Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

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The Laird
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Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Installing the Adapted Vectrix Software for the ESD.Charger

You will need the following items in order to complete the changes.

1. Laptop / Computer capable of running the Vectrix Diagnostic software (Windoze XP
works well, others I haven't tried)
2. CanBus adapter and connecting lead. -


3. Vectrix Diagnostic software loaded into the computer.

4. Hex Files named:-

a/ ESGA6V?? This is the new charger hex file. The question marks replace
the temperature limitation in degrees C.

b/ MC1014b This is the 'compatible' Motor Controller file

c/ BCR3001 This is the charger file you are replacing and can be
installed to return the scooter to it's present condition if

d/ MCR1017 This is the Motor Controller file you will replace and is available for returning the scooter to it's present condition if

Installing the Diagnostics Software

First task is to load the diagnostic software into your computer.

Connect the USB / CanBus adapter to the computer. When the computer asks for 'driver files' load the Peak disc into the disc drive and click on 'OK'. The computer should report that the drivers are loaded and the light on the adapter should now be 'ON'.

Make two directories in the root directory of the computer. Name them 'ScooterTemp1' and 'ScooterTemp2'.

Load the files 'Scooterdiag' and the two 'Image' files into the directory 'ScooterTemp1. Unzip the file. You will get yet another directory with the required files in it.

Load the remaining files into the 'ScooterTemp2' directory. Unzip the '' file. You will again get another diretory with a single file named 'Scooterdiag.exe'. This file is the latest version of the diagnostic programme, don't play with it, leave it where it is for now.

Go back to the 'ScooterTemp1' directory, go into the 'Scooter diag Installer' directory (the one built by the unzip process), and click on the file named 'Setup' (it is 108Kb in size). Follow the instructions and you will end up with a new directory (in the root directory of the computer ) named 'ScooterDiag). This directory contains all of the essential files and a directory named 'Flash'.

***** The 'Flash' Directory contains the files needed by the 'motor controller install process'. DO NOT EVER INTERFERE OR ADD TO THIS DIRECTORY*****.

Go back to the 'ScooterDiag' directory and rename the file 'ScooterDiag.exe' to ScooterDiagOld.exe'.

Copy the file 'ScooterDiag.exe' from the directory named 'ScooterTemp2' into the 'ScooterDiag' directory. Effectively you have simply replaced the old file with the latest version, Sorry if this all sounds a bit complicated.

Make one more directory in the computer root directory, name it 'ScooterSoft'. Keep all other software i.e. hex files, downloads etc,. in this file (this keeps everything nice and tidy).

One final act is to place a shortcut (the new 'ScooterDiag.exe' file only) onto the desktop, this just makes for easier start up.

If you have the CanBus adapter connected, then click on the desktop shortcut and 'Hey Presto', you will have a Diagnostic screen all set to use and the red light on the diagnostic adapter will blink encouragingly at you to tell you that all is well and working properly.

If the adapter light fails to blink then you may need to change the driver (the usb.dll) file. Those which do work are and .
These files should be located in:- Pcan_usb.sys in the directory, and 'Pcan_usb.dll' should be in the directory.


Using the Diagnostics Programme

Start the diagnostic programme, the red light on the can bus will blink if it is recognised and connected to the diagnostic programme.

Close the diagnostic programme.

Connect the computer to the bike using the can bus lead.

Do not have the Bike charger cable connected to a mains supply whilst the computer is connected to the bike even if the mains is switched off. (this applies to a mains powered computer. It is safe to have a battery powered computer connected whilst the bike is connected to the mains power)

Switch the bike on first and then start the diagnostic programme.

The diagnostic programme should show a green bar saying 'can active' at the bottom of the screen.. If not, then start the whole process again even to the point of re-booting the computer if necessary.

You are now able to see the different 'pages' of the diagnostic programme. Do not press anything yet and don't experiment.

Click the firmware upgrade tab.

The fourth module down is Motor controller and it shows the version of software which is current in the Vectrix. Make a note of the detail you will need it if you wish to revert to this software later. Note also the charger version which is on the third module down.

You have successfully installed the Diagnostics software/programmes. Do not play with it. Some of the 'things' that it can do to you/your bike can cause serious trouble. Learn from the mistakes of others.


Installing the 'new' Modified Software

Connect the computer to the bike using the can bus lead. Do not have the Bike charger cable connected to a mains supply whilst the computer is connected to the bike even if the mains is switched off.

