Ban Bikes?

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Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 16:20
Points: 220
Ban Bikes?

Two approaches to the incompatibility of cars and bikes in tight streets.

A bike ban in Colorado?

Sorry, but much of the LA aread, I'd never ride a bicycle or a motorcycle. As with Colorado, the streets are mostly from before today's traffic.

Chastened by his fall, LA mayor peddles message favoring cyclists in nation's car capital

robert93's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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Re: Ban Bikes?

Well, that sort of law is a hotspot for me. I'm legally blind and thus cannot legally operate a car in about any state i know of. As a cyclist, I have had to ride defensively from my teens as the abusive nature of southern motorists was pretty well demonstrated by the closing scene of "Easy Rider".. yes some motorists are that dangerous to bicyclists, as well as motorcyclists. The streets are paid for and maintained by taxpayer dollars, not just auto tire taxes and car sales taxes. As such, these roads are for all the people, not just the licensed motorists. They have to share with pedestrians and motorcyclists, or cough up the extra tax revenue for cycling right of ways that cannot be invaded, intersected, abscunded with for selfish mindless motorists. To me, it seems kind of senseless to ban bicyclists from any road that is a public road, barring limited access roadways known as "The Interstate", even so, there needs to be reasonable access to bicycle tourists in order to make interstate journeys. If the interstate roads are the only course of travel, then allowances for the touring pedestrian need to be made. Given the decreasing quality of driver education, and general lack of respect for any law, even the STOP bar painted in shopping centers, I almost feel safer on the interstate with a bicycle! Given my lack of ability to drive, i 'could' sue for equal access to that road under the Americans with Disabilities act" if I lived in such an area. I'm not talking abusive freedom to ride like the lycraHeads of "critical mass" rides, where laws are thrown asunder for a bunch of bicyclists to create anarchy, but safe travel has to work for ALL Americans.

Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 - 09:40
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Re: Ban Bikes?

but dont make your ride safer and comply with the laws or dauntless will attack you and rant on about how your a murder and going to jail for 8-25years. Tell you to smash bike part with a hammer and on and on. Then when proven wrong and an idiot he dont even have nerve to come back and aploigize. Doug you deisided you make yourself look like a fool and cant man up to it.

this is my last post and im never coming back because of this fricken idiot. plans and pics that would have been helpfull to many are going to be deleted.

doug can attack and bad mouth usefull post but when proven an idiot he tucks tail and whimpers.

good bye!!

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 16:20
Points: 220
Re: Ban Bikes?

Hmmm, you post speaks for itself on the foolish part. Meanwhile they seemed to join me, afterall.

Apologize to you? I feel I should warn you that if you're that fragile, you don't want to be going online. And boy are you lucky you didn't get certain other people on this board started. If you do come back, you'll be in their crosshairs after this post, because you're their idea of a good time.

Myself, I don't much care for such behavior, so I'll get you on ignore. Have fun.

WHo dares, WINS!!!!

richardb's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, August 25, 2008 - 11:35
Points: 117
Re: Ban Bikes?

It appalls me to see communities acting like Black Hawk, Colorado in a time when we should be enacting laws that go the opposite direction. Our nation uses 4 times as much oil per person as any european country. We deliver our 50 pound child to school in a 6000 pound SUV, and then have the audacity to yell "get the f--- out of the way!" when a bicycle makes us slow down to just under the school-zone speed limit. What a nation of self indulgent people we have become.
Richard M. Berger

Waste Not, Want Not

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