The Chevy Volt has been getting bashed right and left - and while I don't terribly like the Volt (it has a gas engine) I've been writing article after article exposing hypocrisy about those bashing the Volt. The latest was Gingrich over the weekend positioning the car as being for wimps who don't go hunting, or some such, saying the problem with the Volt is it can't carry a gun rack. That prompted someone to post a video on YouTube (below) showing a gunrack he'd hacked together out of some PVC pipes.
What's more important about this is the energy policy issues Gingrich is pushing while bashing the Volt. Gingrich is calling for a return to $2.50 gasoline, when the reality is the only way that's going to happen again is if we have another deep recession like we had in 2008-9.
Here's my reasoning:
Over on reddit someone left this comment based on that article:
When was the last time an American politician got on a stump and proclaimed that buying an American car which prevents the use of foreign oil is fundamentally unamerican? I'm pretty sure this is a first in American politics. I drive a Volt and live in the southeastern US. It is constantly assaulted in parking lots, people sticking their gum on it, calling me "fag" and other incidents of rudeness. What is happening in this country? Why would people cheer this? I thought not using oil was a patriotic act. What am I missing?
You could have stopped after the first three words of the title: Gingrich is wrong
Just plain wrong on just about everything. His last few death throes are bound to get even more colorful :-(
John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.
Agreed. Of course he can and will be right momentarily if talking to an audience that agrees with 'right'. Next audience and he will revert to what he thinks THEY think is right. Not to say he is different from almost any other politician.
"Make Volts Not War" - anon. John, were you aware of the Chevy Volt coming into existence when you added this to your signature? :)
I would guess a lot about such actions speaks for outright jealousy, and of course evn more outright stupidity too :-(
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
I'm going to partially defend Gingrich's remarks. The thing about the gun rack was a joke and pandering to the audience. Calling the Volt an "experiment" is a cheap shot. There is a real issue underlying this, however. Should the government be subsidizing cars that only the well-off can afford? This is a fine topic for civilized debate. I think the answer is yes. The government has a roll in promoting technology that benefits the country. Either the technology will fail or come down in price. At this point the government should back off. I acknowledge the principled, intelligent, well-meaning people could disagree with this point of view, however.
"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"