First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

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First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

It is a great pleasure to announce the First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya
It will take place next week in 28 july 2009 , All interested vectrix owners will meet at Barcelona's Vectrix dealer at 20:15 (automocion 2000), which is placed in Carrer Gran Via Carles III, 70-74 08028 Barcelona.
We'll ride trought les costes del garraf to Sitges, where we'll enjoy a special dinner at the Estela Hotel **** We'll get a special price!
The trip will be around 43 km, and according to my experience about 5-6 bars may remain. Don't worry, all vectrix will be recharged during the dinner (Hotel Estela is the first hotel in spain offering recharging points to their costumers!!). There are also private recharging points avaiable in Barcelona, in case anybody needs a partial recharge to head for home. Email me for further details!

automocio 2000

oobflyer's picture
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

Que tenga buen viaje - ¡estoy celoso!
Por favor - ¡ponga unas fotos aquí despues!

R's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 day ago
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

Sure I'll upload some pictures!

RaDy's picture
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

Im in!!
Por cierto, el Hotel tiene enchufes para 6 Vectrix?
Mañana nos vemos!

R's picture
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

Hola raj, el Hotel está avisado. El punto de recarga da para dos vectrix, el resto tendremos que buscar otros enchufes por el parking... Trae un rollo por si acaso....

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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya


R's picture
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

By now 7 vectrix will attend the meeting... Incredible! I didn't know there were so many Vectrix in Barcelona..... We'll post pictures tomorrow!

RaDy's picture
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

It was a cool and fun meeting, but also had its problems, 7 Vectrix started but only 6 made it to the end.....

Final top up of the Battery,extended plug and wind jacket, all is ready.

Final top up before meeting point.JPG

Six of us Meet infront of the Vectrix Dealer in Barcelona,1 Silver,1 White,2 Dark Greens and 2 Vx-1 Silver wih white decals, after some presentations we get on our way to meet one other Vecctrix

6 vectrix meeting at the dealer.JPG

1 Blue Vectrix Joins us!

7th Vectrix joins.JPG

We head for the Highway, its around 20kms of flat 3 lane Highway at speeds between 80kmh and 100kmh, everything perfect.

1st stage of Highway 80-100kmh finished distance 20kms.JPG

We start the Coastal Mountain hill Climb of Garraf, nice ondulated,clean and new tar (asfalt), newly bordered protection, roads. Thats 19km of this most beatiful climb where you pass a little town, beaches, small leasure ports and one very nice Gaudi Landmark :

2nd stage Riviera type coastal mountain climb 19kms.JPG

Half way through, i suddenly look back and notice the Seventh Vectrix has dissapeared....... i was sixth in the row. I accelerate to catch up with the Ffith and tell him, we should wait so we stop and start all the phone calls and alerts to others, but we have difficulty with the signal and have to look for a better place, 1 is lost and 4 dont know what is happening.

one Vectrix dissapears, we stop to wait.JPG

We cant contact the 4 Vectrix up front but we manage to speak to the lost Vectrix, With a very bad Phone signal, we decipher that he is stranded but cant understand the reasons, he simply cant carry on. We decide to split, one of us will go to the rescue of the Lost Vectrix and the other will try to speed up to the rest and inform about the situtation.

One goes to the rescue another meets up and explains the rest.JPG

From this position we manage to contact both the lost and rescue Vectrix. The problem has been the Missing Bars Sindrome!!!!!!!! , The lost Vectrix (with 2 occupants)left Barcelona with nearly a full charge and just after 30kms all Bars dissapeared. He then mentioned that they had been on holidays and had left the bike for a long time without recharging.He got a tow back to Barcelona.
We then continued our trip and finally reached the Hotel with our promised recharging waiting for us, 2 of the Vectrix reached with no Bars!!!! They hadnt fully recharged before starting, very risky on their behalf or very confident on their bikes.

Finally 6 Vectrix arrive to recharge.JPG

Fabulous 4 star Artistic Hotel with a table waiting for us

Good dinner and experience sharing.JPG

Good fun, sharing experiences and thoughts and having a delicious Spanish/Catalan Mediterranean foods and wine consisting of Seashells, Jamon Iberico (Spanish Dry Ham) ,Pan fried Squid and a special type of Paella as main Dish, all very well accompanied with white wine.

Spanish-Catalan Mediterranean Jamon Iberico,Seafood and Paella!.JPG

After dinner all preparations for the return trip with a full Bars Vectrix at 31c.

Everything safe to get back.JPG

One Final foto infront of the hotel before our return trip. A very pleasent return trip with a nice fresh breeze of air coming from the sea and a quiet and smooth Vectrix gliding down the curves one after the other like UFO,s in a row (this is because of the looks of the Vectrix from behind and the special engine noise all in a dark quiet night). Vectrix is a totally different new experience!

All lined up to start the return trip, with a few extra glasses of wine.JPG

We are already planning the next meeting.

jmap's picture
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

Very nice :-)

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

I wish I were in Spain :-( sounds like a lot of fun you had.

AndY1's picture
Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

I wish I were in Spain :-( sounds like a lot of fun you had.

Me too :-)

kevin smith
kevin smith's picture
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

i want to go to spain.

RaDy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

We can always plan a future World meeting, but we will have to wait for a fuel cell! :)

R's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 day ago
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

Very nice pictures Rady, thank you for posting them.
Interestingly after reaching the Hotel we noticed that the vectrix used every day had more battery left, the more often you use them, the more range you get.... Hofer reaching monaco! Nice xalps 09....

jmap's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Re: First vectrix meeting in Barcelona, Catalunya

Very nice pictures Rady, thank you for posting them.
Interestingly after reaching the Hotel we noticed that the vectrix used every day had more battery left, the more often you use them, the more range you get.... Hofer reaching monaco! Nice xalps 09....

That's an interesting observation... Maybe due to some "memory effect" or you just didn't recharge it for a long time before the ride? Remember that the battery looses about 1% of the charge per day and it seems that the charge bars don't reflect that always.

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