Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

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Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Climate Change is a "Crisis".

This is true in all cases because a change in the climate disrupts the ability of man to survive.


This thread is to isolate the repeating politics of "crisis management" and discuss how blame is used as a tool to achieve political objectives.


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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Re: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

I've already discussed the outline of the Mayan climate "crisis".

What happened to the Mayan civilization is a reduction in rain at a time when their population had reached a maximum.

Crops failed. Famine gripped the civilization.

The politicians had gained power and held it by claiming that they had "great knowledge" of the heavens and when the rains began to fail it became hard to justify their position. If the politicians (kings) could not control the rains what good were they?

So blame needed to be redirected.

The Mayans believed in gods that wanted to be "respected" and so it made perfect sense to make "human sacrifices" to appease them.


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Re: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

In our modern era we no longer believe in gods that need to be appeased, however, we are still human and still respond to stress in the same ways as did earlier civilizations.

Most of the Western world is going through severe economic struggles and our politicians are just as eager to use a "crisis mentality" to justify and "cover" their actions.

Politicians are always trying to avoid blame.

So it's clear (to me) nothing has changed.


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Re: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

I know it's very hard for a lot of people to come to accept that there are those cynical enough to use something like "climate fear" as a tool, but it has been done before.

The science of the climate history shows no evidence of a "constant climate".

If the politicians use "climate change" as a tool of fear and yet we know rationally that climate change is the norm we can begin to realize that something isn't right.


At this point the thread could diverge into various directions.

Is there some objective politically for stimulating fears of a changing climate?

Is money the driving factor and not ideology?

...all we know is that science does not support a constant climate forecast.


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Re: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

It is intersting this thread has this title. Those are an exact quote from one of the US politicians who blames the populace for so-called "Global Warming". Yes, the earth has gone through many warming, and cooling, cycles for many centuries.

We were warned in the 1980s that "Global Cooling" was a severe problem at that time, that it was caused by man, and we would all freeze by the end of the 20th century. Ozone damage was said to be a major cause, and all new refrigerators and air conditioners immediately became more expensive. Repair of old appliaces was so much more expensive, so we were coninced we should buy new ones "to save us from 'Global Cooling'.

Fw bothered to mention during the current "G W" "crisis" that temperatures on Mars and other planets were happening at the same time.

It has seldom been mentioned that the same "experts" who gave us the "Global Cooling" scare in the 1980s were the same ones who did not even blink when they touted we were responsible for "G W".

Weather people who promoted "G W" threatened to ruin careers of any other weather experts who disagreed with them. Scientific method suddenly became obsolete, and was replaced with voting by personal feelings, and ulterior motives.

There were temperature sensors placed in many remote areas, to sample temperatures, record them [and in many cases, report them to a central location -- using telemetry]. There was one remote sensor in N-W US that repoted a slightly higher warming trend than others, so it was used as "Proof" that we indeed had Global Warming. One reporter went to visit that particular site, and found a High Voltage transformer had been installed very close to that remote temperature recorder. Of course, the GW crowd did not bother to investigate, nor did they comment on the cause for those increased readings.

They found a new name for it: "Climate Change". CC has always been with us, and is very predictable in the future. Little room for argument -- except for the made-up causes.

100 years of automobile production, and use, coincided with ~1 degree [C or F -- I forgot] warming of the earth. There waa also a slight warming spike in ~1935. Maybe we can blame that on Ford, when they were pushing their replacements for the old Model A, and Model T.

Some GW promoters [few are really scientists] have told us we are running out of fossile fuel anyway, and we should go to alternate fuel cars ASAP. They ignore the fact that it takes more oil to build, transport, drive, then recharge electric cars than they can possibly save in fossile fuel. This is even worse, when we consider the cost [and oil consumed] by replacement batteries every few years [building batteries, cases for them, lead, shipping, storing, installation + disposing of old batteries.

Some people think "It is just a car battery" -- but we are not talking about a 50# car starting battery, but 1/2 ton, or more, of batteries that would sink the average weekend fisherman's fishing boat -- just to propel a car 50-100 miles, before recharging [mostly from coal or oil-fired plants]. I want to able to drive my car from the Atlantic to Pacific in 2-3 days [w/o moving to Panama] -- not spend that many more days sitting in charging stations.

We are not running low on fossile fuel, as we have more left in the US today than Saudi Arabia. What we are short of is politicians who are willing to permit oil exploration, production, and refining. Every time oil is found in a new area, the president immediately makes sure it can not be developed there. He tried in a couple of states out west, but it was private land, and he was unable to stifle them. They immediately had lower unemployment than any of the other 48 states.

The pipeline project that was planned, to bring Canadian oil down to the Gulf, was halted. Alternate routing was also scrapped. Some blamed Canada for selling oil to Asia, but they offered it to us first. I think it is called ROI.

When was our last nuke power plant built? -- our last oil refinery? Maybe it is just my 79 y/o brain, but I can't recall some things that happened ~1/2 lifetime ago.

Complaining about cyclic warming and cooling [on Earth, Mars ...] is like declaring "The Sky is Blue" is the next disaster facing us. Even if true, what can we do to change it?

Please read,listen, then use your own brain to sort out the facts from the myths. Don't listen to a president who vowed to double the price of gasoline -- Oh wait, he kept that promise, and it only took him ~3.5 years.

He could have at least hired a few used car salesmen to push his US solar panels, and his electric cars. Both have been very unpopular, even with the government "let your neighbors help pay for them" programs. Forcing DC to only buy electric will keep the prices high for another year or two -- then the electric car companies will join the solar panel companiess on the Chapter 11 hot-seats.

Electric cars might have taken off when first introduced in 1900 if the US had enough $Billion$ to subsidize them back then. Who can resist free $$$ -- especially when it is OPM [Other People's Money]?

EWheels EW475 eBike LiFePO4 36 V 10 AH Bat

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