Latest on Future Vectrix

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Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 04:36
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Re: Latest on Future Vectrix

Point Taken and no offence meant, but there are people on here who are loosing alot more than the future parts and service supply for their machines.
What we need is some constructive information on who is going to take on this brilliant product if any one, and not the reasons why HD and BMW aren't.
I do respect Marco Polo's point of view and will tone down my future posts.
However! I do know 90% of the info he is putting out is wrong and ficticious and only time will show this.



Just very well informed

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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Re: Latest on Future Vectrix

C'mon, Rebel, you can tell us, are you Chip or Dale?

is Vectrix is not in a war, nor Vectrix is a religion! There is no "smoke of battle", just a commercial enterprise that mismanaged its investors money so badly, it went bankrupt! You bought an appliance, albeit an innovative one, you may wish to believe you joined a crusade, but you didn't! You just bought an appliance! I admire your passion and anguish at the death of an EV brand, but it's just that, one more company failure.

Your problem, is you can't separate the concept of supporting EV progress, with criticism of a particular EV company. I don't enjoy watching the demise of Vectrix, ( and I bet I invested a lot more money than you!), but, unlike you, I believe that we have a duty to report the truth, no matter how unpleasant. Just blindly hoping, something will not happen, is not he same thing as preventing the event!

No one sabotaged Vectrix, except Vectrix management! Equally the management of Vectrix, must be held to account, like any other corporate executive in a failed enterprise. I am talking about corporate governance, i have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not sure you can accept that you can't help or hurt Vectrix, it's past that stage maybe 12 months ago, certainly 9 months ago when they decided that litigation to silence the complaints about poor service and quality defects was preferable to supporting customer warranties.

Is that the "honesty you are advocating"?

By the way, saying something is fictitious, requires, if you are 'honest', to state exactly what I have said that is fictitious(drivel or otherwise). When I first wrote that Vectrix was in deep financial trouble, many of your supporters wrote saying this was rubbish, and the company was running at a profit! When I reported that the company was nearing bankruptcy, the same crowd scoffed. When I wrote that Vectrix sales were less than 4000 world wide, you guys screamed angry derision and claimed more than 25000+ units sold!! When I reported that unless the CEO was replaced the company had less than 3 months to live, I was accused of bullshit! So where is Vectrix currently? Completely bankrupt, and about to cease to exist.

Hey, but it's real simple to discredit my reportage! Just show me some, well any FACTS, where I'm wrong? No, I didn't think so?

Yet, Guy's like you still won't face reality, you believe that personal abuse to the messenger will fix the problem and make you feel better.

That is unless you are actually part of the former Vectrix management, if so we would all be fascinated to here your story, and I assure you we would all keep an open mind?

P/s I don't have any more details on the Spanish/American consortium, except I should clarify that I refer to a consortium from Spain and the USA, not Spanish/American in the American sense.


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Re: Latest on Future Vectrix

What we need is some constructive information on who is going to take on this brilliant product if any one, and not the reasons why HD and BMW aren't.
I do respect Marco Polo's point of view and will tone down my future posts.
However! I do know 90% of the info he is putting out is wrong and ficticious and only time will show this.



The constructive info cannot come before the legal proceedings are over and the dust has settled.

I do not see Marcopolo's comments and analysis as "kicking Vectrix when down", far from it. The demise of Vectrix was clearly approaching, long before Marcopolo posted on Visforvoltage. They dug their own hole.

The bad news will hurt some more than others, particularly people over-exposed to the risks, but shooting the messenger will not change the message!

Do you seriously believe that Vectrix would have a better chance of selling itself to a potent buyer if Marcopolo had not posted anything here? Take a deep breath and a step back, you seem to have lost perspective.

This information may be used entirely at your own risk.

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Re: Latest on Future Vectrix

People! Stop acting like children (both sides, I'm afraid). Yeah, I know I introduced the Chipmunk line - but it was supposed to be a throw away comment...

And now back to the interesting stuff...

In all likelihood the Vectrix assetts will be sold by open tender.

This could be really interesting. Who will snag the inventory? What will they do with it? I know of at least two entities that have expressed interest. One (my company) in all likelihood doesn't have the time or resources to make a serious bid right now. The other, well, he's a smart guy and it'll be interesting to see what happens.

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 04:36
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Re: Latest on Future Vectrix

Ok Marco i will give you some slack and knock that back to 75% non factual.
No i am not ex Vectrix Management Nor a future investor but.

1)As i have just joined this site i am only refering to your posts from the last week since the possible bankruptcy was announced.
2) I would not wish to be involved in the management or have had anything to do with the shambles that called itself sales and marketing in the UK as the way I and many others saw it,it was poorly directed at the wrong markets and not the mass markets,basically an excuse to blow money on expensive jollies,Budgets were treated as targets to be exceeded.
3)If you want to go down the route of I invested more than you and my wallet is bigger than yours i will cut a deal with you and when the enevetable happens and the dust settles I am prepared to disclose my identity ,will you yours?.
I will draw a line now and continue to read your posts but i am a better position than you to know the truth as to what is happening now and not what has happened in the passed year.

Lets just see what happens next and see if they manage to pull anything out of the hat.

Your Biggest Fan


Just very well informed

Jim Knopf
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: Thursday, July 16, 2009 - 08:05
Points: 39
Re: Latest on Future Vectrix

Marcopolo, this is from your 2. biggest Fan
Hej Rebel I will join you to disclose our identity, if Mr Polo comes to the table!! We all have our COMING OUT!

Martina Engels


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