Pictured below is an electric scooterbike where the front wheel has been replaced by a snow-slider-gizmo-thingymajob. Looks cool. Looks like a way to get around in the snow and ride your EV during the winter.
Going to their site there isn't an EV scooter listed under the officially supported models. Maybe the gizmo happens to fit specific scooterbikes or scooters because of universally sized parts. e.g. every 10" wheel is the same size so one of their gizmos for a bike with 10" wheels should fit every scooter having 10" wheels. Or am I missing something?
The site says it's not for urban use etc. Mebbe they haven't gotten proper approval from certifying agencies .. whatever is the EU equivalent of the U.S. DOT. Mebbe they don't have the right liability insurance?
Of course batteries have generally diminished performance in the cold (depending on chemistry) and you shouldn't expect as much from your scooter during the winter as you get during the summer.
The second video makes it clearer - you swap out the front wheel. It occurred to me that by removing the front wheel you'd also be removing the front brakes. This probably violates some design expectation because as I understand U.S. DOT rules the front brakes are supposed to do the bulk of the stopping power, the rear brakes a modest amount, so with this thing you'll have only the weakest brake. But it's on snow and usually snow gives a lot of rolling resistance. Unless you hit a slipper patch. Right?
nise good old e-max scooter i wonder what the first scooter was the
one with seprate motor with big sprocket belt .
Cool. It sounded like it was chain driven. Also notice the very knobby rear tire and don't grab the front brake to stop ;o)
If your only tool is a hammer
everything looks like a nail.
I had a Honda CB-750 with a similar ski on the front except mine was attached to front tire. In upstate NY in Greene county some of the roads are not plowed for winter for use with Jeeps, Snowmobiles, and other winter play toys. I had a H-D rear tire and spokes so that means it had good winter traction. But I looked at the tread on my XM-2000 and it is sort of "well almost no grooves" road use only? What if you remove wheel and "disk brake" and squeeze front brake? One might loose a lot of Dot 4 or Dot 4 juice as the pads will fall out. My speedometer is connected to front wheel so I know I will never get a ski to go faster than Macadam pavement anyway but it would be nice to know how fast a scooter sled can go in the snow? If any one has old cycle magazines from the 60's and early 70's you can see the ski's for regular motorcycles. This way you can ride trails and when you get to snow covered paths snap on ski. I always have my XM-3100 on the back of my truck in case of breakdowns or I just want to go home early and having the option of attaching a ski would be good. But than again we have 4 wheel drive and a winch so chance of getting stuck is slim but still a ski might be fun to do again.