I'm planning to import an US-Vectrix to Germany.
To be able to use it here I called the registration authorities and was told that I need a CoC ("Certificate of Conformity") to register the scooter here.
I think the american Vectrix are the same like in Europe (or aren't they?).
So, how can I get such a CoC? Has anyone ever imported a Vectrix to Europe and can help me?
maybe Vectrix Germany can help. They are active since 2007/08.
Vectrix Deutschland GmbH
Brunnenstraße 156
10115 Berlin
Telefon +49 (0)30 44 31 89 96 00
Telefax +49 (0)30 44 31 89 96 01
E-Mail info [at] vectrixgermany.de
Unser Showroom ist Montag bis Freitag von 9-18 Uhr, oder nach Vereinbarung, für Sie geöffnet.
Greetings Mike
Thanks for the advise. I was planning to contact them, but I guess they have no interest in helping me - they'd rather sell me a Vectrix here in Germany.
Maybe someone already has imported the scooter from the US and can give me a hint on the CoC...
"but I guess they have no interest in helping me - they'd rather sell me a Vectrix here in Germany. "
maybe they will surprise you. The Vectrix is a rolling advertisement, people ask me about it all the time some ask where they can get one.
Another bike on the road loacl to them is free advertising. Maybe, you could offer to sticker it with their contact details?
Hey there,
Good day. The model you bought must have got the EEC approval. Then you can get a COC, which is a part content of the certification. So you need to ask them whether they have got an EEC approval. If yes, it is easy for them to give you one. Why not? If you want to drive the scooter on the road, you must have a COC.
Come on.
Good luck.
Jiangsu XDL Bicycle Co., Ltd
Chongqing Astronautic Bashan Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd Wuxi Branch
Mail:wuxibashanebike [at] yahoo.cn
Hotmail: pruden