Switch the bike on first and then start the diagnostic programme.

The diagnostic programme should show a green bar saying 'can active' at the bottom of the screen.. If not, then start the whole process again even to the point of re-booting the computer if necessary.

You are now able to see the different 'pages' of the diagnostic programme. Do not press anything yet and don't experiment.

Click the firmware upgrade tab.

The fourth module down is Motor controller and it shows the version of software which is current in the Vectrix. Make a note of the detail you will need it if you wish to revert to this software later. Note also the charger version which is on the third module down.

Load/install the motor controller first. (This is the dangerous procedure).


If the programme asks for a file by name then it is almost certain that you have an incorrect installation of the Diagnostics programme STOP working. Cancel your way out of whatever you are doing and ask for help.


This file must go in in one piece, if it fails (I have never had a problem)
DO NOT SWITCH OFF THE BIKE but keep the computer attached to the bike and
restart the computer, then re-install the motor controller (the 1014b.hex file).

Loading/installing the Charger file, the esga6V40 is straightforward. It is longer than the BCR3001 file in order that it overwrites any remnants of the earlier file.


Click on the fourth module 'BROWSE' button and locate the file MC1014B.
Click 'open', and you will return to the firmware update page with the file MC1014B ready to programme into the bike.
Click 'program', at the bottom of the page a green bar will show the progress of the software installation. When it stops and reports 'completed', count to five, then click on the 'clear' button.

Do not be impatient. Touch nothing while the upgrade takes place.

Repeat the above steps for the third module down, this time selecting the new charger hex file- ESGA6V??.hex - The ?? is the cut off temp in degrees C.

Do not mix up the files, only programme the charger with a charger file. Only programme the motor controller with a motor controller file.

If the process halts or stalls at any point in the programming of either file, DO NOT SWITCH THE VECTRIX OFF. Instead, maintain all connections, shut down and restart the computer and or programmes as may be necessary. and repeat the install process, i.e. press the program button again.

Switching the Vectrix off whilst in the process of programming the motor controller module can result in that module requiring a factory re-installation of the boot loader, NOT CHEAP, NOT NICE and maybe NOT POSSIBLE.

If you are in any doubt about anything in the instructions above or if you lack knowledge or experience in this type of activity, THEN DO NOT ATTEMPT THE RE-PROGRAMMING, instead get someone to help and guide you through the process.

On completion of the above, you may find that one or two bike displays appear to behave oddly. Temp and battery indicators may flash alarmingly. Close the diagnostic programme and then switch the bike off and then switch back on,. All should now settle with no unusual behaviour.

Points to note.

Please read these operating instructions for the new software before using the bike and/or charger.

If you normally get 30miles per charge, don't expect more even if the bars tell you otherwise, use the voltage readout instead to tell you when the battery is near discharged.
What you will get is a cooler running battery and a cooler charging battery.

When using these files for the first time.

Following the install, ride the bike until the battery voltage drops to 120 Volts ( don't ride to the 'red light' this does not operate until the battery voltage is down to 102 volts – not a good voltage to get down to). This indicates that the battery is nearing empty. Then put the bike on charge. Any remaining bars on the fuel gauge should disappear as the charge begins.

You will have noticed that the plenum fans were running all the time that the bike was powered and for ten minutes after it was turned off. This is correct.

The bike will charge at a constant current of 6 amps for up to four hours or until it is around 70%/80% charged.
There will be two short 'tr' periods of 5 minutes each, and then the C.C phase will begin. This will last for up to four hours and be followed by an E.C. period of 1 hour.

(The charger will still provide an occasional 'equalising' charge which will last for 1 hour only and should not cause any temperature rise).

Although this seems long time to charge, the charge is being carried out with little or no temperature rise. The battery will have reached 70%+ within (usually) three and a half hours with little or no heating.
This compares with the Vectrix charge of two and a quarter hours (at around 11amps) to reach the same level PLUS considerable heating in the process and a 'cool down' period of 1hour. Total time = three and a quarter hours.

The 'fuel gauge' will fill up according to the input AHrs. If the fuel gauge fails to reach 17 bars, then this simply means that the capacity of your battery is lower than 30 Ahr.

In use.

The bike will count down the bars according to you use of 'fuel' and the estimated miles display will indicate the battery voltage. It is normal for the voltage to drop when using power but it should not be allowed to drop under 120 Volts.

