Plug-In 2009 Conference & Exposition

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Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
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Plug-In 2009 Conference & Exposition

Hi: In the interests of full disclosure, I'm working on this event. Just thought the readers on the forum might be interested. Here's a press release with some background. Thanks.

Registration Opens for Plug-In 2009 Conference & Exposition
International Conference on Plug-In Hybrids, Taking Place in Long Beach in July,
To Help Drive Plug-In Industry Forward

Looking for an opportunity to learn about the latest technological advances, market research and policy initiatives shaping the future of plug-in hybrid electric transportation? Then register today for the Plug-In 2009 Conference & Exposition (, the second annual international conference taking place in Long Beach, Calif., from Aug. 10-13, 2009.

With President Barack Obama calling for 1 million plug-in hybrids to be on our roads within the next several years and the stimulus bill directing $2-billion-plus toward investments within plug-in-related technology development, infrastructure and deployment, Plug-In 2009 will bring together a “who’s who” of industry stakeholders to discuss and collaborate on next steps in areas such as research, vehicle technology, infrastructure requirements, policies and regulations, and market development.

Representatives from automotive manufacturers, component suppliers, electric utilities, government agencies, academia and the environmental community should make plans to attend to share best practices, advance policies, network, hear from industry leaders and see the latest innovations associated with plug-in technology – including vehicles and supporting electricity infrastructure – on the exposition floor.

The content-rich agenda for Plug-In 2009 includes three plenary sessions, a pre-conference battery workshop, a pre-conference plug-in readiness workshop, 21 breakout sessions and a public night.

Plug-in 2009 will build on the highly successful inaugural 2008 conference, which attracted more than 650 attendees, 35 exhibiting companies and more than 100 media representatives.

Event organizers include the Electric Power Research Institute and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group. To register or reserve a booth for Plug-In 2009, visit

Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 14:55
Points: 20
Re: Plug-In 2009 Conference & Exposition

Hi again: Sorry for the error in the headline, which says July. The text is correct, as the event is in August. That's noted on the website.

Mindy Berman

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