I don't if the same feature is implemented in other countries, but the behaviour of the horn, on french Vectrixes, is absolutly stupid : when you press the button, you've got first a small beep (similar to the turning light reminder), followed by half a second of silence, and the you get finally the horn ... The guy who designed this never ride in urban traffic ! I know this feature is supposed to make it more easy to do a small beep to warn pedestrians but I'm not old enough to suffer physical disease (alzaimer, etc.), and I'm supposed to be able to do it by myself to be able to ride a bike ! I mean, when I press the horn button, I want the horn NOW, not in a half a second ! This delay is maybe precisely what needs the driver of the car who is going to hit me, to press the pedal break soon enough to avoid me ! I don't understand how a so hazardous behaviour could be legal ...
Of course, if anyone has a way to disable this (censured) delay, I'll be very grateful !
... why am I able to edit some of my posts and some other not ? I would like to correct my mistakes ...
April 2010 Vectrix VX-1, 2004 Prius (feeded with E85), Giant Suede (electric bicycle)
I don't know if the same feature is implemented in other countries, but the behaviour of the horn, on french Vectrixes, is absolutly stupid : when you press the button, you've got first a small beep (similar to the turning light reminder), followed by half a second of silence, and the you get finally the horn ... The guy who designed this never ride in urban traffic ! I know this feature is supposed to make it more easy to do a small beep to warn pedestrians but I'm not old enough to suffer physical disease (alzaimer, etc.), and I'm supposed to be able to do it by myself to be able to ride a bike ! I mean, when I press the horn button, I want the horn NOW, not in a half a second ! This delay is maybe precisely what needs the driver of the car who is going to hit me, to press the break pedal soon enough to avoid me ! I don't understand how a so hazardous behaviour could be legal ...
Of course, if anyone has a way to disable this (censured) delay, I'll be very grateful !
April 2010 Vectrix VX-1, 2004 Prius (feeded with E85), Giant Suede (electric bicycle)
absolutely agree with you. The horn "feature" is not good and I dont feel comfortable with the half second gap myself. When I push the button I want the horn NOW and not later.
I wonder if this is also software version dependent?
On the Vectux the loud beep follows quickly - less than half a second.
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
Yes, this is software dependent. I've read somewhere that the horn is driven by the computer. OK, I'm a little bit exagerating, it's maybe closer to a quarter of a second, but it's still too much : I feel as unsafe as if my brake needs a quarter of a second to react !
April 2010 Vectrix VX-1, 2004 Prius (feeded with E85), Giant Suede (electric bicycle)
I notice the post that starts a thread cannot be edited, but you can edit the 2nd on down.
WHo dares, WINS!!!!
Where does the power for the horn come from?
I ask because horn relays for cars seem to be rather high-amp, and the DC/DC converter is apparently so busy with a headlight, MC cooling fan and brake light that it is at risk of blowing the rear light when a few extra amps are being drawn.
I think the horn power must be coming from another 12V supply than the headlight and the auxiliary 12V port in the glove box.
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
I agree. And that short beep at the beginning... almost no one hears it. It's up to me to decide, whether I will make a short beep or a long beep, not up to the software.
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My vectrix starts with the small beep like your vectrix does, but there's no silence gap inside the beep sequence.
So does my vectrix!
I think when you are driving with people around like in a pedestrian street (many of them in Barcelona) the thing is to press and leave, press and leave a few times to have the "pedestrian" horn as long as you want. i suppose the software needs that split second to know that you want the "road" horn. In my Vectrix its fast enough, not a problem for me.