The Temperature setting ( the ?? degrees C) will stop the charger in the event that the battery exceeds ?? degrees C. It should never be necessary as there are other safeguards (time and voltage) which should always operate first.

I suggest that you run the bike occasionally, until the voltage drops to 120 volts under a light loading. This indicates that the battery is nearing empty. Then put the bike on charge. This to be carried out once per week / once per month or as indicated by any fuel gauge error.

I suggest that, whenever you get down to three bars on the fuel gauge, that you should keep an eye on the voltage gauge, when the volts get down to 126 or less then you are nearing an 'empty tank'.

Do not run the bike 'hard' if it sends the Voltage below 120volts. Do not run the bike to the 'red light'. If the BUSvlt appears you are doing damage to the battery.

For the first charge, you should keep track of the voltage and temperatures. If you have a problem such as a high temperature or the voltage will not rise at the end of charge, it may be indicating that you have a faulty battery, I need to know this and may be able to compensate in the programme for it.

Allow the battery to charge fully occasionally or when you actually need that full charge, otherwise charge only to about 70% to 80%. (this is about an hour after the C.C. stage begins). This prevents higher leakage currents (which occur when the battery is 'full') which will shorten the battery life.

Running down to the 'red light' is not recommended, as the battery voltage is lower with this motor controller software. If the battery is in known good condition there should be no danger or damage, but a battery in poor condition could be damaged further by the excessive discharge level.

If you are in any doubt about anything in the instructions above or if you lack knowledge or experience in this type of activity, THEN DO NOT ATTEMPT THE RE-PROGRAMMING, instead get someone to help and guide you through the process.

Finally, I would like to remind you that my scripts have been a record of my attempts to reduce damage to the battery on my Vectrix scooter. I have told you what I am doing and why I am doing it and how I am doing it. I am not advising you to do anything, instead I am offering you the opportunity to imitate my work if you chose to do so.

Keep smiling folks,

The Laird.

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Looks like an excellent guide, I think I soon will try to do an update of my bike. I appreciate your work a lot!

I got a new charger with my bike, that should be "better"..? Can I assume that the only difference is the software version in the charger? Sound easier to flash the existing charger, then replacing it and then flash..

Is it possible to automatically stop the charge at 70-80%?
"Allow the battery to charge fully occasionally or when you actually need that full charge, otherwise charge only to about 70% to 80%. (this is about an hour after the C.C. stage begins). This prevents higher leakage currents (which occur when the battery is 'full') which will shorten the battery life."

I want a long battery life, but are not so eager to monitor the charging process.

Or could you recommend me build something that cuts the mains automatically at a certain voltage?

And instead use a Ebay, search for "DC 30-90V 300mA"-thing?
Input AC 85-265V 50/60Hz
Output DC 30-90V 300mA

About $12 each.

And put two of those in series to do a gentle EQ-charging over the weekends (or maybe leave those two plugged in constantly)

Kind regards from Sweden.

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions


Where can I download the Vectrix diagnostic software and the hex files mentioned in this thread?


Drew's picture
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Hi The Laird,

I'm having a few troubles trying to get ScooterDiag 2.1 to flash the motorcontroller. I can get it to connect to the bike - it was a bit intermittent at first but have since installed the earlier PCAN_USB.dll file in the PCAN-Light directory on the PC. PC is running Vista, 32bit.

What happens is this... I can view all the tabs in the ScooterDiag software and read the values but as soon as I go to the 'Firmware Upgrade' tab and click 'Browse..', select the appropriate file MC1017-68mph.hex and hit open, the ScooterDiag software locks up. Vista very helpfully tells me that I can search on-line for a solution or shut the program. Occasionally, I can re-start it and it will connect again but more often than not, it locks up and a re-start of the PC is the only way to get things going again.

Vista does however allow me to see the error log and it shows the following... in fact, hang on a mo, I'm going to have to bomb out of here and create a second post once I've re-tried it.

Back in a tick, thanks in the mean-time,



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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Hi The Laird,

I'm having a few troubles trying to get ScooterDiag 2.1 to flash the motorcontroller. I can get it to connect to the bike - it was a bit intermittent at first but have since installed the earlier PCAN_USB.dll file in the PCAN-Light directory on the PC. PC is running Vista, 32bit.

