The Dying V

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eyeinthesky's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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The Dying V

Hi all, Enjoy reading the forum
Cant hear enough of the Lithium conversion thou.
My V after two years with the battery replacement is doing strange things
charged only half bars last week and turned itself off The distance travelled, 10 klms
charged again turned only to 3 bars, and distance travelled 5 klms
Checked charging, voltage was at 150 volt but red light on no bars and weak 20kph max
I suspect dead cells "VERY DEAD" in the pack, Will open it up some day to assess situation
Regard Peter

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Re: The Dying V

Magendaz had a similar problem. A single death cell can make this mess.
He shunted the 0.00 volts cell and range was restored.

What voltage and temps did you have when you reached the red battery light?

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Re: The Dying V

Please read my posts under Vanishing 10 Bars! My bike appears to be up and running after 1) running bike down to red battery light and keeping it there for over 5 seconds, and 2) updating the firmware to the latest and greatest. It does not appear to be dying cells like some others on this website had feared. But, I have only recharged and ridden it down one time since the above 2 things were done. I also had the oldest software, however. And, I don't understand anything that I am posting, I have always just ridden. Rode a Harley for 30 years and never changed the oil. So, take my input with a grain of salt.


eyeinthesky's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Points: 128
Re: The Dying V

Update after I checked cells
As I suspected a very dead cell (with evidence of venting) in the pack,
also 13 swollen cells throughout the two packs
but what I didnt expect was one leaking cell

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Re: The Dying V

Update after I checked cells
As I suspected a very dead cell (with evidence of venting) in the pack,
also 13 swollen cells throughout the two packs
but what I didnt expect was one leaking cell

That looks rather nasty!

A little reminder to wear those safety goggles when working on the batteries - the warning label about the corrosive electrolyte is no joke...

What was the evidence of venting? Could you describe it or show a photo please?

Any idea what caused the leakage? Did the safety vent fail to open and the cell burst? Or mechanical damage - had the module maybe been dropped onto that affected corner prior to installation?

Resistance and/or voltage measurements of the leaking and the venting cells would be most interesting to learn more about the failure modes of these cells - could you possibly check and report them, please?

This information may be used entirely at your own risk.

There is always a way if there is no other way!

eyeinthesky's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Re: The Dying V

Electrolic material is only acid usually weak, Cell only contains wet separators, it is not filled with fluid
evidence of ventinga1.jpg
this cell is DEAD and shows resistance BOTH DIRECTIONS across the poles where good cells shows only one direction
another words a total short. resistance 2.00k/1.90k and .09V unloaded,0v with light load. good cells measure 9.30k
You can also see the bulges in the two cells.
ANOTHER cell, the leaking cell has a flawed weld a2.jpg
and it is still working as normal resisance= 9.30k voltage is common with majority

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Be advised, the VECTRIX battery uses an electrolyte that is ALKALINE, and NOT acidic! The solution is approximately 30 to 35% KOH and H2O, or "Potassium Hydroxide and water"--This can be important to know, if treatment for accidental contact is required.-Bob Curry

Robert M. Curry

eyeinthesky's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Points: 128
Re: The Dying V

Come to think of it the solution gave me slippery fingers from playing with the plates after opening it up, and got even slippery-er
when washing them in water, Should have woke up then, it was Alkiline
Might be good stuff for whitening teeth ;-)
at anyrate solution wasnt strong enough to burn.
(That was 2 years ago I dismantled these cells)
trust a farm mechanic to open every thing up.

Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: Monday, June 22, 2009 - 12:24
Points: 524
Re: The Dying V

The "Slippery Feeling" was a result of the solution turning your body fat into SOAP!--Be careful! Rinse skin with plenty of water, and then a little vinegar can neutralize what remains, and follow with a rinse-off of the vinegar. Use only WATER, or medically approved solutions for cleaning the EYES!--Bob

Robert M. Curry

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