Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

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Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Let me be the first to congratulate the former Director of Vectrix Europe, and former manufacturing director of Vectrix, on his new appointment as President of the Management Board and CEO Electro Transport Systems Europe SP.z.o.o.

Dr Gohl is a highly respected, visionary pioneer in the field of EV's both 2 wheeled and four. With great integrity and practical production engineering knowledge, Dr Gohl will be a valuable addition to ETS.

With Dr Gohl at the helm, ETS has already forged strong strategic business alliances with manufactures in Europe, including rumours of a JV with a large Italian bike maker, and a US revolutionary battery developer.

It will be exciting to see another high quality EV motor-cycle maker in Europe, utilising the old Vectrix Poland plant.

We live in interesting times!

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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Interesting-- so Vx Poland will now manufacture another bike. What do you think are the chances of the remainder of the Vx organisation in the US? Will they actually be able to produce the VX1 in the US? or will they only sell the Chinese Vx2? Also- with a European production basis now gone, what do you think that means for Vx sales in Europe?

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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Very interesting. Any details on their plans and / or their backing? Did they buy the plant from New Vectrix / Gold Peak? Can they afford to run a plant that big?

Lots of questions...

marco - Seeing as you're the first to congratulate him I'm sure you know we'll be hoping you keep your eyes and ears open and post info for us VifV readers...

(Oh, and I wish them luck and prosperity!)

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Vx Poland will now manufacture another bike.

Thank you for your interest. No, Vectrix Poland is now completely extinct. ETS has no connection with Gold Peak(GP)Vectrix .

What do you think are the chances of the remainder of the Vx organisation in the US? Will they actually be able to produce the VX1 in the US? or will they only sell the Chinese Vx2? Also- with a European production basis now gone, what do you think that means for Vx sales in Europe?

All press releases and corporate compliance documents issued by (new, GP)Vectix US, only mention the small New Bedford manufacturing plant.

Vectrix new owner, Gold Peak, are not fools. GP was always aware of the inherent flaws in the Vectrix business plan and the products defects. In my analysis, Gold Peak have already reached most of the objectives they sought from the shrewd purchase of Vectrix.

Firstly, they have recovered most of the $11-24 million dollar loss(including share value), from the existing stock and spare parts, tax write offs and incentives. New investment from the old Vectrix USA partners, has mitigated the purchase cost. Gold Peak have also removed the threat of potentially significant litigation concerning the role of batteries in the demise of the old Vectrix Corp. In addition Gold Peak can now use the Vectrix marque to either market PRC sourced Bikes (with GP batteries), or licence brand engineered PRC JVC's, abroad as US bikes.

I doubt the Americans beavering away so hopefully at New Bedford Vectrix, have much of a long term long term future.(I hope I'm wrong)! Gold peak are first and foremost battery manufacturers. GP neither understand nor care about two-wheeled vehicles, not even EV's. GP have absolutely no interest in advancing the kind of investment required to continue development of the VX1, which would never realise a profit. GP will be looking for an Asian buyer,(or JVC) to complete the loss recovery process, if they haven't already found several.

As for your question on Vectrix Europe, I would say VE is already just the sales/distribution branch of Vectrix US, and will only continue as a long as VUS has products, or as long as a PRC maker uses the name.

Any details on their plans and / or their backing? Did they buy the plant from New Vectrix / Gold Peak? Can they afford to run a plant that big? (Oh, and I wish them luck and prosperity!)

I am sure that Dr Gohl and his team at ETS would appreciate your kind sentiments.

On reflection, I have no real information on the old Polish facility. Vectrix Poland filed bankruptcy before Vectrix US, and underwent a separate process. To the best of my recollection, the Polish manufacturing facility, was not owned, but leased by Vectrix, and I am only guessing that ETS will lease the old premises given Dr Gohl's connection with ETS and the Plant. The plant is not a very large facilty, but relatively new well laid out.

As I understand ETS, is a consortium of EV investors and manufacturers, headed By Dr Gohl. Included in the consortium are Indian (Bikes,Manufacturing,Battery,EV technology, Investment)Italian,(Bikes,Vehicles,manufacturing) UK(Finance,Technology,Marketing) German (technology, engineering) Swiss (Technology)and others...ETS has followed a far more logistically feasible after-market plan, by involving power utilities as partners in after-market service providers.

