Why electric bicycles

1. Power Assisted Cycling for hill climbs, headwinds and distances
Use our unique high torque drive system, along with good old fashioned leg power to effectively flatten hills and overcome headwinds. Climb over 1 in 10 (10%) grades and clear 1 in 7 (14%) with ease. This boosted sensation of cycling with our 370Wh Li+ Polymer battery widens your horizon, allowing you to take in the sights more while smoothing out stresses.
2. Low Running Costs
Although costing more than a conventional bike, our selection of high quality componentry ensures superb comfort and durability, while electricity is so cheap as to be largely irrelevant. There is some depreciation in battery capacity over time and the batteries are recycled when spent.
Electric bike costs however should really be compared to other vehicles, where an electric bike replaces car mileage and parking costs, mopeds or public transport, you'll find that an eZeebike can save you a great deal of money.
3. Faster Travel
In theory a car can average high speeds, but in practice speeds often fall below 10mphs in cities. The problem is congestion. Take full advantage of ever expanding cycle networks and facilities to realize faster door-to-door journey times more than any other transport mode. This has been proven in almost all cases of eZeebike users.
4. No Sweat, No Lycra
While not an issue when you're out on a leisurely ride, it important if you're cycling to work. You won't perspire as going faster gives you a 'wind chill' effect. To maintain schedule in hot weather, transfer more load to the motor. In colder weather or when you feel in need of exercise - throttle back or turn the motor off.
Shower facilities for cyclists provided by employers and establishments are rare. An eZee electric bike allows you to arrive at your destination fashionably fresh.
5. Fitness
That a conventional bike will keep you fitter is merely conventional notion. Research has shown that half of conventional bikes are used only once or twice a week and less than 1/3 are being used once a fortnight or even less. By contrast, a recent survey of electric bicycle owners reveals that 1/3 ride their bike at least once a day and 81% use the bike at least once a week. The figures confirm our experience that an electric bike typically gets used at least twice as often as a conventional machine.
Because cycling an eZeebike is so much more enjoyable in hilly country, against strong winds and while carrying heavy loads, riders tend to frequent make use of them. Constant and light exercise has been proven to be greatly beneficial to health.
6. Clean & Green
Electric bikes consumes about 1 kwh for 100 kms. When including the environmental cost of growing and processing food, an electric bicycle is more green than a conventional one. At an average rate of 100 to 150 watts of electric energy, the electric bike consumes a hundred times less energy than a car (i.e. 15,000 watts) in urban environments. An eZee electric bike achieves close to 2,000 mpg, there is no other commercially available vehicle can even comes close to what an eZee electric bicycle can do.
7. Genuinely Sustainable
Electric bicycles can be made genuinely sustainable. Recharging the battery from a 'green' source, or when you generate your own electricity with solar or wind will bring an eZeebike's fuel consumption to zero. Current methods of modern food production and distribution are so fuel-intensive and unsustainable that consumption of a typical conventional cyclist isn't so good. Transportation makes up a quarter of world CO2 emissions, transportation and home are the two most important sectors where an individual can make a change.
8. Yes it’s motorized, but it's still a bicycle.
Skip MOT, log books, auto insurance and all the rest of the baggage that comes with cars and scooters. For legislative purposes, an eZee electric bicycle is treated just like an ordinary bicycle. In fact, many governments, businesses and institutions are encouraging the purchase of electric bikes with incentives and providing new and green infrastructure for cycling. There's no compulsion to do anything but enjoy yourself.
9. We use it and we love to show it.
We are committed to breaking stale perceptions of commuting by encouraging greater use of electric transport for environmental and health reasons. We continually look to improving our designs and tailoring them for your requirements and we ride our bikes through the toughest conditions out there possible. Simply put, we are committed to making the best electric bike there is.
10. Fun & Simple
It just feels good to be cycling, outdoors in the sun, with the wind rushing by, without the strain, discovering the sights and sounds, its the feeling of being able to do more than you possibly could, its the freedom of mobility.



electricmoped's picture

it is very helpful !!

Zhejiang Haoren Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. manufacture and export the electric vehicle include EEC electric motorcycle , EEC electric moped ,electric scooter,electric

that is why we also make electric bicycle motors.

that is why we also make electric bicycle motors.

that is why we also make electric bicycle motors.

that is why we also make electric bicycle motors.

that is why we also make electric bicycle motors.

that is why we also make electric bicycle motors.

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