Need a new 60v hub motor - XB-600

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Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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Need a new 60v hub motor - XB-600

So I fried my stock 48v motor after a year with a 60v system. Where can I get a 60V hub motor?

I looked all over google and I cant find a 60v motor under 1000w, only 48v motors. The 60v motors are all 2kw-3kw and $750! What replacement motors are people using in their XB-600's??

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Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
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Re: Need a new 60v hub motor - XB-600

So you had a 60v system... meaning an extra battery, shunt mod and all that?
Damn, I was hoping to start modifying my XB-600, but I keep worrying about stuff like this.
A guy on a regular bicycle almost passed me up the other day and I was thinking, "damn I need more power and speed on this thing".

I'd also be interested in where to get the different motor sizes. Hell, even a 48v replacement for my existing one.
In fact, have you considered just getting another 48v and working it for another year? Or figuring out what burned it out in the first place?

Were you doing a lot of hill climbing, or something? I'm just curious.

Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: Monday, February 23, 2009 - 18:40
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Re: Need a new 60v hub motor - XB-600

I added a 5th battery and that's it, no shunt mod, original controller, etc. The battery I got as the 5th battery was bad, the poles were reversed, and I think that messed up my system. It is a pretty flat 2 mile ride to work. It drove great, but one morning the scooter was completely dead, checked the fuse and it was blown. I replaced it and as soon as the fuse made contact with the fuse holder, every wire instantly melted, the controller went *poof* and the mosfet's in the motor were cooked.

I want to put a bigger motor in it, but keep it under the 1K limit so I am still street legal. I just found a supplier in China that has one for $225 to Los Angeles, cash and carry. If it doesn't work, or if it is junk, I am stuck with it, but it may be my last option!

I think that if the battery had not been bad, I would have not had any problems and I would do it again, just would double check the stupid battery!

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Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
Joined: Saturday, December 18, 2010 - 16:57
Points: 83
Re: Need a new 60v hub motor - XB-600

I'm SO glad you responded. This forum is a bit lonely nowadays, haha! I just got my XB-600 last November, so I haven't had it long and I'm just now getting into this community... but now it seems many have left, especially the guys now riding the 700i.

So, just adding a fifth battery made a difference?? I've been reading all these posts and I assumed the 5th battery was for the shunt mod (to accommodate the power usage). What advantage did the 5th battery give you if you didn't have another other mod to the bike? I'm just curious because I'm tired of my less than 20 miles an hour speed. Guys on ten-speeds are pacing with me and I don't like playing duck and dodge with cars on the street.

My plan was to get another controller, so I don't work on my only controller, do the shunt mod and add another battery. I'm a bit sketchy on the DC converter. In fact, I'm a bit sketchy on a lot of stuff since some of the instructions on this forum are gone. The Shunt Mod tutorial has no pictures anymore, and those pictures had text written on them. I found the low-res versions but I can't make out the wording and what was said.

So, $225 for a new bush motor? Interesting. I'd like to know your results. If it improves performance or at least brings it back to normal.
My bike was used so I have no idea how much wear and tear was on them with the previous owner. and I suspect they're just ready to be changed. I mean, this is the original XB-600, this model is about 2 or 3 years old already. At least the 600 series can be modified easily. I see the 700i bikes are still working on ways to shunt and mod the lithium batteries.

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