VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to calculate the correct range accurately?)

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VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to calculate the correct range accurately?)

vectrix gauge.jpg

Ever wonder how to calculate the correct range accurately?

Even I lost my beloved VECTRIX (see previous posts about a year ago), I found some old pictures and mails regarding range, battery issues and other esoteric formulas in order to get the correct distance range.

Well, it seems the Vectrix's technicians gave us a clear clue nobody took into account: the 'battery' symbol.
Why to put such a funny drawing in the sophisticated and modern dashboard? Because that was the almost subliminal way to tell us - the end users - how to correct interpret the bars calculation and ranges.

Forgot the cumbersome methods of multiplying each bar by 3 or 3.5 kmts!
Drop the 'battery natural depletion' margin!
Don't even try to save energy driving at low range using the DART system!
No need to ignore the last bars anymore!
Don't put a stopper to interrupt the charge at 80%!

Everything is just before our eyes:

The battery symbol is located between to 6th and 12nd bar.
That means that below 6 bars, you just can pray or speculate about the remaining range: statistically, the 'bar evaporation' phenomena occurs when the bar-o-meter shows 6 bars left, or less... the reason? VX engineers knew that below 6, you just can pray hard.

The same for the top of the battery symbol, located at the 12nd bar. This means no matter how long you charge the battery, the immediate use and natural depletion bring the charge to the 12nd bar level.

The REAL and EFFECTIVE range of the VX battery is, therefore: 12-6= 6 BARS!!!!
6 bars, in ideal conditions, will give you 3.5 kmt/ bar= 21 kmts ~ 13 miles
Driving aggressively, about 3= 18 kmts ~ 11 miles

That's it!

Any other argument that will try to prove the opposite is just an speculation.
Everybody knows that the VX can be reliable about 20 kmts, and beyond that, only G~d knows...

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

While some may agree with your interpretation, I think it is a bit pessimistic. Most of us have enjoyed a range far greater. Even Mik is probably still doing at least 20 Miles if not 25 on a charge with the Vectux. I am doing 34 miles each day roundtrip to work with a few, albeit not many miles to spare. Admittedly, I did get a new battery a few thousand miles ago and with the new software and a red light discharge every two weeks the battery meter has been right on with range to the last bar. Let's hope it stays that way.

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

Sad, but perhaps true... ;-)

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

Well, in fact, before I started the post, I thought about this like a 'joke- post'... it seems I was not so far from the true... :)
Still, it would be interesting what also other say -sincerely-, without charging/ driving manipulations or other voodoo techniques.
Again, and beyond the joke... who will really rely on a VX trip beyond 20-25 kmts without worrying? - no concerning about speed, slopes and time.
Would you take a pregnant woman to the hospital far 30-35 kmts (19-22 miles) in a VX (in despite of it is not the ideal way of transportation for that!).
Putting it in other words... What the longer trip you would dare to do without looking at the fake-bars? :)

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

Well, in fact, before I started the post, I thought about this like a 'joke- post'... it seems I was not so far from the true... :)
Still, it would be interesting what also other say -sincerely-, without charging/ driving manipulations or other voodoo techniques.
Again, and beyond the joke... who will really rely on a VX trip beyond 20-25 kmts without worrying? - no concerning about speed, slopes and time.
Would you take a pregnant woman to the hospital far 30-35 kmts (19-22 miles) in a VX (in despite of it is not the ideal way of transportation for that!).
Putting it in other words... What the longer trip you would dare to do without looking at the fake-bars? :)

I'd do 35km without thinking twice.

40km if I took it very easy.

More than that and I'd have range anxiety beyond words!

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

I'm still pleased with my pack then.

45 km no matter how I drive (not with passenger though)
50-55 km normal driving
up to 70km if I'm real easy on the throttle.
not long ago, I did 70 km (probably at around 35km/h average because of traffic), and still had range left (probably NOT the 20 km that was estimated, but hey :-))

11000km done so far.

