For the next few days, I'll be bit-torrent seeding, or available to seed, all the wiring diagrams and service documentation for the old e-max sport. Go here for the .torrent file:
If there are no seeders, PM me for a seed request.
Paul D.
Thank you very much PJD! However it says the torrent does not exists. Did you upload to another tracker? I'm really interested on the files.
The only tracker that I can find that will work is a .torrent site,, which I occasionally contribute .torrents to. However, this is a leftist/anarchist political .torrent site and the scooter materials are off-topic, so it was deleted.
If you can suggest a public tracker that works, please provide it and I will re-seed. I use u-torrent, but I cannot seem to get utorrent's embedded tracker for private file sharing (where you enter http://[my ip address]:[port #]/announce) to work.
I've used this before and it worked great for me. Can you please try it? Thank you VERY MUCH!
Send me a PM with your e-mail address so I know where to send the torrent file, and when to start seeding.
Can anyone re-seed the manual again?
Anyone have luck with getting the e-max sport to go faster than 35mph?
PM me with a time/date to start seeding and I'll send you the .torrent file by e-mail. Plan on a slow, 6 hour upload. I'll e-mail Ruben and ask him to seed also.
I upgraded mine to run selectable at 60 volts (48 V/40AH Thundersky lithium, plus 2x20AH SLA "booster" batteries. The selectable aspect was mostly an economy move to allow continued use of the original chargers plus a small cheap Soniel 12 volt charger. Full-time 60 volts would be fine too using a 60 volt charger. Top speed at 60 volts (plus a size larger, 3.50-10 tires) is about 45 mph/75kph, or a bit better. The biggest improvement was increasing the pack amperage limit to about 100 amps from the stock 70 amps by adding an extra makeshift shunt resistor; this greatly improved acceleration and uphill speed. The motor and controller seem to take all this in stride (with a change to higher voltage capacitors in the controller). Still running reliably in daily use 3 years later.
Go back to e-max posts in 2008 and earlier - in the general forum, not the e-max forum, for more information.
I'll have time from 6pm on to set up a seed, I usually use pirate bay? If your familiar with them, they usually catch any malware etc. I am I. California PST.
Very much appreciated, and I look forward to figuring out how to set up a "shunt resistor!"
Correction, that is to download your torrent.
On another note, I think I will do the shunt as described in other blogs, and I will take some pics hopefully with success of increased performance.
This will be a 1 or 2 peer-to-1 peer exchange using a public tracker - not a posting on a torrent site like Pirate Bay. I will send you an e-mail with the .torrent file attached, but I need your e-mail address. The confidential way to to do this is to send me a private message and give me an e-mail address.
I am in Pittsburgh. Eastern daylight time or UTC-4.
No longer bit-torrenting this info. See newer post...
No longer bit-torrenting this info. See newer thread...
Any chance I could get these documents still?
Green Energy Powersports