Merida batteries found... possibly.

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Persona Non-Grata
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Merida batteries found... possibly.

Hi, does anyone here still have their original Merida Powercycle/Total-EV 500/550 batteries. I found a website claiming that it had batteries comparable to the factory originals and compatible with the bike. The main concern that I have read about is that the originals were of a unique size and dimensions which are difficult to find. If someone would post the dimensions of an original battery (in both imperial (inches) and metric (cm) please) I could compare them and I will report on how close of a match it is. Thankyou.

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
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Re: Merida batteries found... possibly.
  • Hi. I am trying to get a new set also. The ones that came with the bike are made by LONG battery, and have
    WP9 12TE writter on them They are 12 volt 9 ah batteries. I didnt get a chance to measure them but will do so in the near future
    and try to replace them with two 12 ah batteries if I can find some that fit. Apex battery carries Long batteries.
    Hope this helps.

    Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
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    Re: Merida batteries found... possibly.. YES

    I buy Power-Sonic 12V/9AH Sealed Lead Acid Battery from:

    Last seen: 13 years 3 days ago
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    Re: Merida batteries found... possibly.

    Hello, sadly this battery is no longer available. You are correct that its an unusual footprint. No one makes this battery in this footprint any longer. There are other batteries that you could use, such as a 12V11Ah battery made by Peak, but the dimensions are still not exact. Hopefully this helps. I found you because I was looking for the same battery for a customer and after checking will all my manufacturers, I've exhausted all leads.


    Steve Berry
    Battery Universe

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    Re: Merida - Long WP9-12TE
    Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
    Joined: Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 08:42
    Points: 11
    Re: Merida batteries found... possibly.

    I crunched a few numbers, and this looks like a possible set that would fit inside the plastic case.
    TR2-6, 6Volt, 2.3AH per Battery, $9.50 per battery

    (4) 2.3AH @ 24V - $38.00 (May not work, due to the current draw)
    (8) 4.6AH @ 24V - $76.00 (May work for very short distances, or a few hils)
    (12) 6.9AH @ 24V - $114.00 (Likely to work for a few miles)
    (16) 9.2AH @ 24V - $152.00 (Should be as good as a set of WP9-12TE, plus can swap out "bad" batteries)

    From the spec data sheet:
    Each battery is 0.7-lb ac
    L = 1.69in
    W = 1.46in
    H = 2.99in
    With (16) batteries in the case, the mass should be approximately 8.97in x 3.38in x 4.38in.
    (3 Height end to end)
    (2 Rows L end to end)
    (3 Layers W end to end)

    The dimensions of the original WP9-12TE are 3-3/4in W x 4.5in H x 4-5/8in D.
    The case is approximately 4in W x 9-2/8in L x 4-1/8in+ H, the + in height is due to the channels for cabling and the height of the original fits (just could not make a good measurement, so 4.5 fits for a height).

    I do not know what the minimum are needed to operate the motor (current draw on batteries). I doubt you could get a set of (4) to work, (8) might be possible for short distances, but (12) is likely to work for a few miles with (16) being about the best you could squeeze into the case.

    The advantages of going with multiple batteries is that if one set fails, you can always drop in another pack to replace the bad "cell".

    Cheaper option that "almost fits": Power Sonic PS-1282S
    Size: 3.86" x 4.40" x 4.65"
    Mfr: Power-Sonic
    Chemistry: Sealed Lead Acid
    Terminals: F1 (4.65" Over Terminals)
    Volts: 12
    Amp-Hours: 9

    Found where someone had done this mod and posted to CL about it who had done a mod to remove power assist on his, and changed controllers: "If you want to install the new batteries ( 2 Power Sonic 12volt, 9amp) you will have a slight gap (1/8") around the case (photo) which I taped over to keep any water from entering the case. The bike will go 19 miles on flat ground with an average weight load in pedal assist mode. Real figures with hill climbing and throttle only (no pedaling) use will yield about 10 miles on a charge. Good cosmetic condition with normal wear."

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