XB-600 v.s. EW-500 First E-bike help!

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Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
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XB-600 v.s. EW-500 First E-bike help!

Hello everyone!

For the past few days I have been researching which electric bicycle I wanted to go with. I turn to the moped looking ones mainly for the seat space it gives you since I have yet to find a normal bicycle I could ride for an extended amount of time without and extended amount of butt-hurt. . . ow!

So I turn to you guys for help with my first pick, and I have finally narrowed it down to either the well known XB-600, or the EW-500. The reason I have a problem picking is mainly the seats. The XB-600 certainly has a wider seat, but at the same time the pedals are virtually useless on it, unlike the EW-500 where the gearing, shape, size, and PEDAL ASSIST make it easy enough to get around with by pedaling! This is a key aspect that I like about the EW-500. It IS suppose to be an electric BICYCLE after all. Ha-ha! However, I would like to know from anyone who may have ever owned the EW-500 how the seat comfort is? I weigh about 200 pounds, give or take 5-10 pounds, and I would really like a seat that would not force all of my weight onto a very small seating area, especially not for longer rides. It is also dependent on how much padding is to be had.

So, to compare the two for my pick these are the questions I would like answered for both bikes out of the experience of people who have tested them, instead of relying completely on the specs given by the dealers.

How is the seat comfort?

How much weight can the bike really take?

I would like the bike to be able to ride two people [myself at most 210lb, and my GF who is around 114lb] without too much compromise on performance or safety, so how well does the bike take two people?

How much distance can be had, with and without two riders?

If I think of any more I would like to know I will be sure to update this page, but I am certain those are the main answers I am searching for. A big thank you in advance to any I may receive. :]

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: Friday, April 27, 2012 - 08:01
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Re: XB-600 v.s. EW-500 First E-bike help!


How well does either of these bikes fair in the rain?

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Re: XB-600 v.s. EW-500 First E-bike help!

WATTS: 600 Watt
MOTOR TYPE: Brushless motor rear drive
VOLTS: 48 Volt
BATTERIES: Lead acid maintenance free
REMOVEABLE BATTERY: Convenient removable battery
TIRE SIZE: 16”*3” Alloy
CHARGER: Smart charger included
SPEED: Up to 28 MPH
DISTANCE: Up to 31-43 miles per charge-can still pedal if charge is lost (distance varies by riders weight , terrain, road surface etc.)

Allow me to express disbelief in most of these specs. 600 watts is likely unable to reach 28 miles/hr. If the bike could reach 28 miles/hr it would need to be registered as a moped (in California) because of the speed. 14 amp-hours is unlikely to support that long of a range.

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
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Re: XB-600 v.s. EW-500 First E-bike help!

I have to admit that my initial thoughts were the same as yours, but if you take into consideration the smaller build and weight of the scooter, along with the fact that you can indeed become 50% of the energy it uses by pedaling the whole time I would have not much doubt that would indeed lengthen it's distance by quite a bit. I have also noticed how all of the specs I have seen for it they leave out the sentence "Distance on electric power alone". I would not put it past the dealers to leave out that the distance they advertise was reached through not only the battery power alone, but with the person possibly pedaling, as well as possibly keeping the speed on low. And yes, the EW-500 DOES in fact come with a switch to turn your top speed from low to high. Press it to limit your speed to only around 18mph, and again if you want to get the 25mph speeds.

We are all aware that speeds over 20mph would classify this as a moped instead, but I would happily say that any cop I come by would not need to know how fast it really can go, and keep it on the low setting to be safe. I would say it is not much different than any other person out there who has modded their XB-600 and used the speed limit cables already installed on their bike [though you need to find the cables yourself].

The 2nd post in this thread helped me a bit as well: http://visforvoltage.org/forum/10130-reviews-e-wheels-ew600

Apparently the speeds of the EW-500/600 have been tested. Assuming the weight of the rider is around 170lbs, the EW-500 can apparently really go 13mph on the low setting, and 26mph on the high speed setting.

Personally the speed is not all that important to me. More so comfort, weight limit, and distance is what I am aiming for. Even if the distance advertised for the EW-500 is reached through a low speed setting and help of pedal power I would not mind that at all.

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Re: XB-600 v.s. EW-500 First E-bike help!

Hello everyone!

For the past few days I have been researching which electric bicycle I wanted to go with. I turn to the moped looking ones mainly for the seat space it gives you since I have yet to find a normal bicycle I could ride for an extended amount of time without and extended amount of butt-hurt. . . ow!

So I turn to you guys for help with my first pick, and I have finally narrowed it down to either the well known XB-600, or the EW-500. The reason I have a problem picking is mainly the seats. The XB-600 certainly has a wider seat, but at the same time the pedals are virtually useless on it, unlike the EW-500 where the gearing, shape, size, and PEDAL ASSIST make it easy enough to get around with by pedaling! This is a key aspect that I like about the EW-500. It IS suppose to be an electric BICYCLE after all. Ha-ha! However, I would like to know from anyone who may have ever owned the EW-500 how the seat comfort is? I weigh about 200 pounds, give or take 5-10 pounds, and I would really like a seat that would not force all of my weight onto a very small seating area, especially not for longer rides. It is also dependent on how much padding is to be had.

So, to compare the two for my pick these are the questions I would like answered for both bikes out of the experience of people who have tested them, instead of relying completely on the specs given by the dealers.

How is the seat comfort?

How much weight can the bike really take?

I would like the bike to be able to ride two people [myself at most 210lb, and my GF who is around 114lb] without too much compromise on performance or safety, so how well does the bike take two people?

How much distance can be had, with and without two riders?

If I think of any more I would like to know I will be sure to update this page, but I am certain those are the main answers I am searching for. A big thank you in advance to any I may receive. :]

If the only thing keeping you from choosing the EW is the seat, look into either aftermarket seats or DIYing some extra padding onto the existing seat. As for carrying a passenger with a 600watt motor, I wouldn't try that except on completely level ground.

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: Friday, April 27, 2012 - 08:01
Points: 6
Re: XB-600 v.s. EW-500 First E-bike help!

Thanks for the suggestions Leftie. :]

I had actually been thinking to myself that I would probably be able to edit the seat to have more padding, but at the same time although the seat can be padded the shape might still give a problem. The seat for the EW looks kind of thin to me from the pictures, and I would like to keep from just pretty much sitting on a bar. But I figure it might be different in person, which is why I ask for others who have had the chance to try one of these bikes.

I am also very interested to hear answers to the questions I posted for both bikes, as well as any other thoughts someone might have on either of them through their own experience. I am not comparing only just the seats, even though that is the largest issue I take into consideration. I would rather like to weigh each side on their pros and cons.

Also, I do happen to live in an area where there is nothing but flat ground. Maybe a short dip here and there, or occasional speed bump, but nothing too hilly. So I believe it is safe to say that if/when I may have a second rider with me it will be a flat ride most of the way.

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