What happens is this... I can view all the tabs in the ScooterDiag software and read the values but as soon as I go to the 'Firmware Upgrade' tab and click 'Browse..', select the appropriate file MC1017-68mph.hex and hit open, the ScooterDiag software locks up. Vista very helpfully tells me that I can search on-line for a solution or shut the program. Occasionally, I can re-start it and it will connect again but more often than not, it locks up and a re-start of the PC is the only way to get things going again.

Vista does however allow me to see the error log and it shows the following... in fact, hang on a mo, I'm going to have to bomb out of here and create a second post once I've re-tried it.

Back in a tick, thanks in the mean-time,



Drew's picture
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Oops, apologies for the double post - slightly out of wi-fi range near the bike and the connection dropped (or so I thought). Hey-ho!
Part two...

Hmmm, just tried it again and the same thing happens. Incidentally noticed that the ScooterDiag directory also has a PCAN_USB.dll (file size 64kb) which I have subsequently renamed to be PCAN_USBold.dll in case it's this one that is supposed to have been changed. I've put the older 81kb version in it's place. Incidentally is capiTAliSatION important in these sorts of file names or not? I never have been sure of that!

It would seem there are three files called PCAN_USB.dll - one associated with the ScooterDiag software and the others associated with the PCAN dongle software itself. So far as I can see there are 64, 81 and 88kb versions. Is this correct? Normally, I'd only expect one such .dll file. There's also a PCAN_USB2.dll ...

Anyhow, the error report is thus...
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: scooterdiag.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 49ac3a57
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a7a6
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00047dd2
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: f3a9
Additional Information 2: 5c4adc147f11331b984b02c631449434
Additional Information 3: da37
Additional Information 4: ffb846b40caa1ff6bc9cc658e31ae9b9

I'm marginally (read; wholly) out of my depth now and would love some help with this is you have the time. We're always very grateful for your expertise and thorough approach here on the forum. Although it would appear that I am now beginning to struggle with the software, I am fully aware of the consequences of getting the re-flash wrong. We have similar door-stop making capabilities at work with our own firmwares so I am familiar with that concept at least! We have a JTag programmer too...

Any help MUCH appreciated. Oh, and I can no-longer find an earlier version of the software (1.1 for example) by rattling around on Yahoogle. I'd have tried that too if I could have found a copy just in case I could have got that to work instead.




kingcharles's picture
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Hi Drew,
I actually used the new dll file from the peak website (I always try the latest and greatest first...)
Maybe you should give that one a try, make sure you keep the dlls all the same version and compatible with the driver version. if you right click on them they have the version number in the properties.
There is a topic on this forum on that new one but you can also read trough the info on the peak website. it has a section on the different dll versions.
good luck

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

What happens is this... I can view all the tabs in the ScooterDiag software and read the values but as soon as I go to the 'Firmware Upgrade' tab and click 'Browse..', select the appropriate file MC1017-68mph.hex and hit open, the ScooterDiag software locks up.

mine does that aswell - I just type the path in manually and it works fine

btw - I find diagnostics software version 1.1 to be better for changing firmware, as the presently installed version are listed properly


Daily Ride:
2007 Vectrix, modified with 42 x Thundersky 60Ah in July 2010. Done 194'000km

The Laird
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Hi Drew,

Looks like Matt has answered your queries already but I didn't want you to think that I hadn't bothered to reply to your post.

I would have suggested that you consider running the diags prog in 'Compatibility mode', but if Matt's technique works then go for it. Better still would be to run it on Windows XP, which appears to be the platform that it was originally designed to run on.

I use X.P. and never (yet - cross fingers) had a problem and I do a lot of file changes for test purposes, I've lost count of how many.

If you have any further problems, then send me a P.M. or e-mail and I'll do my best to help out.

The Laird.

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Like Scott, I am after the scooter diagnostic .exe and required HEX files if anyone can assist....?

I also have aquired a PEAK PCAN-USB canbus adaptor - the isolated version - and would be prepared to 'loan' it out - for a fee, say £40, if anyone is interested. I am in Herts (near Hertford) and work in Enfield so one could collect, if nearby, or I can post.

matwinlowdotcodotuk if anyone is interested.