The largest shareholder and investor in ETS, is listed as Electrotherm of India(1983)LTD. Electrotherm, is a large industrial group involved in Leader in Induction Furnace, EAF, Metal refining converter, Gas based DRI Plant, and steel manufacturer, Engineering, Capital Projects, Induction Furnaces. Electric Vehicle – Autos, Indus Institute of Technology and Engineering (IITE), Western India Institute of Aeronautics, Mangalam InfoTech Renewable R&D Transformers. The ET Group is the largest Indian manufacturer of Induction Furnaces and Electric Vehicles-YO Bikes/scooters. Electrotherm is a Public Company with more than 8,000 employees, revenue of $450 million pa.

Dr Gohl has hired most of the Key people from his old Vectrix Europe team, as well as a cross-section of Euro-Asian EV experienced people.

ETS, is not primarily a Two-wheeled EV maker. Although, given Dr Gohl's passion to produce a high tech, viable two-wheeled commuter bike, I am eagerly awaiting the first offering from ETS.

ETS, seems to be more of a specialised EV vehicle producer, offering EV services to existing ICE makers as well as producing cutting edge EV technology.

I am not surprised that Gold Peak and Dr Gohl have parted company. Dr Gohl was always unhappy at being tied to a battery manufacturer, especially one as conservative as GP. With Dr Gohl free of such restraints, we will hopefully see a breed of EV's with excitingly innovative battery technologies.

Dr Gohl will exploit the potential of Zinc-air, Carbon Foam (firefly), and other battery technologies that will inevitably supersede Lithium. Lithium, is becoming increasingly expensive to to source, despite technical advances in extraction,and as demand grows so with the resource price.

As an engineer and manufacturer, Dr Gohl displays the engineering knowledge and style so typical of German manufactured products, strong,simple,quality,well engineered designs, and technical excellence.

ETS, will be an EV business to watch...


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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Hi Everybody
Short: Vectrix factory in Wroclaw remains part of Vectrix Europe
Vectrix team in Poland will continue produce VX-1 platform, and is responsible for distribution in Europe.

Piotr Stec
Dealer Sales Manager
Vectrix Europe

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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Whoa- What happened? Weird. WG didnt like GP owning Vx- But hes still going to manufacture?
What about Vx US? Eill engineering support WG production? Imagine they arent gettign along so well now.

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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Whoa- What happened? Weird. WG didnt like GP owning Vx- But hes still going to manufacture?
What about Vx US? Eill engineering support WG production? Imagine they arent gettign along so well now.

I think Vectrix Europe is just a part of GP owned Vectrix US. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future. It's very difficult to predict but I can't see GP sustaining Polish manufacture for longer that the incentive grant lasts.

But let's not be too cynical. To be fair, everyone should keep an open mind and let the GP backed new VE team leader, a fair opportunity a prove us all wrong!


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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

...It's very difficult to predict but I can't see GP sustaining Polish manufacture for longer that the incentive grant lasts.

Have you any more details about the grant you mentioned, please?

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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Have you any more details about the grant you mentioned, please?

Sorry Mik, I apologise for the delay in reply. The EU, Poland and various other organisations in Europe have quite an array of incentive programs to encourage clean industry/regional/export oriented/new technology/ manufacture/employment/staff training/ business development etc in the old Warsaw pact countries of Eastern Europe. These programs are separate from incentive programs available throughout the EU in general aimed at increasing R&D and new green technology.

The grants vary from country to country, must since many are funded by the EU, the programs are often similar, and can be amazingly generous. Poland is particularly generous with such programs, especially in smaller centres in the old industrial area of what was once German territory.

In comparison to most countries, Australia has very few such schemes and those it does offer are usually pretty poorly organised and funded.

If shrewdly managed, GP could recover most of its costs for operating in Poland, completion of the old partially complete VX1 units, maybe as many as 800, for virtually no cost due to various subsidies. and the profit on 800 units would go a long way to differing establishment costs to use the factory as a re-badging facility for PRC sourced units.

This would give extra credence to those desperate to claim that a PRC sourced E-max, re-badged as a Vectrix VX?, is really a European bike!


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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Is it true that Electro Transport Systems Europe SP.z.o.o is already closed and will no longer be operational in Poland? That's a pity, I was looking forward to seeing those Indian YO bikes on the European market with alternative battery technologies from Italy. Good luck to you guys and to prosperous financial successes.

