help translation from german

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help translation from german

i am new in this forum.
I guess the forum is located in the US or UK(??)
as i live in germany i have to communicate in english so first of all lets translate the words:

I try to put a motor on a bike so thast i will have a pedelec. For this i want to use:
- a motor
- a sensor to start the motor by biking
- a "Steuergeraet" well now i know this word in german only: what is the word in english? i mean "Steuergeraet" means the electronic box with which the motor is run
- i want to use a "Drehgriff": now again i dont know the translartion: what is the enfglish word for "Drehgriff"?? i mean by this what i have on the hand like in a motorcycle and what i turn with hand to give gas
- a battery
-and of course a bicycle
-and brakes

when i know those words in english ("Steuergeraet + Drehgriff) i want to tell you:

i could get :
- a motor
- a sensor
- a drehgriff
- a "steuergeraet"
- battery

from a pedelec company . then i will just check if i am able to put all right together
thank you

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Re: help translation from german

Steuergeraet = Controller
Drehgriff = Clutch/transmission. :)

Online translator I used:


<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="">[img]

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Re: help translation from german

Hi Visfor,

Welcome to the V is for Voltage Community!

Steuergeraet = Controller

Drehgrif = Throttle (sometimes referred to as a "Twist Grip Throttle")

- a motor
- a sensor
- a Twist Grip Throttle
- a Controller
- a battery

Other than those two words, your translation is perfect!

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Re: help translation from german


wenn Sie mehre Hilfe brauchen, ich kann auch Deutsch.

I'm always happy to help out with German.

Silver EVT 4000e (60 volt) San Mateo, CA

Silver EVT 4000e (60 volt) San Mateo, CA

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Re: help translation from german

Again welcome to our V is for Voltage Community, where else can you find all this good help. We are truly a world wide EV Community, our Moderator Team also has a member from Germany to help you if needed, just contact Forum Support.
We started a vision process on the old Forum, when we were making plans to start this site, one of the visions was about other languages being available.
If you feel that may be a vision you also share, we invite you to add it to What is your vision for the future our growing community?

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