Regards, Martin Winlow
Isle of Colonsay, Scotland

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Looks like something I should do on my 07 and 08. I've been getting decent range as long as my time between ride are not over 4-5 days apart. Batts are good as long as they don't have time to "leak". I've got only 800 miles on the 07 and 1100 miles on the 08. My ride to work is 24 miles at 40-45mph. As long as I work up to it the scooters are fine. I let it rest at work for a couple of hours to cool down then charge to full in 3-4hours or so. If I let them set that is when the range falls on its face. My commutes is a little too far on an non regular basis. Bikes will run 45 miles at 25-30mph. Might be considering the software upgrade as I've been lurking on this forum for several months. I've got the most recent factory 68 mph reflash. Kinda would like to sell both and upgrade to Leaf, Volt, or plug in Prius for the winter. Burr. Sorry if this was off topic but this is my first post.


2008 and 2007 Vectrix VX-1

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

I just want to add a quick report about the effectiveness of The Lairds software: It's great!

My Vectrix is being used very rarely these days. A few days ago, while riding it for the first time after about 4 months of inactivity, the initial range to reversal of the first cell was about 2km.

My battery is still the original NiMH battery that came with the bike 5 years ago. The cells capacities are somewhere between 30Ah and 16Ah due to cell damage inflicted before I installed a manual BMS. This BMS lets me measure the voltages (under charge and load) of all the damaged cells and also of a few good cells. That's how I know the following:

The Lairds software brings the cells in my battery to within 2mV of each other at the end of the first full charge after an inactivity period. This is despite of the cells differences in capacity and SOC due to different self-discharge rates.

When I first measured the battery voltage a few days ago before the first ride, the battery voltage was 124V or thereabouts. The weakest cells were holding an open voltage of around 1.2V but started to reverse immediately as soon as I just turned the key to on. Upon commencement of charging, these weak cells had a higher voltage than the better cells (as expected of a deeply discharged cell). The voltage difference then gradually settles as the SOC increases until all cell voltages are the same. If the charge current is too high or the charge continues for too long, then the weaker cells will eventually either have higher or lower voltage than the rest of the pack, depending on their particular damage.

I charged to 5 bars with the Lairds software and then went for a brief ride. I got cell reversals after 2km under very light load (~20A, as measured with Galago's CANMON, more on that later). I had to continue my round course of 5km and when I got home I let the software do a full charge.

The full charge took a long time, because it also went into an EQ mode for several hours at the end; I had not seen that happen before. At the end of the charge, there was no detectable heating of the battery and all cells were within 2mV of each other. The fuel gauge showed about 12/17th.

The range on the next ride was increased to 15km, with reversals only under much higher load on steep hills at the end of the ride.

The target voltages and the charge currents for the various charging stages in The Lairds software are extremely well chosen to allow the battery to charge as fast as possible and as fully as possible without undue damage from heating and/or overcharging. Well done!

This information may be used entirely at your own risk.

There is always a way if there is no other way!

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

I have had to buy a new charger and I gather it is the 3rd iteration Runke one that is coming... Has anyone tried the Lairds software on it? I'm mildly reluctant to risk wreaking it and I'm going to be doing a DIY install, so no warranty! MW

Regards, Martin Winlow
Isle of Colonsay, Scotland

The Laird
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions



It will not work. The two chargers are very different in design.


The Laird.

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Wilco! MW

Regards, Martin Winlow
Isle of Colonsay, Scotland

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Where can I download Vectrix Diagnostic software Windoze XP and Hex Files?

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

I've followed the Laird's instructions to the letter, but get this when I try to execute the diagnostic software...

"application failed to start because MSVCP71.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I can see that file in the scooterdiag directory, so I'm a bit confused.

If someone feels like talking me through it, my phone number (australia obviously) is 0407 311 218

I've tried it on win7 and XP

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Hi Aircon,

A search for MSVCP71.dll on the inter web suggests that your problem is not necessarily (and probably nothing to do with) any of the scooterdiag software but more likely something that MS has screwed up with an update. I suggest you do the same search and have a read through what has been written and try one or more of the suggested fixes. You have done the downloading of the older PEAK stuff, haven't you?

If you have (or can borrow) an XP machine, you may have more luck installing the scooterdiag software on that. Good luck. MW

Regards, Martin Winlow
Isle of Colonsay, Scotland

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Hooray. I got it going. Problem was ME the idiot. All good now.
Got it working perfectly well on XP and win7, incidentally.
I was going to try it on my window8 machine too, but I thought that might be pushing my luck! haha

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

This is a screenshot from before I installed the Laird's software.

original firmware.jpg

This is a screen shot from after.

firmware after update 08022013.JPG

For some reason the red battery light is on all the time when charging or riding. Anyone got any clues as to why?


