Working voltage

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Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 20:06
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Working voltage

2007 Vectrix with last available software update (prior to V going belly up the first time). I have never seen voltages above 142 (volatage after EQ every 10 hours running or so) otherwise voltage is normally 140 volts after charging (sometimes 139 volts). Red Battery light comes on at 128 volts with speed reduction occuring at this time. Normal battery operating temperature after 6.8 miles (1/2 my commute) is 39 degrees C. Range at mostly 35 to 45 miles per hour is 14.8 miles usually (this sometimes drops to 13 or so for no apparent reason). The last half of the "fuel gauge" is worthless as is the miles left with the guesstimator going from 10 or more miles to nill in a mile or less. I have used the bike as a commuter since new with the commute not varying more than a half mile (office moved). My question is does the battery management system "burn in" if one uses the bike in a very consistent way such as discribed. I now always ride to the red battery light since other strategies have been more of a disappointment but since this occurs at 128 volts I believe it is well above any "danger level'. On rare occasions I have taken the bike to walking speed or less (BSULT) but am loathe to do this. Would a hard reset help, perhaps ridding the computer of some erroneous idea that 14 miles is the limit of the known universe? Are the voltages within normal specs for those of us blessed with 120 volt 60 cycle AC?
I have found that opportunity charging is not the way to go for after doing this for a week or so my range dropped to 3 or 4 miles. Any suggestions would be appreciated. If this has already been addressed forgive me as I have been offline for some time.
Thank you for you consideration of this conundrum.

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Re: Working voltage

Red Battery light comes on at 128 volts with speed reduction occuring at this time. Normal battery operating temperature after 6.8 miles (1/2 my commute) is 39 degrees C.

If I take into account my personal experience, the red Battery light in a perfectly balanced battery comes at 115v. Operating temperature is normally below 30C.

symptoms you have:
Hi cutoff voltage (128v)
HI temperature (39C)
Low range (20 km)
Half of the fuel gauge useless.

Possible diagnostic:
Symptoms do not correspond with a death cell.
128-115v = 13v; 13v/1.0v per cell = 13 cells of 102 damaged, offering reduced capacity.

My question is does the battery management system "burn in" if one uses the bike in a very consistent way such as discribed.

I'm afraid there's no BMS inside the Vectrix.

I now always ride to the red battery light since other strategies have been more of a disappointment but since this occurs at 128 volts I believe it is well above any "danger level'.

Mik explained that damaged cells under small loads loose all their voltage. When the load stops they recover to 1.00v. When you open the throttle, voltage instantly drops from 128v to 115v. When you stop and check, it recovers to 128v.

Would a hard reset help, perhaps ridding the computer of some erroneous idea that 14 miles is the limit of the known universe?

The damaged cells loose voltage and prevents good cells from being discharged. Your battery is always full, but you can't get energy from it. When you recharge, the vast majority of the electricity fueled inside the battery is dissipated as heat.

Are the voltages within normal specs for those of us blessed with 120 volt 60 cycle AC?

The Ac is converted to DC inside the charger. 120v or 240v does not affect.

I have found that opportunity charging is not the way to go for after doing this for a week or so my range dropped to 3 or 4 miles.

I believe that your battery is in terminal state. It is no longer usable. I guess you have no warranty, therefore you can:

a)buy another NIMH bmsless battery that will fail again after 12.000 km due to imbalance.
b)add some electronic on the damaged cells to stabilize the battery and increase your range to 20 miles, while you wait for the lithium upgrade...

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 20:06
Points: 19
Re: Working voltage

Thank you,
Hope always springs eternal, but what the hey. I know that many view the coming of lithium ion as the panacea for this bike but I have grave misgivings regarding a smooth retrofit with software, controllers, etc. I will continue to pummel the old girl until she gives up the ghost at which time I will probably bury her in the north fourty. Thank you for the reply and sharing you knowledge.

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