Cycle analyst speedo

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Last seen: 12 years 34 min ago
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Cycle analyst speedo

I have a 60v system with 20 Thundersky 60 ah cells,a Perm 132 motor and a cycle analyst to monitor speed amps etc. The speedo function of the analyst uses a magnet and sensor to sense wheel rotation and calculate speed. It was working fine and then all of the sudden it quit. I remember seeing somewhere that a guy hooked his up to his motor but it was not the Perm. The magnet thing seems kind of funky and I was woundering if anyone knows of a better set up.

reikiman's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 17:52
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Re: Cycle analyst speedo

I managed to glue my magnet to the wheel rim with one of those extra strong gorilla glues they carry at the hardware store. Unfortunately the pickup isn't picking up the magnet and the CA doesn't register the speed. But the magnet is sticking in place on the rim.

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