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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

could be a minor fault in the code

Does it affect the operation of anything else?

If not, a bit of black tape should sort it out

Does the fuel gauge work with that version of firmware?

Daily Ride:
2007 Vectrix, modified with 42 x Thundersky 60Ah in July 2010. Done 194'000km

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

could be a minor fault in the code

Does it affect the operation of anything else?

If not, a bit of black tape should sort it out

Does the fuel gauge work with that version of firmware?

No..scoot runs fine.

hahaha...I don't want to black tape it!!

Not at the fuel gauge.

Interestingly, I just installed the 108kph more red light.


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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Hooray. I got it going. Problem was ME the idiot. All good now.
Got it working perfectly well on XP and win7, incidentally.
I was going to try it on my window8 machine too, but I thought that might be pushing my luck! haha

I tried the Vectrix software on my Windows 8 machine. The old drivers didn't work (for the cable). The new drivers did work, but as others have noticed, the new drivers don't talk to the Vectrix software, so I couldn't get my win8 machine to talk to my Vectrix. winXP and win7, no problem.

kingcharles's picture
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Your photo of the red light shows charging at 10amps
The Laird software does not go above 6 amps.
Are you sure you installed it correctly?

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Your photo of the red light shows charging at 10amps
The Laird software does not go above 6 amps.
Are you sure you installed it correctly?

Yep...all fixed. Temporary software glitch fixed in V2.0 of The Laird's software for me. It charges at 10amps because I have Li-ion batteries.

kingcharles's picture
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Yep...all fixed. Temporary software glitch fixed in V2.0 of The Laird's software for me. It charges at 10amps because I have Li-ion batteries.

Aha, I did not know that. Thanks!

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Hi all,
I got a GridConnect PCAN adapter and have the PEAK drivers installed, have been preparing to attempt the upgrade. We can view the data stream with CAN View software(to test), but we can't get any data to show in the ScooterDiag software 2.1

A couple basic questions:

Can someone elaborate on the instruction Installing the Diagnostics Software

" First task is to load the diagnostic software into your computer. "

- Does it matter which version of ScooterDiag I am using? for a 2007

- Since I see no installer, does the vectrix software directory get placed in C:/ ?, or do the Scooter Diag and ScooterDiag get moved from vectrix software and placed in C:/ ?

- Do I need to move any other files within these to other directories etc ?

BTW; I'm doing this on a Mac with VMWARE Fusion running XP.
I've never had issues with USB in Fusion so not expecting any here; please tell me if this is a mistake to attempt this.

any guidance would be appreciated.

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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

There's plenty info in this forum about this. The diagnostic software is a selfrunning exe, place it in a folder. It does not need installation at all, you'll need to place some dll in the right place. I'm not sure, but all versions may work.

If i were you, I'll buy a an old laptop with XP. Anyway, try it with MAC, but don't touch the motor-controller until you're completely sure it works perfectly.

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Thanks R,
Yes, Thankfully I happened upon the mention HERE of having to use an older version of a .dll file available from Peak, which I've done and all is gold now.
I'm just having a look around now, no writes!
I'm hunting for a cheap XP box to dedicate to this task.


rossasaurus's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Thursday, July 3, 2008 - 13:51
Points: 171
Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions

Thanks R,
Yes, Thankfully I happened upon the mention HERE of having to use an older version of a .dll file available from Peak, which I've done and all is gold now.
I'm just having a look around now, no writes!
I'm hunting for a cheap XP box to dedicate to this task.


Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
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Re: Latest (May 2012) Software Instructions
could be a minor fault in the code

Does it affect the operation of anything else?

If not, a bit of black tape should sort it out

Does the fuel gauge work with that version of firmware?

No..scoot runs fine.

hahaha...I don't want to black tape it!!

Not at the fuel gauge.

Interestingly, I just installed the 108kph more red light.


After updating the Vectrix with Lithium firmware there were two small problems:
1) The red battery light is always on.
2) The kill switch off + left-hand brake handle does not show the battery voltage and temperature.
The first problem is solved by installing the 108kph software.
And what about the second problem?
Who knows about this?


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