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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Congratulation or not!!!
My question who will take responsibility of all his neglecting importers as he was in Vectrix together with Chris Harris.
Until now I am stuck with 16 VX1 that I am trying to sell with no luck.
Its funny how people damage others businesses and now other congratulate him, and I am not the only importer that is carrying the lost because of incompetents managing of Vectrix.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Congratulation or not!!!My question who will take responsibility of all his neglecting importers as he was in Vectrix together with Chris Harris.Until now I am stuck with 16 VX1 that I am trying to sell with no luck.Its funny how people damage others businesses and now other congratulate him, and I am not the only importer that is carrying the lost because of incompetents managing of Vectrix.

You don't state where you are located?

It has been some time since the end of Vectrix. However, IMO your criticism of Dr Gohl is completely unfounded!

Dr Gohl is a person of absolute integrity, and is not responsible for the demise of Vectrix. Dr Gohl had no control over the finances, and behaved honestly throughout. (which is more than can be said for the others).

The pain and distress that the collapse of Vectrix has created, was in part caused by the totally unrealistic, (on occasion rabid), Vectrix supporters who created a campaign of disinformation.

As I said at the time,the management of Vectrix was reprehensible in clandestinely promoting all sorts of false hope, in order to confuse the real issues surrounding the bankruptcy. The disinformation campaign was created by a former director and other staff to create the erroneous impression of a heroic and dedicated group struggling to help Vectrix owners. The purpose was to divert attention from the architects of Vectrix demise, and demonise, the creditors and others attempting to elicit the truth. In addition to creating a false image this group also tried to make a little money from Vectrix owners for service, parts etc..

Gold Peak, never intended anything else with Vectrix except a cynical exercise to minimise Gold Peak losses and liabilities.

Vectrix, which once showed such promise, eventually became the largest single corporate failure in the history of EV technology!

IMO Dr Gohl, is the only person involved in the management of Vectrix, who acted properly and with integrity.

I sympathise with your losses, but Dr Gohl is not responsible.


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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Dear Marcopolo
We are from Israel IFI Motors Vectrix importers my real name is Tzahi and I am not hiding or using any fake name.
I disagree with what you wrote, Mr or Dr Gohl was in charge of Poland when we asked for help and cooperation. let me give you some facts:
1. Due to Israeli regulation we had to ship out all Vectrix not registered yet
2. We asked from Poland to help but Mr Dr Gohl gave us a quote that was a joke
3. When we contact Poland to receive help to service sold VX 1 under warranty Mr Dr Gohl gave us an answer that I cannot claim from them since it is no longer vectrix Europe
4. When we tried to sell the new VX 1 to EU dealers Mr Dr Gohl sent a message to them that if they buy from us he will not support and even stop cooperation with them
So Mr Marcopolo who ever you are, you better learn a bit more about the truth before you write such information in a blog.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Re: Congratulation to Vectrix Pioneer, Dr Wolfgang Gohl

Dear Marcopolo
I disagree with what you wrote, Mr or Dr Gohl was in charge of Poland when we asked for help and cooperation. let me give you some facts:
1. Due to Israeli regulation we had to ship out all Vectrix not registered yet
2. We asked from Poland to help but Mr Dr Gohl gave us a quote that was a joke
3. When we contact Poland to receive help to service sold VX 1 under warranty Mr Dr Gohl gave us an answer that I cannot claim from them since it is no longer vectrix Europe
4. When we tried to sell the new VX 1 to EU dealers Mr Dr Gohl sent a message to them that if they buy from us he will not support and even stop cooperation with them
So Mr Marcopolo who ever you are, you better learn a bit more about the truth before you write such information in a blog.

Tzahi, Firstly let me say how much I sympathise with your frustration at losing money on your dealings with Vectrix. But you are not alone!

I suggest you take the time to research (on V is for Voltage) my dealings with Vectrix! You will discover that I have lost a great deal more money than you from my dealings with Vectrix! I'm pursuing some of the former directors and attorneys of Vectrix Corp personally to recover those losses.

But, Tzahi, you are in business. You should research who you are dealing with and understand who is in charge. Dr Gohl was only ever the Managing Director of Vectrix Poland. Vectrix Poland was the 'factory', not the parent company. DR Gohl was not in control of the financial policies of Vectrix Corp USA, Vectrix UK (the listed company) or 'New" Vectrix (Gold Peak).

Dr Gohl resigned in protest at the business practises of Vectrix (old and new) having lost a great deal of personal money in the Vectrix collapse.

Dr Gohl, was never in charge of policy, and was at all times simply the servant of either the Directors of Vectrix Corp, the Bankruptcy administrator, or Gold Peak's Executive. Any information he gave you was provided to him by the people in charge of Vectrix.

You are shooting the messenger, not the Boss!

I hope this helps you.


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