving over six months £ 600 on buses saving ... against petrol £530 + would need to purchas petrol scooter thats not been accounted for well say petroll scooter second aprox £800 ......

and the only thin to go wrong was stand part fell off will weld back on when wether goes good if you want to see the scoot its on ebay funtogo .com cheap n cheerful have had to tinker but good starter for young lads and carnt get in much trouble with these if you don't mind slow ride home very very quite now where was i yeh son was going home on his scooter and i saw him and flew pasd him and said yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as loud as i could he said he didn't hear me comming and i scared the livving day light out of him lookig back it was silly but we had a laff i must admit sumtime only some times i can make a sound of a turbine engine and i bet people think what is that .!!??????
o just make a loud blowing sound . aynt we silly kev ;)

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Re: Sound effect generator?

I didn't think lack of noise was going to be an issue.... but I had to change my mind. Too many people in London come out of side roads at full speed, relying on their hearing before their sight. Seeing something appearing at your side like that makes you instantly try to dodge it even if they do brake in time. I'm constantly using my horne. I would like a noise feature that can be switched on and off.
Also I'd like to adjust the low beam height, it's far too low and does not flash at side mirrors when overtaking....

SacCity's picture
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Re: Sound effect generator?

Need a sound generator for my electric scooter,

Mostly need noise at low speed or when stopped.
Would like low volume when switched on.
A thumb lever to increase volume speed with a 0-5 volt input.

In addition to being able to adjust the base volume or speed of the sound generator...

Do not want to tie the sound to the throttle as the idea is to be able to "Rev" up the engine, volume when pedestrians are in the way or when in stopped traffic..


info.saccity [at]

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