"doing nothin = doing nothing wrong" is invalid when the subject is environment

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

I'm happy with my range too - getting a consistent 35 - 42 miles per charge, reasonably accurately represented by the gauge, though I do use the left brake and kill switch to show the voltage for a more accurate readout, as I near the last few bars. Currently on 11,905 miles with my first battery pack. I'm counting myself lucky. I should reach around 13,000 miles by the time my first MOT is due. If the UK Govt would offer the same 25% incentive for buying a V as it does for cars, I'd probably be considering a Lithium version due to my '3 years, no tears' motto, though getting two good Vectrix in a row might be pushing my luck a bit!

Though I don't do much high speed riding, I have noticed that after a run at max speed, if I go down to the red light and charge, the range increases almost like 'waking' the chemistry up. Stressing the batteries isn't something I intend to do a lot of though, gentle riding through UK country lanes makes up the majority of my mileage and it seems to suit the V.

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

Again, and beyond the joke... who will really rely on a VX trip beyond 20-25 kmts without worrying? - no concerning about speed, slopes and time.
Would you take a pregnant woman to the hospital far 30-35 kmts (19-22 miles) in a VX (in despite of it is not the ideal way of transportation for that!).

Hi. I ride between 50 and 100 km (~30-60 Miles) per day, of course with charging stops during I sleep, work or go shopping, I don´t worry any minute about the range. I charge whenever and whereever it is possible. I don´t worry about range at topspeed, because 95% of my used roads have 70Km/h (~42 Mph)or even below speed limits...
Would I ride the mentioned distance with my fully charged Vectrix? Anytime.

I was able to change the value for the Battery, so the MC knows he has 22AH for use. This works quite acurate.

Greetings Mike

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

After 13,000 miles (almost 21,000km) and just over 2.5 years, my VX-1 battery is performing pretty much like it did when new. I haven't noticed a drop in range and still manage my 27 mile commute to work.

I have come close to not making it a few times, but those are times when I use the throttle too much at 65+mph or consistently use too much hard acceleration on windy days.

Although I have experienced a random drop in estimated range on occasions, I don't recall ever seeing mysterious dropping of multiple bars. Is that because I always let the V charge and complete all cycles until it switches off and consistently use most the capacity each time? Who knows, but it works for me.

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

What the longer trip you would dare to do without looking at the fake-bars? :)

40 km on competition track.
45-50 km under normal driving conditions. 70-80 km under conservative driving.
The longest trip ever on a single charge 97 km (THE BATTERY WAS PERFECT). keep in mind that one single damaged cell can slash range by 50%. Imagine what happens when there are 5-10 damaged cells....
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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

I was able to change the value for the Battery, so the MC knows he has 22AH for use. This works quite acurate.

Greetings Mike

Hi Mike, could you please elaborate?


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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

you got a PM.
Greetings Mike

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

Quick, someone change the thread title to "My penis is bigger than yours". OK, so mine, not so big. I am at 4,000 miles with pretty much a dead pack. I probably win the shortest... battery life that is, after the least usage.


I also own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiev

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

Nope. That would be me :-)

My fist pack lasted only 4.000 km. But that would primarily be because my brand new Vectrix' front battery fan wouldn't work and it cooked the front pack twice when I did initial deep-discharge cycles.

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

I had the first problems with ~1000 Km :-/ !! The dealer did´t help much... After replacing one module with the dead cell I´m heading to 10.000 Km with a 11/12 original pack. The range is pending between 50 and 60 Km.

Grettings Mike

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

Hi. My last (and current) battery has 16 months old and 25000 km. Everyday I ride my V. I make 30 km to work, then recharge and make more 30 km to home. Half of them in the highway (always at 100 km per hour). In the weekends, I drive my wife to her work and make 50 km with only one charge (no highway). Sometimes, even more. I know that this is the ordinary behaviour. Right?

My V is almost three years old and 47000 kms.

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Re: VECTRIX battery riddle... REVEALED! (Ever wonder how to ...

Or, you can get a Current C124 or C130...

The "fuel gauge" works superbly - exactly mimicking the fuel gauge in a IC engine vehicle.

My C124 went 47 mi/76 km in mixed city/suburban/sub-rural riding on my C124. This was just to the first low-pack warning light, and probably could have gone over 50 mi/84 km to the "charge now" warning and 60% power cut.

There are still couple bugs to work out - motor heat management and bugs in the charger/BMS system before the scooter is available for unrestricted sale, but these should be solved soon.

(I was not paid by CuMoCo for for this post :) )

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