Zap zebra pk new owner here!

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lone_rider's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: Thursday, November 1, 2007 - 05:16
Points: 38
Zap zebra pk new owner here!

1st I would like to say hello as I have not posted to this forum for over a year now.
As luck would have it I am now the owner of a blue Zap zebra pk with only 500 ish miles on it. Found on a road side in a yard. Just sitting there with a sale sign on it. I did a fast u-turn and jumped out of my truck. (it had stopped lol) after a quick test drive the 1st ever in a zap for me, I made the guy an offer $3000 and my jet ski, and he took it. So now i must find a way to get it home. I think aim gonna get him to charge it up and I,ll drive it as far as I can then get AAA to flat bed me the rest of the 38 miles.
Here is a strange bit of info for NY DOT. It's a motorcycle but you have to wear a helmet while driving it??? There is no way im gonna wear a hemet in a car! Also means i need a class M added to my license.

If anyone has good ideas as to mods and add ons please feel free to post em. Thanks in advance

Juiced's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Re: Zap zebra pk new owner here!


We just took possession of a Xebra SD.

Now the fun begins!!!!


reikiman's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Re: Zap zebra pk new owner here!

Congrats to both of you. These are interesting vehicles, even though I could never talk myself all the way into getting one.

I hope y'all will keep us informed as to what's happening with them. Ed, I've seen your conversation over on the Xebra_EV list ...

lone_rider's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: Thursday, November 1, 2007 - 05:16
Points: 38
Re: Zap zebra pk new owner here!

Had it a week or so now. I love everything about it. The speed if fine. It has gone a full 20 miles on a charge. All batteries are in great shape. Powercheqs work very well to keep it healthy. Don't have anything negative to say. Next I want the 84v mod.

XM-3000 BB Batteries using 5 vector smart chargers in bike
EVT 168 4 UB12500 batteries using 4 vector smart chargers

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