replacing SLA pack in EVG 36v eBike with 500w Heinzmann motor

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replacing SLA pack in EVG 36v eBike with 500w Heinzmann motor

Can anyone suggest the best approach to replacing a dead 36v 8Ah SLA pack inside an EVG eBike? It's powering a 500w Heinzmann motor and sits inside a pull out pack with a built in charger. This is very convenient and compact -- the space available for the battery in the current design is only 302x97x98mm though.

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Re: replacing SLA pack in EVG 36v eBike with 500w Heinzmann ...

You could use 2 lipo racing packs. a 5ahr Lithium would match the 8ahr SLA
last year i got 2 6cell lipos (5200mahr) for about $20 each off ebay (came via HongKong)
Those 6s packs are about 22v each so that would give u 44v in series, so a nice speed boost on ur bike too.

Alternatively two of these cheaper 5s packs will give 37v

ull need a lipo balancing charger, about $40+

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Re: replacing SLA pack in EVG 36v eBike with 500w Heinzmann ...

Thank you -- at that price it really makes sense vs other options. One question: you mention that 5Ahr LiPo would match 8Ahr SLA -- is that from your experience or is there some logic / data behind that? I've been thinking I needed at least 8Ahr for equivalent range.

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Re: replacing SLA pack in EVG 36v eBike with 500w Heinzmann ...

We are working on a battery replacement-36V/10A/h/li-on-that will fit in the EVG/Europa frame. It will use an external charger. Minor frame mods-cutting off some internal tabs- but minimal wiring alterations will be necessary. This is evolving and we hope to do runouts with the Henizmann and this pack over the next month to give accurate range data. Contact us off list if you care too and we'll keep you posted. These bikes are way too nice to abandon over a battery issue. For those of you with the 36v SLA versions, we have a decent fix for that too but it requires one of the three 12A cells to be located on the rear rack but still uses the orignal cartride, charger and connections. You do get more capacity as well by moving into 12A/h cells.

JTH/Amp Brothers Electric Cycles/MI

Last seen: 9 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: replacing SLA pack in EVG 36v eBike with 500w Heinzmann ...

We are working on a battery replacement-36V/10A/h/li-on-that will fit in the EVG/Europa frame. It will use an external charger. Minor frame mods-cutting off some internal tabs- but minimal wiring alterations will be necessary. This is evolving and we hope to do runouts with the Henizmann and this pack over the next month to give accurate range data. Contact us off list if you care too and we'll keep you posted. These bikes are way too nice to abandon over a battery issue. For those of you with the 36v SLA versions, we have a decent fix for that too but it requires one of the three 12A cells to be located on the rear rack but still uses the orignal cartride, charger and connections. You do get more capacity as well by moving into 12A/h cells.

JTH/Amp Brothers Electric Cycles/MI

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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Re: replacing SLA pack in EVG 36v eBike with 500w Heinzmann ...

or if you want to go cheap, 6 6v 7ah sla batteries wired in series will fit in your existing case and you can use the original charger. I just ordered some off of e-bay and should have them in the next few days. I could post a picture of the wiring when I am done with it if you want.

I also made a post about upgrading to a 36v 12 cell 12ah lifepo4 headway system using the original battery case here:


Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
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Re: replacing SLA pack in EVG 36v eBike with 500w Heinzmann ...

Yes, SLA's in series are the up-front cheapest. But, consider this: A 36V 20AH LiFePO4 battery, comes with charger, cost $400 or so on eBay. If the 12AH SLA gives , say, 16 miles per charge,the Li will give 28. If the SLA lasts 100 charge cycles, you will get 1600 miles out of it. If the Li lasts 1000 charge cycle, you will get 28,000 miles, i.e. 16+/- times as many miles out of your investment.

So, if you can get your SLA's for 1/18 the price of the Li, say $22 per set, SLA is smart. If you don't intend to keep and make good use of the bike, SLA. If you intend to keep it and commute reliably vs. gas, consider the up front investment in Li. Lot less hassle, too- you can strap it to rear rack, use with same electronics, less memory worry, less temperature sensitivity.

All my assumptions are best guess, but I think conservative. I am an eBike rider and amateur converter.

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