Hi! A couple of days ago, I bought a VIP trunk from E-bay and installed it on my XM-3100. It really looks nice. However, I have not being able to wire all the lights on it. Has anyone done this? I would appreciate any instructions.
Hi! A couple of days ago, I bought a VIP trunk from E-bay and installed it on my XM-3100. It really looks nice. However, I have not being able to wire all the lights on it. Has anyone done this? I would appreciate any instructions.
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On what model is your scooter? I have a set of lights on my trunk too and all lights work including center light which are like on bicycle just going all over and not in one place. They might be DIM when hooked up too for I just measured my 5 eXtreme scooter and the highest voltage on converter is almost 11 volts with most lights off.
There are electronics in my trunk for strobe assembly so check polarity. For that matter even the LEDS are polarity sensitive too. Test the lights on trunk with a portable Ni-Cad pack or small Gel Cell battery first.
I forgot to add that if you have the same "made-in-china" trunk I have the color coding of the trunk is as follows.
Black - Negative polarity 10 to 15 volt input
Red - Light Bar steady 10 to 15 volt Positive
Brown - Light Bar Strobe can be wired with Red for Brakes. I use strobe for slow speed driving id est my bicycle removable flasher strobe light.
Blue wire - Left turn signal
Orange wire - Right turn signal
I didn't get wiring instruction with my trunk.
Do not reverse polarity for module will smoke at a very young age.
for LED circuits, it may also be possible to test with a 9volt transistor battery available almost anywhere, but it may still be possible to damage the circuit even then.